Author's Note: Not much of a writer, but I love the pairing and the show and I find that there aren't enough Morby fanfics out there, so just trying to do my bit :P If it's not terrible then I might consider writing more. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.


The sunlight hit the window, creating an immense glare across the room. Rigby awoke, startled at the bright light that hit his eyes like a sharp knife being dug into him, each second that he was exposed to the light was like another inch the knife was being dug deeper. Much to his surprise, he got up hastily and scampered over to the window, trying not to wake up his avian friend, Mordecai.

Shutting the blind seemed to create a bittersweet feeling. The sunlight was an eternal bliss that had awoken him from his dreams, terminating the images, voices and memories that had surrounded him in another realm.

"Dude, leave it open," a small voice requested from under the blankets of the single, pine bed.

"Auuggh, I don't wanna! Im too tired!" Rigby exclaimed, sharpening his voice and creating a much louder sound that the blue bird

"We gotta get up for work, dude. Just leave it open"

Rigby walked backwards, allowing himself to reach the blinds that he had once just closed. The sunlight entered the room once again, a familiar sight to the Racoon's sleepless eyes. A small rattling grew louder and the creaks of the wooden stairs groaned in symphony as the gumball machine ventured closer and closer to the duo's room.

"Mordecai! Rigby! Get down here now! You're late for your job, as per usual," Benson shouted. It was not the first, and nowhere near the last time that Benson would be saying that to the two.

The two ran out of the house, literally jumping down the whole flight of stairs that connected the house to the grass. Whilst in the midst of Benson's rage and his glare at the two, Mordecai and Rigby picked up two rakes. They were practically brand new, due to the fact that the racoon thought it would be funny to use them as javelins in the park's sport contest earlier that month.

As they reached the final area of the park to do their job the sun was in the middle of the sky, beating down on them with the harshness that the sweltering, dry climate had to offer them. As they got on with their jobs the Racoon spoke up.

"Hey dude, what are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing much, got that new video game the other day, I'll probably play that, I guess"

"Oh… alright" The Racoon replied, with his voice drifting off ending in almost a quiet whisper.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Mordecai asked with a sincere gesture on his face

The Raccoon looked down, not replying. He didn't know how long he had, had feelings for Mordecai. Maybe a few years or since the day that he had met him. All of it seemed like a blur. Mordecai felt as though he had let down his friend, and knew that there was something up.

"Dude, what is it? I know you're pissed off at something."

"Nah, don't worry about it. It's nothing, man."

Rigby wanted to tell him. So bad. He knew that if he told his friend, things would never be the same again. He decided to go for the option of bottling in his feelings and wondering about the possibilities that could arise if he told Mordecai.

That night Rigby tossed and turned in his sleep. He was fighting the insomnia that had kept him awake for many years, caused by his affectionate love towards his friend. The harder he fought, the more he felt like he was losing. It was no use. The sleepless night had gotten the better of him, and he succumbed to it and got off his trampoline. The squeaks echoed through the room, buzzing and humming as they stopped vibrating. He made his way over to the window and looked out at the park at night. It looked different at night, in the darkness. The shapes and objects were perceived as one thing at a moment in time, only to change in an instant and form another object.

As Rigby stood there he looked out to the moon and whispered to himself

"If only I could tell you"

Little did Rigby know, but Mordecai was awake and well aware of his surroundings. A voice spoke out from the darkness

"Tell who, what?"

Rigby crooked his neck to the left instantaneously to the direction of the voice. He was startled by the immediate break in silence and panicked.

"Umm, uhh."

"Well…who is it?" The bird questioned

"Just no one."

"Dude, it can't be 'no one.' If it was no one then why would you say that?" The bird reconciled with his statement and then finally realised what kind of person Rigby was talking about.

"Oh, dude. A special someone?"

Rigby looked at him.

"It totally is, isn't it?" Mordecai said with a cheesy smile on his face

"No it's not! Stop talking!" Rigby exclaimed

"Jeez dude, be quiet, you'll wake up Pops and stuff. I was only asking. Look, you can tell me now, or just be a dickhead. Your choice"

The Racoon looked away. Mordecai wanted to get it out of him. He knew that the Raccoon would break; it was only a matter of time.

"Can you at least describe them to me?" Mordecai pleaded, in an attempt to see whether he knew the person

"Well, okay. I guess" The Raccoon was unsure of whether to tell Mordecai. Maybe he should just make some of the stuff up? What if Mordecai caught onto him? What would he do? Some many questions were whirling around in his head in such as small frame of time.

"They're tall. And, and they're funny."

The Raccoon let it out.

"Haha, okay, so what else, Rigby?"

"Well I've known them for a while now. A few years"

"Do I know them too?" The bird added

"Well…yeah, you know them pretty well I guess"

Who could it be? The bird wondered, and then it hit him. The only girl he knew well and for a few years, who was tall and funny, was Margaret. He had to ask the question.

"He dude, is this 'girl' a bird?" Mordecai questioned in a happy toned, which concealed a darker feeling inside. A feeling of hatred, anger, nervousness and sorrow

"Well-" Rigby paused. Did he know? Oh shit, he knows, doesn't he?

"Yeah" The Raccoon finished off his sentence with feelings of regret, anger and fearfulness.

This was enough for Mordecai. He turned around in his bed, facing the wall, away from Rigby. How could he do this to me? I loved her. He knew that. God dammit Rigby, you backstabbing, piece of shit.

There was just silence, leaving the Raccoon pondering about what he had just said to his friend.

"Dude, you there?"

No reply. His words drifted off into the night and dissolved into the air, left without a trace. Rigby hit himself. He knew he had screwed this up, he knew he should've kept his mouth shut. On the other end of the room, the bird looked at the wall with a cold, hard stare. He knew that he had screwed this up. He didn't know if he could still be friends with Rigby anymore. That single answer confirmed everything. He did like her.

Ok, so I've realised that I should continue this after some thought. (And thanks to a few other people on fanfic - cheers :D)

At the moment it will be updated weekly or maybe a day or so earlier or later

I've got my last exams for school coming up in a few weeks, so I'm kinda studying for those, but nontheless I will try to deliver!

Stay tuned