Hello :P It is Wednesday and I am back with this new chapter! Once in a blue moon, I do like to write about the more Pokemon side of Pokemon and this chapter shows that. This story is a bit of light-heartedness really. It focuses on the eldest son of Ash and Misty - Ben - as well as JJ. He is the "son" of Misty's parents, Jordan and Lynne - but is actually the miscarried child of Ash and Misty. This chapter focuses on those two boys and goes into their characters separately and together. I hope you enjoy :3
Ben: 12
JJ: 13
Disclaimer: I own the story and the OCs mentioned!
"Okay Squirtle, let's switch things up and use Rain Dance!" the orange haired teenage boy called to his most loyal Pokémon across the battle field and even before that move came to fruition, he brushed his floppy fringe out of his eyes as if it was becoming splattered with raindrops.
The raven haired slightly younger teenage boy opposite him on the battle field kept his same stance of his feet spread wide apart and his fists clenched together in their gloves, panting. He gritted his teeth and his brown orbs widened a fraction when he heard this command. He was not expecting that one from the slightly older male. But then he took it in his stride as if he was expecting that all along.
As the blue coloured turtle Pokémon began to summon large rain clouds into the sky and over where the two boys were having their battle, trainer and Pokémon had to be quick on their feet. I watched as JJ began to smirk as he believed he had thrown the raven haired male for a loop. But soon enough, Ben smirked as well. And without hesitation, he called his own command to his oldest Pokémon friend.
"Don't worry about it, Cranidos! You got this!" the eldest Ketchum son encouraged his Pokémon at first rather than commanding him and as Squirtle's Rain Dance began to fall on everyone on the battle field including myself, Ben lightly swiped underneath his nose. And then he called out a response. "Focus all of your energy by using Focus Energy!"
Cranidos was quick to nod his thick skulled head and then he did indeed close his eyes, focusing his energy and using the move that its trainer commanded. From my eyes darting between the two of them to watch all of the action as well as keep an eye on everything, there and then my eyes fixed on JJ. I watched as his mouth stopped smirking. But I observed that his eyes continued doing so.
Seeing as his Squirtle had finished using his own move and was waiting for yet another command, the orange haired teenage boy came out with another one. However at first, like the eldest Ketchum son, he also spoke some other words as well.
"I was expecting something a little out of the ordinary there and from you two." JJ stated in a very level tone and this paired with the continuous confident glint in his eyes behind his glasses caused Ben's head to prick. And then Ben reacted.
His first response was to clench his jaw harder while his fist uncurled and his fingers wiggled in his gloves. But then he snapped out of that. He stuck his nose in the air and remained composed. He had faith in his Pokémon. He had faith in himself. He had faith in the both of them. He was going to prove exactly this by calling out yet another move and showing JJ and Squirtle exactly what he and Cranidos had in their back pocket.
But before the eldest Ketchum son's voice could be heard calling across the battle field all over again, JJ took the opportunity to use his own voice for more. Shaking his head to flick his damp and floppy fringe away from his eyes, the orange haired teenager chuckled.
"Get in close there, Squirtle, and use Aqua Tail!" JJ asked of his Pokémon and despite the fact that the battle had been commencing for quite some time at that point, Squirtle had a split second to continue panting before he uttered his own name, his tail glowing as he did indeed prepare to unleash that attack.
Ben, JJ and I watched as Cranidos continued taking his time in focusing all of his energy with his own move. He seemed to be taking a while! I knew that the raven haired pre-teen boy wasn't the type to hurry up his loyal friend. But he could be an impatient lad all the same. He had faith. He had faith in his Pokémon and his abilities and their potential to win – and that sometimes caused him to want everything there and then.
All those years ago and back when my very best friends Ash and Misty were of the same age, it would have been a rare and slightly funny thing for me to be on the side-lines, refereeing. But times had changed. Times really had changed and they had evolved. I was happy to evolve along with them. And I was more than happy to be part of the action in my own way. Perhaps the contentment came with knowing that I could still hold my own in battle! But I could let others have their shot of glory as well.
I kept a sharp eye on the battle field and everything that was going on. I saw and what I believed was going to happen from the eldest Ketchum son was him finally losing patience with his Pokémon. He exhaled loudly as he panted. No doubt was he preparing to use that open mouth to hurry his loyal friend along!
However, that opportunity didn't arise. Even though Squirtle had since leapt in the air with that glowing tail of his and was twisting his body around, preparing to unleash the Aqua Tail attack right on Cranidos' head, as quickly as that thick skulled Pokémon listened to his trainer's command, all of a sudden he was done with Focus Energy.
Ben gasped out from his slightly dry mouth before licking his lips and then he called out a much focused command.
"Brilliant! Squirtle is coming in close so make the most of that and use Head Smash." Ben told his Pokémon that he had known the longest. And out of nowhere, something changed. It was not the rain clouds that had been encouraged to fill the sky and it was not from the team of JJ and Squirtle. It was something else entirely. And it came from the team opposite.
Like his father and his mother too, Ben was often completely in sync with his Pokémon. He valued them as very good friends. He cared about them above and beyond anything. He cared about them above and beyond winning. And because of this deep and heartfelt bond, they were usually perfectly in tune with one and other, as well as quick thinking.
But there and then, something changed. Cranidos turned his head just for a moment and he hesitated using this attack. Cranidos turned and he peered and he looked at his trainer. For once, Ben didn't catch on. He believed that it was simple tiredness. He believed that it was simple awry anticipation. Ben pumped his fist in the air and called in a louder voice but still one that expressed their partnership as Squirtle flew closer through the air.
"Now, Cranidos!" the raven haired pre-teen boy exclaimed and the thick skulled rock type Pokémon managed to pull himself together. While I was being neutral, even I could sense the feeling from Cranidos that he was still nervously anticipating that move.
Yet because his trainer had asked this of him – his encouraging and kind hearted and fair Pokémon trainer had asked this of him – he went along with it.
Breathlessly uttering out his own name, Cranidos' skull began to glow a brilliant white colour before he charged along the battle field underneath where Squirtle's flying through the air was beginning to come to an end. The blue turtle was going to make contact and because of the rigorous and diligent training that he and JJ often did together, I knew that he was going to make contact hard.
Neither of the two trainers said anything. Instead, their youthful and beady eyes both fixed on what was happening. A set of dual blue and brown orbs stared at the same time that pure brown ones did. Both boys were united in their vision. Yet they were still up against one another. They were up against one and other and they both wanted to win. At the same time, they both felt like they were going to win.
To tell you the truth, from my position as the referee, it was anyone's guess who was going to be the victor. But then almost as soon as this thought popped into my mind, something happened that swayed it closer to perhaps one of the boys who were battling and one of the teams.
I understood at last why JJ had wanted to fill the Ketchum garden with rain when he commanded his Squirtle to use a Rain Dance attack. He wasn't lying when he announced that he was switching things up. He had been battling very head on up until that point, matching Ben and Cranidos with the same energy.
But there and then and in that moment, I understood why the orange haired teenage boy had called that exact command and why it was a smart one. All of a sudden, poor Cranidos lost his footing and in the middle of a Head Smash, he slipped on the rain wet battle field and crashed down into the ground.
Thankfully, while Cranidos roared in pain and in response Ben roared out his Pokémon's name, he had flown forward and landed at such an angle that Squirtle couldn't land the Aqua Tail attack. I knew that it would have been all over with for Ben and his Pokémon if he had succeeded!
Disappointed that he had failed and painting too, the blue turtle Pokémon landed on the ground next to the injured one. Cranidos was still a heap on the ground. Ben's fists clenched all over again. His face contorted with worry but he tried to hide that and display determination as well as composure. But after his dear Pokémon friend cried out ones more, he couldn't just stand there and wait it out.
"Cranidos! Please tell me you're okay?" Ben questioned in a loud sort of way as if he really wanted to continue the battle. And he would have been really gutted if it had to come to an end like that. But despite this, he was a smart boy. He was a caring boy. He would never push a Pokémon past their limits. And he certainly wouldn't push a friend to do this either.
And JJ was the exact same way. In spite of the fact that they were going against one and other and the orange haired teenage boy put on a very matter of fact and unbothered persona, JJ took his glasses briefly off and wiped them clear of the rain. And he asked.
"Do you want to call it a day?" he questioned simply as he rubbed his glasses dry with the hem of his t shirt that was actually still wet. And then before he could even raise his arms up to put them back on his face, Ben clenched his jaw all over. And Ben responded.
"Never!" the eldest Ketchum son exploded stubbornly and then almost as soon as this erupted from him, he dashed a couple of steps forward to make sure that Cranidos knew it was both their decision, not just his own. Ben breathlessly exhaled. "I believe in my friend. I hope he believes in himself too and he believes in me."
JJ and Squirtle merely just watched as Ben took a few more paces but didn't go right up close to Cranidos' side. He knew his Pokémon well and knew he didn't like to be smothered during a time such as that. But he wanted to show his compassion and his support all the same. Squirtle did actually look a little more concerned than his own trainer in between panting noises of his own and I was secretly hoping that the orange haired teenage boy would catch up.
As JJ finally placed his glasses on his face and with it came a softer and more concerned glance in his dual coloured orbs, maybe it was this that caused the next reaction within Cranidos. Maybe he felt that change of heart from JJ. Maybe he sensed the concern from his fellow Pokémon, despite the fact that they were going head to head.
Whatever it was, whether it was one of these things or Ben's words and finding the belief within him, Cranidos showed off actions that he wasn't going to go down without a fight. Not bothering to use his stubby arms at all and not wanting to tire out his shaky leg as well as his injured one, Cranidios used that large and thick head of his to lift off the ground.
And before you knew it, the rock Pokémon was standing as firmly as he could on both feet and as well as this, he turned to give his beloved trainer a look. As he gave Ben this look and nodded his head and said his own name, he knew that he was willing to continue. And after the raven haired teenage boy breathed out in relief and his orbs started to shake and he gave him a thumbs up, Cranidos had another response for him.
He gave him a look with his eyes! He gave him a simple look with his narrowed eyes and Ben quickly recoiled. He caught on. We all caught on. We knew that from then on, the eldest Ketchum son would listen and take note of when his Pokémon had reservations.
JJ couldn't help but chuckle. JJ chuckled as it was clear that the battle was okay to commence once more.
"Your Pokémon is a valuable one, and a credit to you, I must say." The orange haired teenage boy uttered and at the same time, I watched as the two of them brushed underneath their noses with their own index fingers. While Ben remained composed and with a mouth in a concentrating firm line, JJ smirked. And then JJ continued some more, his voice rising. "Show them how it's done, Squirtle! While Cranidos is on his last legs, show him how to properly navigate the wetness and use Skull Bash!"
I knew this as a move to need a turn of preparation time before it could become properly unleashed, and the eldest Ketchum son knew this as well. Judging by his previous tactics as well as his father's own ones when he was younger, one could have sworn that Ben and Cranidos were going to get by on pure determination and power.
They could have done this, sure. But Ben felt like he had let his beloved Pokémon friend down by not taking on board his hesitations. He owed it to him there and then to try something new. He owed it to him there and then to try and protect him.
With shakiness in his voice proving just how much Ben wanted to be one with Cranidos all over again, he called out to him.
"Give your body a rest for now! Use that amazing voice of yours! Go on, use Screech, I believe in you!" the eldest Ketchum's son warbled as he tried to get that support across to his Pokémon as best as he could.
It was true that Cranidios hesitated all over again at first. As Squirtle's own glowing skull maximised in brightness and he knew that it wouldn't be before long at all that his Skull Bash was let loose, Cranidos hesitated.
However that time, his hesitation was out of not expecting that move to be called out to him. But when he let it wander through his mind just for a split second, soon enough he grinned. And Ben grinned as well.
In fact, everybody was grinning there and then. Cranidos' was the first to fade away as he opened his mouth wide instead and indeed let out a Screech move. And it was such a mighty Screech! Everybody was forced to cover their ears. JJ covered his ears. Squirtle covered his ears. I covered my ears. Even Ben did.
But then despite the fact that it really was such an almighty noise and JJ was quickly beginning to feel as though his head was in a garlic press, he knew that he had to act out with as much perseverance and courage as Ben and JJ together. The orange haired teenage boy screamed out as best as he could past the continuous cry of Cranidos.
"Iron Defense, now, Squirtle! Go in your shell and protect yourself and your ears!" JJ yelled out and thankfully for all, the Screech attack from Cranidos came to an end soon after and so Squirtle was properly able to hear the last few words of his trainer.
In fact, Squirtle seemed not to hesitate in his complying! Uttering out his own name, the blue turtle Pokémon hid inside his shell and he used the move Iron Defence.
And it was there and then and in that moment that it suddenly dawned on me that Ben's unusual and defensive choice of his previous move was a lot smarter than I realised. And in addition to this, I realised that it wasn't just smart. It could win him that match. And the exact reason why was shown to me while Squirtle hid in his shell and used Iron Defense before anything else happened.
You see, Ben Ketchum had learned slightly quicker than his father to always have a secret weapon up his sleeve and to depend on moxie and spirit but also to not solely rely on it. There had to be a little bit of logic there.
There didn't seem to be much logic as to why Ben had sent out Cranidos to battle Squirtle in him and JJ's one and one battle. Moments at the start and moments like when Cranidos slipped on the water proved it to be very illogical.
But during that moment in time and when Squirtle hid away, trainer and Pokémon – Ben and Cranidos – shared a look and a glint in both of their eyes. The battle was going well and truly their way. And if they played their cards right, the ball would end up in their court.
Trying to swallow and wipe away any unnecessary cockiness by brushing his index finger underneath his nose once more, Ben planted both feet firmly on the ground all over. Calmly and confidently but not condescendingly, the eldest Ketchum son commanded his Cranidos one last time.
"You're nice and close to Squirtle. So use Thunder Punch." Ben told his Pokémon with all of the composure in the world and from having a collapsing feeling in my chest over how close the battle was, I then almost found myself chuckling at how JJ responded to this.
He was a pale skinned boy at the best of times. But at that point and as Ben softly asked of Cranidos to use one of their secret weapons, every inch of colour seemed to be drained from his face!
Other than that, JJ didn't react. Other than that, JJ didn't move. And that was another downfall.
You could hear Squirtle gasp in his chest as he knew what was coming and all he could do was brace himself and try and keep that Iron Defence up even harder. Cranidos dropped his smirk and instead closed his eyes as he fist crackled and glowed yellow as it swung closer to the blue turtle Pokémon.
Squirtle gasped some more as his fist was just seconds away from colliding with his shell. JJ gasped along with him. Actually, Ben did too, but his was out of the sheer joy and hope that he was going to turn the battle all around and win!
It was anyone's guess whether he was actually going to succeed or not. I didn't know. I didn't know at all. But I believed. I believed with every inch of my heart. I equally wanted them both to win. I was proud of both their choices and both of their achievements. I was proud of Cranidos. I was proud of Squirtle. I was proud to be a Pokémon.
I continued watching as those two Pokémon gave it everything they had. Cranidos' electrical crackling fist collided with the shell of Squirtle. Squirtle in turn groaned out but it was out of the adrenaline that that moment was finally happening rather than pain.
The blue turtle Pokémon held tight and clenched every part of his body and used Iron Defense to protect himself and to prolong the battle. When Cranidos heard Ben call out to him to keep it up and push even harder, he did exactly this as Squirtle was commanded to keep holding on by JJ and he followed this through also.
Both Pokémon were visibly sweating as they collided. Cranidos focused all of his energy and let loose his Thunder Punch on Squirtle's shell. Squirtle tried to hang tight. But it was getting harder and harder. JJ could tell this. Anybody could tell this. The orange haired teenage boy whispered out his friend's name has he began to lose hope.
But he didn't need to do that. You see, the more that Cranidos pushed and held on and Squirtle protected himself and held on, the longer that he had to use that same attack. And not only this, Cranidos was using the Thunder Punch attack in the same exact spot.
So for this exact reason, something began to happen. Squirtle didn't falter. Cranidos didn't falter. But the moves did.
As Thunder Punch continuously landed in the same spot and crackled and fizzed and burned, the electrical current not only finally burst through Squirtle's Iron Defence but it travelled up Cranidos' own arm. This combined with the subsiding wetness and the rainstorm then caused electrical currents to shoot through both of the Pokémon's bodies.
Both Cranidos and Squirtle were hit by the same Thunder Punch attack. Ben and JJ gasped. I did as well. The battle field became very cloudy except for the concealed yellow sparks as both Pokémon became very hurt indeed.
After the two trainers called out their Pokémon's names and I sat tight and then the dust clouds eventually appeared, though the two Pokémon were still standing, they looked as though they had blacked out a good few seconds ago.
Judging by the swirling patterns of their eyes, it was all over with. It was a draw. Neither had won. Yet both had won. They had both certainly won the respect of me! And they absolutely did when they ran to their Pokémon's side there and then.
"Squirtle!" cried out JJ as he ran forward on the wet battle field to his Pokémon who had popped out of his shell at the last second before fainting. While the turtle Pokémon was scooped into his trainer's arms, Ben darted forward to tend to his own friend.
"Cranidos!" cried out Ben as his thick skulled Pokémon began to finally fall backwards in defeat and was soon propped upright by his loyal trainers arms.
I watched and then I called out to them both the results of the battle but of course I didn't need to. It was a draw. JJ and Ben had drawn, and then following this, I darted in between them both to check that everything was okay.
Although of course at first, the two boys only paid attention to the Pokémon in their own care.
Slowly and surely and as the rain clouds went away for good and the summer skies returned above our heads in Kanto, Squirtle and Cranidos were whispered to sweet words and their eyes stopped being so blurry. They focused on their trainers. And then they focused on being hugged by them. They knew that they had done well. They knew that they were being praised for doing so well. They felt part of a proper team. And that was everything to them.
That was everything to JJ and Ben too when they finally interacted with each other a good few moments later, leaving their Pokémon out of their Poke Balls like I was used to and going to sit under a tree in the Ketchum household garden.
Their Pokémon were on their laps and they were stroking them supportively and tenderly as they held them. It would still be yet another few moments before either of them spoke to one and other. And perhaps it goes without saying that when that silence finally was broken and I took my own breathless seat in between them all, it was the raven haired teenage boy to utter words.
Visibly exhausted but also filled with enjoyment over what had gone on, he shook his head slightly and took his gloves off to rub bare fingers over the red skull of his Cranidos friend. In return, the Pokémon shut his eyes and slumped further against his trainer but I got the impression that he was listening to Ben, as was JJ, Squirtle and I.
"I can't believe that that turned out the way it did. I was certain that we were going to win. I can't believe that. I didn't expect to tie with a starter Pokémon." The raven haired pre-teen boy uttered and he looked right over at JJ while Cranidos contrasted this and continued his eyes being shut.
However, Squirtle's eyes fluttered over to the raven haired trainer. Mine did as well. JJ's did also but as well as this, his widened. He furrowed his brow as he thought of the younger male's words to himself and then from behind his glasses, he rubbed his own eye. With a continuous but gentle brow furrow, JJ responded back, very composedly and very calmly.
"Tying with a starter Pokémon isn't a bad thing. He's still a Pokémon. And a wonderful one at that." JJ retorted quietly and as if he didn't want to hear any slander towards his dear friend anymore, he rubbed Squirtle's scaly yet slightly slimy top of his head a few times before returning him to his Pokémon Ball at last, whispering sweet words just for him and him along.
Meanwhile, I watched as Ben reacted to all this. Like the slightly older male had done before him, his eyes then widened. And like him also, he thought about words. But he thought about his own words. As the orange haired teenage boy had a continuous frown and looked as though he wanted to shake his head also while he massaged the Pokémon Ball in between his fingers, the raven haired teenage boy watched him.
And then it finally occurred to him that his words had been perceived wrong. He corrected the situation with an innocent itch of his own cheek with his gloveless finger.
"I know he's a wonderful Pokémon. I know that. I meant that it's surprising that a starter Pokémon could be so strong against Cranidos and me. We've been at this a while now." Ben rambled but he told the truth. Granted the orange haired teenage boy's expression softened but because he just wordlessly looked at him, the eldest Ketchum son was encouraged to well and truly get his point across. And he made sure to do this, even though a blush was starting to take over his tanned cheeks. "He's a credit to you as well as your training skills."
And there and then, the two boys were not only united by their love of the same things and an understanding as well, but they were united in their wide orbed expressions. The whites of Ben's eyes could be seen out of sincerity and getting his point across. The whites of JJ's eyes could be seen out of surprise at these genuine words.
All he did was smile to himself and utter a thank you but you could tell from the look in his eyes that he felt very pleased by the compliment. And you could tell by the dewy glint in his eyes behind his glasses too.
While I smiled to myself and began to enjoy the company of the two similar aged boys as well as the relaxing Cranidos, JJ finally responded with words. And as he did this, he found himself complimenting Ben in return.
"Cranidos is about as strong and well-rounded as I could imagine. He always impresses me but he definitely did today." JJ spoke shyly yet sincerely and then it was his turn to blush when he felt one of the red and grey Pokémon's eyes opening as he glanced over at the person who was complimenting him. Ben chuckled and rubbed his knuckles over his skull all over again. Then, JJ sat slightly further up against the tree and squinted, asking inquisitively. "So you reckon you'll ever evolve him?"
Upon hearing this, Cranidos' eyes stopped fixing on JJ and making him blush and both his orbs and head swivelled up towards his trainer. Ben blinked as he listened to the question. He didn't give anything away by his expression as he looked down at his oldest Pokémon, holding him close and still rubbing the top of his head.
It wasn't until Cranidos' own expression changed and he stuck out his tongue that Ben became a lot more animated! Squinting one eye and sticking his own tongue out, he responded to JJ while the slightly older male placed Squirtle's Poke Ball in his lap.
"Nah. Cranidos continues to make his feelings about that perfectly clear so it's not something that we want to do. And it's not something we need to do. He has unlimited potential either way." Ben told JJ but because he was talking about one of his Pokémon closest to his heart, he then lightly slammed his palm against the Pokémon's tough head. In response, Cranidos growled approvingly and shut his eyes all over again, enjoying the rough yet loving affection. After a second or two of silence, Ben then smiled curiously and questioned. "You?"
The orange haired teenage boy didn't answer for a good few moments as he had zoned out slightly while listening to Ben's own words, drawing a circle shape with his finger on top of the Poké Ball. Then after he realised that he was being questioned and his Squirtle friend was being questioned about, he picked the ball up all over again.
Switching the Poké Ball from hand to hand, Jordan and Lynne's son pondered to himself. And then he answered, a similar smile to the one that Ben Ketchum had shown.
"I think we might get there. But only if Squirtle wants. Like you, I don't think that it entirely matters. Caring about your Pokémon is the main priority. Winning doesn't matter if you don't have the core of caring." JJ spoke and he patted the red part of the ball like he was touching the top of his good friends head. Ben got a little lost towards the end of his words and thought they were a little pretentious, I could tell, but I knew that he could sense the heart of them. He could very much sense them by what happened next. JJ perked up all over again, putting his Poké Ball back on his belt for good. "Want me to give Cranidos' leg a post-battle rub? He took a nasty tumble."
As I looked at the two boys before moving slightly away from them but only to observe them all the more closely, I got the feeling that Ben might have retorted with something stubborn and snappy at being reminded of his mishap! I knew I wasn't mistaken when I observed yet another blush taking over his cheeks.
But admirably, he shook all of this away and though he didn't consent to JJ's proposition with words, he rotated his body with Cranidos on his lap closer to JJ and he stretched his legs out with his Pokémon still on them. In return, JJ turned too and stretched out his own legs. It was clearly something that they did together a lot.
So I watched as Cranidos was caringly placed halfway along both of their legs and his upper body was held by his trainer while JJ set to work on massaging any of the pain or injury out of his right leg.
The raven haired Ketchum boy held Cranidos closer and soothed him as he moaned out and winced in pain and he didn't speak to or address JJ in any way at all until all of these noises subsided and he knew that his beloved Pokémon didn't need his full attention anymore.
Ben turned his full attention to the slightly older teenager instead. He shook his head all over again but this time it was filled with friendliness and awe.
"I still don't understand how you do that so well." The eldest Ketchum boy uttered and not only did he speak these words but because he felt like Cranidos was relaxing against the slight pain of the massage for good, he took one of his hands away from him and rested it on JJ's shoulder. He rested it there. He squeezed it. JJ glanced down at it briefly and felt like it was a little out of place but didn't shrug it away either. I wondered if he would shrug it away when the squeeze changed to a lengthy pat while JJ answered his question.
"Books." The orange haired teenage boy responded very matter-of-factly and he managed to keep his eyes away from Ben's patting motions and focused on Cranidos and his comfort as he continued massaging him in a very healing way.
Similar to that same Cranidos had when the subject turned to him evolving, when Ben heard that that knowledge came from reading, he stuck his own tongue out once more! However, he soon recovered him it. And he stopped patting JJ's shoulder and switched to absentmindedly leaving his bawled fist on the older boy's leg as he thought of a question and then came out with it.
"But surely even you can't learn everything from books? Do you think that you'll ever go on a Pokémon Journey as well?" Ben questioned JJ and while his bawled fist casually rested itself on JJ's leg, Ben's own leg began to jiggle lightly as he waited for an answer.
Cranidos' eye opened once more but I believed it to be out of the question that his trainer had asked, rather than the movement that was being sent through his own body as well.
I turned to glance alongside him and I tilted my head on one side too. I watched and I waited and I thought to myself while Ben watched and waited and JJ thought to himself. It felt like it had hardly been any time at all since that orange haired male had come into our lives and that was because this was the exact case!
Despite him being at the age of thirteen years old, we had only known him and known of him for about a year. Things had been tough. Things had been difficult and tumultuous and tough. We were coming out of the other side of it, slowly and surely, and one of the things that made it all worth it was the simple moments like Ben and JJ battling and getting to talk to one and other.
As I watched and I listened, I felt a strange feeling in my own stomach as it felt too soon even for me to say goodbye to him to embark on a Pokémon Journey after feeling like we'd only just said hello for the first time when he came down from up there! I was certain that Jordan and Lynne would have felt the same, Ash and Misty too.
I didn't realise that JJ would feel that way also. And Squirtle too from the way that he let himself out of his own Poké Ball and moved to give his trainer a casual yet earnest hug as he finally answered.
His hair modestly yet charmingly flopping over his young face and glasses, JJ smiled and wrapped one arm around the shell of Squirtle to embrace him while still massaging Cranidos' leg good and proper.
"I think we might get there one day as well. But I am learning so much from being here right now. And I'm definitely learning a lot from you, Ben. You too, Cranidos." JJ uttered casually yet sincerely and needless to say, the rock Pokémon's eyes opened all over and he merely gave the orange haired boy a look that expressed that he felt the same way.
Because Jordan and Lynne's son had one Pokémon under his arm and one Pokémon being massaged by his hands, I felt there and then that I should make things more even! So Ben's hand was encouraged to stop wriggling and tapping when I moved under his arm and he soon had Cranidos and me in his hold.
While this was going on, he tried to nod his head and smile and listen to the orange haired teenage boy's words but from the way that he nodded his head but blinked a little bit, JJ caught on to the things that he wasn't saying. He grinned. The orange haired teenage boy grinned. He flicked his floppy fringe out of his eyes with one motion of his head. He chuckled to himself but at Ben as well.
"I can see that you're a massive advocate for travelling, then. So what is so good about it? What can I learn while on the road that I can't learn from a book?" JJ questioned and he had a bit of teasing in his voice because he knew perfectly well that there was all sorts to learn from all sorts of things.
But of course, Ben Ketchum being Ben Ketchum, he didn't catch on to this and took the words for what they were. And he couldn't stop himself from lunging forward with two Pokémon in his hold as he got the chance to talk about something he loved with all of his heart.
"What isn't there to learn? That's more of an appropriate question. You meet so many Pokémon. You have the chance to take part in so many battles. You get to make so many friends. It's just simply unmatched." The raven haired Ketchum boy rambled but then because he felt the calmness from JJ but also that he was listening as well, he calmed down slightly and leaned back all over again. After stroking both Cranidos and I and even Squirtle too, he added, sparkles taking over his brown orbs so much that they could visibly be seen. "And achieving your dreams. Simply being out there and venturing towards your biggest dream is no better feeling. There is nothing else I would rather do."
And because the raven haired Ketchum felt so strongly about all of this – just like his father and my best friend before him – the sparkles in his eyes mixed with slight tears as he felt every inch of his words so passionately.
JJ could tell this. JJ could of course tell this. He had only been lightly humouring the younger male when it came to his words but I could tell – in fact, I could almost sense – the drop in his stomach that he felt when he heard those words. It made him excited. It made him excited that he had already learned so much in his short time with us all but there was still more to come. And there was still a whole world out there.
But for the time being, he had a question himself. So very much like the slightly younger pre-teen boy sat opposite him, he came out with it. He stopped massaging the red and grey rock type Pokémon for good. He let go of the blue turtle Pokémon's shell. He pressed his hands against the grass behind him and almost leaned forward himself.
"So you still just have that same one goal? You still want to get the Pokémon Master title like Ash? You think that you'll actually be able to get it, and younger than him, too?" JJ questioned and then by the end, I heard such a great amount of teasing in his voice that I could have sworn that I was hearing a teenage version of Ash or Misty!
I tried not to show that on my face. I tried to be present. I discovered that not being too hard at all when it was Ben's turn to be level headed and solemn. No doubt did he hear the slight teasing from the slightly older male and no doubt would he get him back for that at a later date! But for the time being as well, something popped into his mind.
Whether it was words he conjured up then and there or something that he always believed – or something he always felt – as he pulled me and Cranidos closer to him all over again, he answered.
And he looked at JJ. He didn't smile. For once he felt content in something that he himself believed.
"I think if I achieve it just like my dad did then it should be because I believe in myself and my Pokémon too, not because I'm trying to one up him." Ben uttered and I felt a very lovely and overwhelming soaring sensation in my heart for him there and then as I believed that both of those boys should have been known for being intelligent. They both had incredibly smart things to say. But then again, I shouldn't have been surprised. After all, they were secretly brothers. And showing that they were indeed as similar as couldn't be denied, it was JJ's turn to be silent but just smile and nod his head. And because he did this, more words from Ben came. Ben let go of his Pokémon and copied JJ's stance, leaning back and with his hands behind his back against the grass. "That kind of thinking should be avoided."
I glanced at the raven haired eldest Ketchum boy. I glanced at the orange haired teenage boy who was secretly the eldest Ketchum boy. I glanced between them both and felt an urge rising from my stomach and into my heart. I didn't know if I was going to be able to avoid hugging them both and so very tightly!
And thinking in similar ways to myself, as I resisted the urge to smother the two of them in love that I felt strongly in my heart for two more Ketchum's, JJ pondered to himself and he pondered of other things that should be avoided when and if he ever embarked on his own journey. Of course, he very much hoped to one day go on one with Ben and Cranidos and with Squirtle by his side.
But for the time being, he wanted a head start in some of the wisdom that he could lap up from the lightly younger male. So there and then, JJ was going to ask for a little piece of advice.
However, before that moment could come, it was proved to me that us boys were so very in our own world when it came to each other's company! And it especially was that way when it came to having the Pokémon Journey and battle chats that we were having.
For you see, unbeknownst to all of us, someone was having a bit of a battle of their own and also in the Ketchum garden. At last, all of our heads turned and Ben and JJ's heads turned as a deep purple haired male with long legs was darting back and forth below one of the windows of the Ketchum residence, his eyes squinting against the sun and his hands stretched outwards.
"Go on! Come on! I can catch it. It's fine. I won't drop it!" Justin was insisting to the orange haired female that was Katie as she leaned out of her bedroom window and was waving a book – a book that could only be assumed as the thing that the deep purple haired male was promising not to drop. "Go for it!"
Katie was looking undeniably nervous as she looked out of the window and waved her book but the more and more that Justin made a point of scrabbling back and forth, the more that anxiety disappeared and she began to giggle. She covered her hand with her mouth. She tried to be quiet. But she still uttered.
"Just… J…Just stay down there. I'll come down and give the book to you." She told the long haired fedora hat wearing eldest Morgan son and as her hand moved away from her mouth once more, a girlish smile could easily be seen. But then after she heard Justin make a strange noise at the back of his throat when he took note of the audience – and Katie looked at Ben and JJ staring too with expressions that told her that she was supposed to be grounded – her smile changed to an assertive one. "They won't say a word. I know it."
And with that, Katie disappeared back inside her bedroom and this was of course to head downstairs to greet the older deep purple haired male against her parent's warnings to meet up with any friends – especially not Justin!
Meanwhile, Justin just politely smiled and held his hands up towards Ben and JJ and went to sit on the steps of the tree house in the Ketchum garden. He couldn't say no to his good friend. And he felt that this was going to be the case with the two other males too.
While I chuckled, Ben and JJ raised their eyebrows and stared to the empty bedroom window, greatly contrasting the oldest male's behaviour. But then they mirrored one and other. Ben and JJ mirrored one and other.
They turned and stared at one and other, their hands on their hips. They sighed loudly. While Justin listened and Katie ran down the stairs, Ben gave JJ just one last piece of advice.
He gestured about everything that was going on and then towards the sky in humorous exasperation.
"Stay away from girls for as long as possible, that is my advice to you. They distract even the most focused of people, it seems." Ben shook his head and sighed and I tried not to laugh harder as Justin unfolded his arms and furrowed his brow in response to these very clear words!
But then all I could do is focus on JJ's response. Just like Ben had been doing to him before, it was his turn to reach out to his shoulder and pat and squeeze it and eventually use it to pull him closer. JJ addressed Ben directly in response. And the two of them shared a bit of a secret smile. But what that was about, even the two of them hadn't come to a conclusion there and then.
"I was planning on doing that anyway, believe me, I was definitely planning on it." The orange haired teenage boy responded to JJ and soon enough the two of them were wrapping their arms around one and another and leaving their Pokémon against the tree.
They had already had a Pokémon Battle for that particular day and an exhausting one at that. They didn't have the energy to scold Katie and get involved in whatever was going on with her! All they had was the energy for each other and that was something that would never cease.
Though they wouldn't get to live alongside each other as the blood brothers that they were, they would be alongside each other in every other way. Their ups. Their downs. Their questions. Their queries. Their worries. Their realisations. Their triumphs. They would go through every little thing together. And that was what made them brothers with our without the shared surname.
They shared blood. They shared their journeys. And they were ones that I was so very happy and honoured to have a front seat ticket to watch and embark on them with also.
The End.
There you go! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed :3 This chapter came out of some point in lockdown when I was spending lots of time with my brother and also re-playing Pokemon White! The latter is why I ended up writing something a bit more old-school and Pokemon centric. And the time with my brother and some of his traits reminded me of Ben. This story does indeed go into their personalities and quirks a little more and leaves some very subtle questions unanswered in the end. We know why JJ isn't interested in girls! And we can understand why Ben isn't based on the fact that Ash is his father. But there is more to it. And I'll probably tackle all that eventually :P Thanks again for reading and I will be back next Wednesday with another chapter so see you then :)
AmyBieberKetchum signing out!