Hello dear readers. The time has finally come! Chapter one of the sequel to Take A Chance On Me is here! I can't wait to get started with this story. I have tons of things planned and I can't wait. Also, if for whatever reason you're here and you haven't read Take A Chance On Me yet, you should. Otherwise this story will make no sense. So, without further ado, I give you chapter one of Don't Forget.


No. This couldn't be happening. Alissa didn't have amnesia. She couldn't. This was just her slightly sick sense of humor showing.

"Where am I?" Her eyes were wide with fear and confusion. She had no idea why she was where she was.

"Alissa, you're in the hospital. You were sick but you're recovering now."

"Who the hell is Alissa? No, more importantly who are you? Are you even supposed to be in here? You don't look like a doctor. Answer me!" When Seto saw the frightened look on her face, he knew she wasn't kidding. She really couldn't remember. Has she forgotten everything?

"You're Alissa." Her eyes opened wider in fright. Her hands began to tremble.

"W-what?" her voice shook as tears sprung to her eyes and fell down her flushed cheeks. She was terrified. Why couldn't she remember her own name?

"Why can't I remember anything?" To say that she had forgotten everything wouldn't be accurate. Some memories were there, but they were spotty. Her mind was like an unsolved puzzle and that frightened her. Seto noticed her fear and pulled her head lightly into his chest.

"I don't know," he answered honestly. "But I'll talk to the doctor." Alissa frowned. Why was this guy touching her? Was he supposed to be someone she knew? His face was familiar to her but she couldn't place a name with his face.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Seto. Seto Kaiba." Although he would never say so out loud, the fact that she clearly didn't remember who he was broke his heart. Over the course of the several months that they had known each other, he had come to trust her, and earning the trust of Seto Kaiba was not an easy task. She had been the only person besides Mokuba that he had fully opened up to, and now every intimate moment that the two ever shared, whether romantic or not, had been forgotten.

"Are we friends?" He didn't know how to respond to this. He considered telling her about their relationship. In fact, he just wanted to grab her by the shoulders, shake her, and yell, "snap out of it!" But he knew that wouldn't work. This was nothing like the mind tricks Noah played on Mokuba during Battle City. This was different. This was real life and giving her too much information at once would just frighten and overwhelm her. Baby steps, he thought.

"Yes. We're friends." She pulled her head away from his chest and surveyed the room. He was the only person in the room. The image of a woman, a man, and a young boy flashed through her mind. My family?

"Where's my family? Shouldn't they be here since I'm in a hospital?"

"You remember your family?" Well, at least she remembers something.

"I remember what they look like. Where are they? Are they here?" The reality of what she had just asked finally dawned on Seto. How was he supposed to tell her that her family was dead? He didn't want to overwhelm her with information, but how could he keep something like the death of her family a secret from her? She had the right to know didn't she? He opened his mouth to answer but then quickly closed it again. Had she forgotten about Tony as well? If she had, was it right for him to remind her of all the things she went through with Tony and his family?

"I'll go find the doctor and tell him you're awake."

"Hey! Wait!" He was out of the room before she could call him back. Once outside her room, Seto leaned his back against the wall and sighed in frustration. This can't be happening. He flicked his gaze down the hall in search of Dr. Kennedy. He had to figure out what was going on with Alissa. He had said that the infection Alissa contracted at the lake was cured. Was this what he meant when he said she wasn't "out of the woods yet?" Seto wasn't sure. But either way, he wasn't going to tolerate it. The doctors had to do something. He spotted Dr. Kennedy at the front desk talking with one of the receptionists.

"Dr. Kennedy!" Dr. Kennedy looked up when he heard Seto call his name.

"Yes Mr. Kaiba?"

"She's awake but something's wrong with her. She doesn't remember anything."


Alissa was immediately put through multiple tests. The doctors were certain that they had stopped and gotten rid of the infection, so something else had to be causing her amnesia. Although he wanted to stay throughout the duration of the testing, the nurses and Roland insisted that Seto return to his cabin. For the three days that the testing took place, Seto would arrive at the hospital right as visiting hours began and he would leave right as they ended. However, the several tests that they had been performing on Alissa prevented him from seeing her more than briefly in between tests. Finally, on the fourth day of testing, Dr. Kennedy approached the young CEO.

"Alissa seems to be suffering from retrograde amnesia. She remembers some details about her past, but not much."

"How did this happen? I thought you said the infection was cured."

"It wasn't the infection that caused it. She had swelling in the area around her hippocampus." Then Seto remembered. When she had started seizing, she hit her head roughly on the floor. Her losing her memory was his fault. If he had been alert that day and caught her before she fell, she wouldn't have suffered from head trauma.

"How long before she gets her memory back."

"It's uncertain. It could be weeks, months, years, maybe never."

"Never? There has to be something we can do to get her memory back."

"You can try showing her pictures to refresh her memory but every patient is different. Sometimes the memories return within a few weeks, others aren't as lucky and they never regain all of their memories." Seto clenched his fists at his sides. There was a chance that she'd never get her memories back. He didn't even want to think about that right now. He took a steadying breath before speaking again.

"When can she be brought home?"

"We'd like to keep her overnight but after tonight you can take her home." Seto nodded and walked towards the entrance of the hospital. He needed to clear his head.


The next evening, the couple sat on Seto's jet on their way back to Japan.

"Are you okay?" Seto asked, noticing the uncomfortable look on Alissa's face. She turned her gaze, which had previously been towards the window, in his direction.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a headache." He took a pill bottle out of his briefcase and dumped two of the orange pills into her palm.

"Here. Take some Ibuprofen."

"Thanks." She popped them into her mouth and swallowed them with a drink of water. A moment of silence passed between the two. "What happened to my family?" Damn it, not this question again. The doctor said I'm not supposed to tell her anything that might upset her.


"My family wasn't at the hospital. Why? Do they hate me?"

"No. The-."

"Then why weren't they there? I really shouldn't complain since I don't remember much about them, but still. They're my family, they should've been there."

"The doctor said I'm not supposed to tell you yet."

"Tell me what?" She has a right to know.

"Your family is dead Alissa." As soon as he had said it, he regretted it. A look of despair crossed her green eyes.


"I'm sorry Alissa."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? The fact that I'm an orphan is a pretty big deal."

"I didn't want to overwhelm you."

"Would you have even told me if I hadn't ask?"

"Of course I would have told you eventually." She scoffed.

"Well next time leave the choices like that up to me. I deserve to know about my past."

"I'm sorry." She sighed. Cut the guy a break Alissa. After all, he was the only one to come see you in the hospital.

"It's okay. Is there any other significant details about my past that I should know about." It took everything in him to lie to her again.


Well, there we go. There's the first chapter of Don't Forget. I apologize and grovel on my knees for forgiveness. I know this update was very late. College has just been eating up all my free time. But this time I PROMISE that an update will be posted by Sunday. I don't have one of my classes on Thursday so I plan on using that time to work on chapter two. Well, despite the long wait, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Let me know what you guys think! I love you all, you guys kick ass!