Zeriah knew that something big was going to happen today. As she tried to focus on defending herself from Ser Darian's blade, her mind could not help but focus on the nagging feeling that everything was about to change. She was pulled out of her reverie by someone bursting into the courtyard. She blinked and turned to see what the commotion was about. A servant was bowing to her.
"Milady Cousland, I am sorry to interrupt your training, but your father wishes to see you in the main hall." He explained. Zeriah wiped the sweat from her brow.
"It is no trouble, I will go immediately." She said. "Thank you, Ser Darian." She hurried to the main hall, still unable to shake her worry. When she made it through the doors of the main hall she saw her father having a discussion with a tall, rat-faced man. She wrinkled her nose in distaste before schooling her expression.
"I trust, then, that your troops will be here shortly?" Bryce asked. Arl Howe was nodding.
"I expect they will start arriving tonight, and we can march tomorrow. I apologize for the delay, my lord, this is entirely my fault." Howe drawled in his nasally voice. Bryce waved him off.
"No, no. The appearance of the darkspawn in the south has us all scrambling, doesn't it? I only received the call from the king a few days ago, myself. I'll send my eldest off with my men. You and I will ride tomorrow, just like the old days!" he decided. Zeriah noticed that Howe looked uncomfortable, but he nodded anyway.
"True, though we both had less grey in our hair then. And we fought Orlesians, not monsters." He agreed. Her father laughed.
"At least the smell will be the same." He joked. Her father finally noticed her appearance and grinned. "Howe, you remember my daughter?" he asked, fondly putting an arm around her shoulders. Howe eyed her up and down.
"I see she's become a lovely young woman. Pleased to see you again, my dear." He said with a grin that couldn't be called anything but lecherous. She smiled politely and nodded her head, though she wanted to squirm beneath his lascivious gaze. As she tried to think of something to say, she thought of her old friend Kierrai. It had been nearly two years since she last saw her, but Zeriah knew exactly what the younger woman would have said in this situation.
"Far lovelier than anything you would be able to get your hands on, Howe. Oh, and it is…I will not lie, I don't really care to see you." Zeriah thought. The voice of her friend in her mind made her smile.
"It is good to see you as well, Arl Howe. Did you bring your family with you?" she asked pleasantly. He shook his head.
"I left them in Amaranthine. They do send their best wishes, however." He told her.
"How is Nathaniel? Have you heard from him recently?" she asked, genuinely curious about her old friend. There was a flash of contempt in Howe's beady eyes before he answered.
"We have not heard from him personally, but I'm sure he's fine." He said flatly. "My son, Thomas asked after you, perhaps I should bring him with me next time." He suggested. Zeriah fought the urge to gag. Thomas Howe was a repugnant human being.
"If Thomas and I were the last two people on earth, I would be forced to marry myself and doom humanity." Kierrai's voice sounded in her head.
"I've no interest in an arranged marriage." She said. Bryce choked on a laugh, but skillfully covered it up with a cough. Howe's eyes narrowed.
"I have forgotten how…bold the Cousland children are." He drawled. Bryce chuckled.
"My fierce girl has a mind of her own these days, Maker bless her heart." He said fondly.
"No doubt because you've trained her as a warrior. How…unique." Howe responded. Zeriah rolled her green eyes. She was getting tired of Howe's company.
"At any rate, Pup, I've summoned you for a reason. While your brother and I are away, you are in charge of the castle." Bryce revealed. Zeriah's eyes widened in surprise.
"Me? As you wish." She agreed. Bryce smiled, and Zeriah returned it.
"Good! There is also someone you must meet." He said. Bryce turned to one of the guards that stood by the door. "Please, show Duncan in." he ordered. A tall, broad-shouldered man with a pair of daggers on his back strode into the room. His skin was a dark, chocolate brown, and his dark eyes were absorbing everything in the room. They flitted over to her, and she felt like the man knew everything about her with a single glance. She had no doubt that this man was a hardened warrior, and she wondered what he was doing here.
"It is an honor to be a guest within your hall, Teyrn Cousland." The man said in a deep, smooth voice. Arl Howe looked frightened for some reason, and he uncomfortably cleared his throat.
"Your Lordship, you didn't mention that a Grey Warden would be present." He stammered awkwardly. Zeriah's eyes widened. A Grey Warden! They were legendary warriors, vanquishers of darkspawn! What would one be doing in Highever?
"A Warden? I am honored, Ser Duncan." She said, awestruck. A small smile crossed his serious face.
"Please, my lady, it is simply Duncan. And the honor is mine." He assured her.
"Duncan is looking for recruits before joining us and his fellow Wardens in the south. I believe he's got his eye on Ser Gilmore." Bryce explained. Duncan hadn't taken his eyes off of Zeriah.
"If I might be so bold, I would suggest that your daughter is also an excellent candidate." He pointed out. Zeriah was so full of pride, she couldn't stop the grin from spreading across her face. Her hopes were shot when Bryce stepped in front of her, however.
"Honor though that might be, this is my daughter we're talking about." He growled. Zeriah stared at the back of her father's head.
"Father, I think we should consider it." She suggested. He turned around and frowned at her.
"I've not so many children that I'll gladly see them all off to battle. Unless you intend to invoke the Right of Conscription?" he asked, his tone defensive. Duncan shook his head.
"Have no fear. While we need as many good recruits as we can find, I have no intention of forcing the issue." He assured them. Zeriah frowned as Bryce let out a sigh of relief.
"Pup, I need you to find Fergus and tell him that he will be setting out tonight." He said, hurriedly changing the subject. Zeriah nodded, frown still in place. Bryce pulled her into an embrace and kissed the top of her head. "I love you, Zeriah." He murmured. She smiled softly.
"I love you too." She admitted grudgingly. She gave a nod to their companions and left the hall to find her brother. A familiar mop of red hair greeted her.
"Zeri, your mother needs you to retrieve your hound from the larder before Nan's head explodes." Ser Gilmore said. Zeriah groaned.
"He broke in again? Maker's Breath, you would think she would lock the larder more tightly." She said, exasperated. Rory Gilmore laughed.
"You would blame the kitchen staff instead of your dog." He chuckled. She grinned and headed to the kitchens, where shouts and barking could be heard. Nan was throwing an absolute fit, and she wasn't any happier when Zeriah told her that her Mabari, Dane, had saved the larder from giant rats. As soon as Dane was retrieved and Nan was calmed down, Zeriah headed off to find Fergus. She walked in on him kissing his wife, Oriana.
"Ugh, you two are nauseating me." She teased. They broke apart and Fergus grinned at her.
"You'll see things differently when you have a man of your own, sister." He laughed. She rolled her eyes.
"Father wanted me to tell you that you'll be leaving tonight." She explained. Fergus frowned, worry in his brown eyes.
"So the Arl's men are delayed then? I suppose I should get going." He said.
"I would hope, dear boy, that you planned to wait for us before leaving?" Bryce said as he and Eleanor entered the room. Zeriah chuckled, realizing that her father had just been trying to get everyone together. Eleanor rushed over to embrace Fergus.
"Be well, my son. I will pray for your safety every day that you are gone." She said. Zeriah felt a tugging on the tail of her shirt.
"Father says you'll be watching over us, is that true Auntie?" Oren asked. She opened her mouth to answer, but he just continued talking. "Will you teach me how to use a sword, Auntie?" She grinned at him.
"Sure, let's go!" she agreed, causing the child's face to light up with excitement. Oriana groaned.
"Fergus, there are times your family causes me great pain." She pleaded. Fergus laughed as he crouched before his son.
"Mind your mother, Oren." He said fondly. Oren pouted, but Fergus pulled his only son into a tight hug. "I love you, my boy. Be good for your mother and aunt while I'm gone. And don't worry, you'll get to see a sword up close real soon, I promise." Fergus said his goodbyes to Oriana and their parents before turning to Zeriah. She looked up at her brother, feeling a spike of sadness as she realized the danger he was in. He saw her expression and crushed her to his chest.
"I'll miss you, Gus." She murmured. She could feel the chuckle rumble through his chest.
"I'll miss you too, Shorty." He admitted. She glared up at him.
"I thought we were past that nickname." She hissed.
"I thought you were going to get a bit taller, but clearly we were both wrong." He teased. His expression became serious. "Promise me you'll take care of them, sister." He whispered, gesturing to his wife and son. She gave a sharp nod.
"I promise, brother." She agreed. He grinned at her.
"Good. Now off to bed, you have a long day tomorrow." He said. She nodded and went off to bed. As she absently scratched behind Dane's ears, she felt, once again, that something big was coming.