This fic is a crossover between my favourite animes. Yu-Gi-Oh and Detective Conan!

I'm still learning english so I want you to tell me what I do wrong OK :P

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Chapter 1: A date with destiny

It was late afternoon and no one was outside. Besides a boy with tricolored hair who were jogging along the street. He was in his late teens around 17-18 but is very short for his age.

What Yuugi Muto didn't know was that he soon would be in big danger.

He suddenly stopped and saw a man in black. Yuugi didn't know what was going on but thought it would be better to listen to the conversation.
He hides behind the wall and observed the man. That's when he saw what the man was doing. He had killed another man and was now searching through his pockets!

The man in black was chubby with a hat on his head. He also had black short hair and sunglasses. The now dead man was skinny with dark grey hair. He was probably around

60-70 years old.

"Dammit, I can't find the chip" the man muttered "I wonder if I killed the right person?"

Yuugi gulped and started sweating. He was afraid now. What could he do?

"The detective play is over!"

Suddenly something hit Yuugi in the neck and he fell to the ground with a shriek!

The first man looked up startled.

"Vodka, you are not careful enough" Yuugi heard the second man say in a deep voice.

"I'm sorry aniki (brother), I was sure there was no one around" The first man named Vodka said.

The second man who had silver hair smirked. "Now we have to kill this one to"

Yuugi gulped and fought to stay conscious. The men were now talking about how to kill him, he knew he was in deep trouble. They said something about a pill that should kill him and that it could not be traced.

Suddenly he felt something travel down his throat together with some liquid. The two men ran away into the alley and it didn't take long for the pain to start.

I… It hurts… It… feels like I'm… dying… I'm… burning up!

So what do you guys think of my first fanfic? :D

I'll probably use the jap name because I like them more, just so you know.
By the way does anyone now how to say "partner" or "my other self" in jap? I know them but I can't spell them :P
