Caught in the Crossfire: Chapter One

Captain's Log, Stardate 2258.206: We are currently en route to the planet Xentia. The Xentian government has expressed interest in joining the Federation and we have been dispatched per Admiral Pike on a goodwill mission. Our objective is to observe and 'make friends' with the people, as well as report back to Starfleet with our findings. Starfleet has had limited contact with the Xentians, but Mister Spock has assured me that the inhabitants are peaceful and mean us no harm. Looks like a wonderful addition to the Federation. Let's hope everything goes smoothly. End log.


"Come on, Bones. It'll be fun!"

Leonard McCoy rolled his eyes. Yeah sure, fun. Last time you said that we ended up covered in some goddamn spores that turned our skin blue for weeks.

"You're always bitching about how stuffy Sick Bay is. This is your chance to get some fresh air." The Captain grinned from ear to ear. He picked up a petri dish from McCoy's countertop and began to toss it back and forth in his hands.

McCoy snatched it out of the air mid-arc and replaced it with an irritated grunt. "Oh yeah, Jim? And what if that air's full of pollen that you're allergic to? Or the water has some damned parasite in it that turns our intestines into mush? What if…"

Jim huffed. "Jesus, Bones! Lighten up! Spock's already gone over the reports from Starfleet and scanned the surface. There's nothing that seems out of the ordinary, and the natives are peaceful." His eyes gleamed with mischief. "Besides, you could use some sun. You're looking pasty."

McCoy shook his head and relented. "I swear to God, Jim, this had better be a routine away mission. If you so much as sneeze, I'm never letting you off this ship again. We've had too many close calls lately." The concern was evident in his tone.

Kirk clapped McCoy on the back with gusto. "See? I knew you'd see it my way." He flashed a wry grin. "Besides, the last time wasn't that bad of a close call. Meet us in Transporter Room Three in four hours." He sauntered out of McCoy's office, winking at a female nurse as he left.

Bones couldn't help but mutter under his breath, watching his friend leave. "Wasn't that bad? Last time I had to re-arrange half of your organs with my bare hands, you damn fool." He moved out into the main bay and prepared his custom Med Kit for Jim.

Just in case.


"So, Spock, tell me more about these Xentians." Kirk and his First Officer sat in the officer's mess, enjoying a meal before they left the ship.

"Certainly, Captain. There are approximately seven-hundred-and-ninety-five million Xentians living on the planet, with over three-quarters residing on the massive main continent, most of those in the largest city. They are a reptilian-type race, bipedal. Warp capabilities were achieved within the last ten to fifteen years, making contact with Starfleet possible. Their medical technologies are somewhat limited. Admiral Pike has reminded us that sharing our technology with them would be in defiance of the Prime Directive. They seem to be a peaceful race, with no known wars being fought on their planet in the last century. Education appears to be a very important element in their culture, as shown by the large number of schools and libraries present in the capital city. Their language is complex, but they have adapted and learned Standard quite efficiently. The religious beliefs of the Xentians are deeply rooted in creation mythology, with the main focus concentrating on the legend of two Goddesses who fought each other on a sacred mountain before merging into one deity. The…"

Kirk held up a hand – still clutching a half-eaten cheeseburger – to halt Spock's monologue. "Okay, Spock. Thanks for the history lesson. That's enough for me."

The Vulcan quirked an eyebrow. "I was not finished with the briefing, Captain. It would be wise to learn as much as you can about the Xentians before we beam down."

Kirk flicked his wrist at him before finishing the rest of his burger. "Not necessary, Spock. If I blank on something, I know you'll be there to back me up."

Spock stared at Kirk for a moment. "Very well, Captain. I would also remind you that Doctor McCoy has reprimanded you on several occasions for eating such sodium-laden and fat-rich foods. It would be sensible to take his advice as excessive consumption of such items can lead to heart disease, high chol…"

"Spock! Geez, way to ruin a guy's lunch. You're not going to rat me out, are you?"

Another raised eyebrow. "If by 'rat you out' you are referring to bringing the cheeseburger to Doctor McCoy's attention, may I remind you that as First Officer it is my duty to look after your well-being. That being said, I also understand that the doctor would be most displeased to learn that you are not heeding his advice and would more than likely raise his voice and use an expletive accompanying your name. As I do not wish to cause you any emotional discomfort nor do I feel the need for you to incur McCoy's wrath, I shall simply suggest that you refrain from consuming such foods in excess. I will not, as you say, 'rat you out', Captain."

"Gee, thanks, Spock."

"You are more than welcome, Jim."


Kirk's door chimed.

"Come in, Bones."

The door slid open, producing an obviously annoyed McCoy. "How the hell did you know it was me?"

Jim smirked. "Because you were due to come and try and weasel your way out of going down to the planet any time now." He motioned for McCoy to sit on the couch next to him. "Lemme have it, Bones. What's your excuse this time?"

McCoy didn't sit, electing to instead stand with arms crossed as he glared at his Captain. "Now don't you try and pin this all on me. Believe it or not, I came on your behalf. Listen Jim, you've been running yourself ragged lately. You're not even four weeks out from major surgery. Have you forgotten the hell you put me through after the last away mission gone bad? I actually held your liver in my hands." McCoy shook his head in disbelief. "Speaking more as a friend than a physician…"

"I know, I know. 'You should let Spock handle this and get some rest.'" He stood and stared out at the black expanse of space. "Look out there. This is what I live for, Bones. You know that. I just can't get enough. Meeting new species, going to exotic locations—this is what Starfleet's all about. I know it sounds weird, but I don't want to miss anything." He turned and offered McCoy a boyish grin.

McCoy sighed and pursed his lips. "I can tell that I'm not going to win this damn fight. Just promise me you'll be careful. I mean it when I say that I'm getting sick of having to piece you back together every other month. You're not invincible."

Jim shot McCoy a wry smile. "Sure I am, Bones. As long as I have you." He turned around again to look out at the stars flying by. "Now, are you coming with me or not?"

McCoy blew out a sharp breath. "Someone's gotta be there to inevitably save your ass. Might as well be me. You better not make me stab you with a hypo, though. Got it?"

Jim laughed, his blue eyes sparkling in the low light of the cabin. "I'll try to avoid it. You're downright sadistic with those things."


A/N: This is set approximately 5 months after the first Reboot movie. I hope everyone enjoys it. Thanks in advance for reading! And mad props to my awesome beta QuietRaine for the title. You are a sorceress with words. Oh, and sorry about the multiple postings of this first chapter. A little technical difficulties on my end. Blargh.
