She lay alone in the dessert, she cried. Knowing that everything was ripped from her hands. Happiness was no longer real. She could see the dirt cloud as it rolled closer to her.


Maka climbed off the motorcycle. She stopped and stared at the thing laying there in the dirt. She scowled.

"Medusa" Soul got off the cycle also and walked next to his Mister.

"Why are you here?" Maka growled, she thought they had killed Medusa, but instead, here she was laying in the dry dust.

There was no reply, only small sobs. Soul growled and dragged the witch to her feet.

"Hey! She asked you a question! That means answers Witch!" He yelled.

That's when Maka noticed something. Instead of the glowing yellow eyes, Medusa's were normal, still yellow, but somehow different.

"Wait Soul" Maka said sternly. "Look at her eyes, and her soul.. it's.. different."

"Different how? Isn't this the Witch that destroyed countless lives?!" Soul yelled.

"It's not as... powerful as before.." Maka said. "I said wait Soul!" She said, more angry this time and she grabbed him and pulled him away from Medusa.

Medusa flinched. She knew what was coming.

"I'd kill you again Medusa" Maka said. "I'd do it here. But theres something I have to ask you first." She took a deep breath. "Why did you try to kill me, and then end up almost killing Crona?"

"I- I- Didn't..." Medusa cried silently.

"Don't lie Witch!" Soul yelled angrily.

"Soul!" Maka yelled. "Explain to me. Now or I'll kill here right here"

Medusa took a deep breath.

"well you see, when I was younger, living with my mother and sister. All my mother wanted was for me to become a witch like her. My sister, wanted nothing but to listen to every word my mother spoke. I however didn't want to be like her. But as you've seen, my power is greater than Arachnae in many ways. My mother was greedy and wanted the power for herself. So when Crona was born.. She used her powers to take over my mind and my body, puppeteer. An old spell that only very advanced Witches could use it. She wanted Crona to become a keechan. I was there, always in the back of my own mind. Trapped. I wanted desperately to escape and warn you somehow. But..." She trailed off.

"That's not true! She has to be lying! Dirty Witch-" Soul was cut off. Maka had kicked him in the stomach.

She bent down and held out her hand. "Come with me Medusa. Would you like to meet your son?" She asked.

Medusa took her hand.