His eyes twitched as he saw the pile of letters in his locker. No, "a pile of letters" is an understatement. His locker is overflowing with letters. Some of them had already spilled to floor, making a mess at his feet. "Woohooo!" a familiar voice cooed. "Seems like they are increasing more and more each week," Hanji said excitedly as she pick a letter from the floor. "Levi, I am you're number one fun..." Hanji read and winced at the errors in the letter. She picked another letter. The same reaction appeared. "Well, these letters would be a good sample for my research on the deteriorating written skills of students in our school..." she said as she finally slumped on the floor, still picking up the letters. "Oh, this one is good: Levi, you are the best player I –"
"Do you know what this means Hanji?" Levi finally cut in.
"Huh? It means that you have an increasing number of admirers," she answered as she continued to pick and read the letters.
"This means that someone had opened my locker and probably touched my things," Levi said through gritted teeth. Just the idea of other people pawing his things is enough to make his skin crawl. He almost shivered at the thought.
"Oh," was her only answer, understanding Levi's line of thought. "You know, just let them know that you are a clean freak. Maybe that would stop them from bothering you," Hanji continued, without even looking up from the letters she is reading. "Besides, shouldn't you be used to this already? You're the ace player of our basketball team and the top student of our batch, after all."
"Tch," was only Levi's response as he slammed his locker shut. I'm going to disinfect my locker later, he thought as he starts to walk away.
"Oi, Levi! What do you plan to do with all these letters?" Hanji called. He continued walking. "If you don't want them, I'll just use them for my research…"
"Do whatever you want," Levi answered as he continued walking. "Aren't you coming to class, Hanji? The teacher has already entered our classroom," he asked, looking over his shoulder.
"Oh," Hanji said looking after Levi. "Oh!" Hanji suddenly scrambled to her feet and almost stumbled in her hurry.
The bell chimed signaling the end of class. Levi walked the corridors towards the cafeteria when he saw a crowd gathering in front of the freedom wall.
As he neared the crowd, he heard comments like, "What? Somewhat almost topped Levi?", or "Wow! That was only a .02 difference…" and "Looks like Levi found a competition with this one…" He was already standing behind the crowd before they noticed him.
"Levi," "It's Levi…" the crowd whispers as they moved out of the way to make way for him. Normally, he would have had just walked past the crowd but the whisperings caught his curiosity. He doesn't care about rankings. After all, in the past two years it was always the same – him being the number one, followed by Hanji then Irvin. He walked towards the bulletin board where the latest overall ranking is posted. Raising his head, he scanned the list, found his name at the top and below his name is written: Mikasa Ackerman.
"Looks like your number one position is being threatened, Levi," he heard Hanji chuckled from behind. He didn't answer but instead continued to look at the list before him.
The murmurings around them continued and he heard one of the students said: "Who is this Ackerman?" which someone answered with, "She's a new student. She transferred at the middle of the second quarter…"
"I heard that she was accelerated by two years…"
"Eh, really? How old is she then?"
"Fifteen? Sixteen? I don't know. What does it matter?"
What does it matter, indeed? He thought as he walked away from the bulletin followed by Hanji. Ackerman, huh?
Damn that Hanji, he cursed silently as he climbs the stairs leading to the rooftop. If she is going to get the letters, she should have made sure that she had gotten everything, he thought in irritation. After his last class, he immediately went over the task of disinfecting his locker. As he was removing his things, a paper fell on the floor. He did not pay it any attention, thinking that it was just a loose leaf from his notebook. When he finished his task of cleaning, he saw the paper again and noticed that something was written on it. He picked it up and read,
"Meet me at the rooftop, 5:30 pm."
It was all that was written. He checked his watch and found that it was already past six. Well, it's not my fault that I didn't see it, he thought. Not that he even cared. He gathered up his things and started to walk through the silent corridors. It is already late and there are only few people left in the school at this hours. He continued to walk and stopped when he realized that he was already walking towards the stairs leading to the rooftop.
"Tch, no one is that stupid to wait that long," he said to himself. Nonetheless, he started to ascend the stairs. As he pushed open the door, he was stopped by what he saw. Across him stand a woman, black hair and red scarf softly being blown by the wind.