"Piccolo, when do you think we can start having sex?" Gohan asked me.
I sighed and closed my eyes, we were laying on his bed together. He had his head rested on my chest and his arm wrapped around me. It'd been a long day, I don't need eight hours of sleep like a human does, hell Gohan only gets about five hours a night. Teenagers apparently like to stay up late. Anyways, even though I don't need as much sleep it had been a long day and I was tired. This was not a subject I wanted to dive into right now.
"Can we please talk about this later, I need to sleep." I said.
"Are you really tired or are you just avoiding the question?" he asked.
"I'm really tired."
"Can we just talk about this really quick? I want to know." He said.
I shook my head, and tried to fall asleep but he started shaking me.
"Piccolo! I want to know! Just tell me!" he whined.
"At this rate never!"
He huffed and the shaking and the questions stopped. "I see how it is, you just aren't sexually attracted to me, so you're avoiding the question. Maybe you're not attracted to me at all!" He shouted.
"Whatever Gohan, stop being childish. We'll talk about this later." I said. I did my best to tune him out and to my relief I was able to fall asleep.
"And then he told me to stop being childish and went to sleep!" I heard Gohan whine.
He's still on about that? I thought in annoyance. I sighed and closed my eyes, I wasn't tired anymore so I know I wasn't going to fall back asleep.
"I know right…" Gohan muttered to whoever was on the phone.
I rolled my eyes and decided I should probably call him in here to talk.
"Gohan, come here!" I shouted.
I heard his talking stop for a second before he told the person on the phone that he would "Call you back later" and hung up. I waited patiently until he came in the room.
"Hey." He said.
"Come here." I said, sitting up instead of laying down to talk with him.
He sat beside me on the bed and looked up at me nervously.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"I'm sorry too. I'm not mad, I never was. Just extremely irritated by what you were doing. I was tired, and I didn't want to take my bad mood out on you. I just needed some time to relax. It has nothing to do with not being attracted to you. Believe me, I am. In every way possible. Now if you want to talk about sex let's talk about sex."
I kissed him and he returned the kiss before pulling away.
"So…you want to know when?" I asked.
Gohan nodded.
"I thought you wanted to wait until we were married."
"Well…maybe I changed my mind." He said.
"Maybe?" I asked.
"Well I guess…yes. Yes, I changed my mind!"
"Really, Gohan?" I asked
"Yes! Really. I want to have sex with you, I want to be able to express my love to you physically in a way besides kissing and touching. I know we've done some things like…touched each other but I want to give myself to you…I want to be closer to you and If we're gonna be married we should be able to do anything with each other. I'm sorry if I sound stupid, but I think it's about time we've taken that step in our relationship." He said.
I sighed. "Okay then let's have sex." I said.
"Right now?" he asked.
"Do you want to?"
"I wouldn't have asked, if I didn't want to…If you want to start with something smaller I can give you a blowjob."
"What's a blowjob?" We heard a young voice at the door ask.
We didn't even hear it open.
"Goten! You're supposed to knock before you come in my room!" Gohan yelled.
"Sorry, but mom wants to know if you want Pepperoni or Mushroom Pizza."
"Pepperoni, now get out!"
"So you can give Piccolo a blowjob? What is that anyways? Never mind, I'll just ask mom." Goten said walking out of the room.
"Oh great." Gohan groaned, flopping onto the bed.
A few moments later we heard Chi-Chi scream from downstairs.
"Gohan! Get down here now!"
"I'm out." I said, opening the window to fly out.
"Thanks for the support babe." He said sarcastically.
"GOHAN!" Chi-Chi screamed from downstairs, although I could hear her getting closer. She was coming up the steps. I gave Gohan a peck on the cheek.
"We'll talk about the sex thing later, gotta go." I said and took off.
When I got home I felt bad. Maybe I should have stayed. I should make it up to him, what does he like? He likes food…he likes me…he likes school…yeah! He just joined that astronomy club! I'll get him that expensive telescope he wanted.
"That should make up for me not staying with him." I said to myself.
Later that night I went out and bought the 300 dollar telescope. I knew it was the right one because Gohan had dragged me to the display a million and one times.
"For 300 dollars he better forgive me."
I knocked on his window. He opened the blinds and saw me. He closed them.
Mad. Just like I thought.
A/N: I'll leave it there, next chapter will be in Gohan's POV. Piccolo, you should know, you can't buy Gohan's affections…though I think he'll keep the telescope.