AN: Enough complains and chatter. Let's do this.

Two weeks later

"Mom, I think someone's stalking me!" A noise erupted from downstairs. "What?!" The yell echoed to her room. Athena went bounding up the stairs. "Where?!" Annabeth weakly pointed to the window.

Across a bustling street, Athena saw the man in question. He wore a black cap, and a bandana covered his mouth. He was wearing a brown overcoat over a black suit. He was drenched from the rain.

And his gaze was directed towards the window.

"See? He's stalking me. I've seen him at school, around the corners of the street, and I always see him when I board the bus to school." But Athena toned out her voice. She focused on some important detail on the man.

His eyes were sea green.

They were glinting with mischief and amusement. She knew that under that bandana, he was smirking.

"Don't worry, I'll deal with it."

-Line Break-

Athena sat down at a nearby table in Starbucks. She sipped on her coffee, thinking about the man she saw.

"Athena. Long time no see, auntie." Speak of the devil, he shall come.

She sighed. "I would have thought that it was you." The man, or as Athena had come to think, boy sat down in front of her.

"Aw, you remember me!" His voice had a British accent. He removed his bandana covering his mouth and his hat.

He grinned, showing his white teeth. "So, real subtle place for a meeting." He looked around.

"Speaking of subtle, please try to be more subtle. I know Poseidon has you watching my daughter."

He lost his smile, frowning instead. "What? No, he didn't."

His face steeled. "I was just checking up on the bi-" Athena coughed. He rolled his eyes. "Girl. That let my sister die."

Athena frowned. "None of it was her fault." She defended her.

"They targeted her. Not Lydia." He sneered. She scowled at him.

"Her stupidity let her die." His face softened.

Athena's did too. "I'm sorry, but you have a new task. And that's to be her bodyguard."

His eyes widened. "But…the rule!" Athena shook her head. "Your father has no one else but you."

He banged the table, drawing everyone in the shop's attention. "You're telling me, that I have to protect that bitch!" He spat. Athena gave a poker face. "Yes." He calmed down.

"Besides, I don't think you even have the smarts for it." She smirked, trying a new tactic.

He glared at her. "Nice party, huh?" He asked, still glaring. She frowned. "H-How did-" He interrupted. "You have crumbs on your shirt, not bread crumbs, but the kind on cake. Your breath smells of champagne. You put make up on, and I presume, not for meeting me."

He frowned. "Damn. Fell for that one."

She smirked. "She's my heir. She must have someone adequate enough to protect her."

He glared again. "And you're saying my sister wasn't?" Athena nodded.

He angrily put on his cap. "I'll be at the school tomorrow." He put up his bandana and briskly walked out of the coffee shop.

"Oh, I know you will, Perseus."

-Line Break-

"Class, we have a transfer student today." That caught Annabeth's attention. It rarely ever happened. Mr. Apollo read a paper in his hands. "His name's Perseus."

"Please, Percy."

His voice came from the door. He entered, casually throwing the door open. "Good morning then, Percy. Please give a short introduction."

He wore a plaid button-down shirt, worn out jeans and red rubber shoes. "Hello. My name is Percy. If you're mean, then Perseus. I was raised in England, but I am 100% American. Please do not try to befriend me. Thank you."

With his looks, Annabeth knew that the girls would do more than try to befriend him. "Very well, then. Sit next to Annabeth."

Annabeth mentally groaned, now the girls would come to her about info on him. He sat down next to her, not saying anything.

At the end of the day, The two were assigned to do a project on History. They walked down the hall in silence, chattering all around them. Everyone was looking at the new guy.

She cleared her throat. "So, Percy-"

He held his hand up, silencing her. "Go away, girl. You despise me." He said with a completely straight face and walked towards the male bathrooms.

Annabeth blinked her eyes, dumbfounded. Thalia walked up to her. "What was that about?!" She said angrily. Annabeth shrugged. Little did they know, a certain black haired boy followed him.

Percy washed his face, and looked up at the mirror. He noticed Nico behind him. "So…when did you plan to tell me that you arrived?" Percy rolled his eyes and hugged the boy tightly.

"Good to see you, too, Nico." Nico laughed. "But, seriously. What was that about? You 'despise her'?"

Percy glared at him. "Lydia." Nico sighed. "Wasn't her fault, Perce." He grabbed his bag and angrily walked out, muttering something.

"Maybe I just need someone to blame."

AN: There! Happy? I finally updated something. Plus, did you get the Sherlock-y kind of vibe from Percy?

But all-in-all, I am deeply, terribly sorry that I have not updated my stuff. I haven't updated for so long, it feels weird to see my fingers flying across the keyboard. Hope you enjoyed it! Next update – The Choice