Path of a Spider

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Marvel or DC or any other franchise.

Okay I just want to set the record straight right now, I will be working on my other stories as well as this. This is just something I made because I've had Spider-Man on the brain for awhile and have read a few stories on how Spider-Man was sent to the world of the Justice League and I always wondered what it would be liked if he was actually in Justice League. I picked the Young Justice universe because this was the one I recently watched and thought it would be interesting for him to be here.


Part 1: Silent Steps

November 12

New York City

The crowd cheered and dispersed as the man left the podium and walked down the steps of the stage to the limousine accompanied by security guards. The crowd cheered and applauded him as he left the stage after his speech to the public about the new technology his company had been working on and would be released as soon as it was finished.

The technology was promised to help be able to cure the body of diseases and repair physical damages. It was rumored that it might even be the cure for lifelong diseases such as cancer.

Once again since they made inventions that helped provide the military with more weaponry advantages in case of another worldwide crisis the people can feel even more secure knowing that in the future they have more chances of survival.

All thanks to Oscorp.

November 13

Warehouse 14, coast of Washington DC

The shadows helped him move along undetected from the thugs in room, his footsteps were silent and unheard as he moved cautiously. His training had helped him learn how to blend into the shadows and remain quite enough to wait for the perfect chance to strike.

'I count five guys on the ground floor,' He spoke not through a communicator but through in his mind.

'I got three on the roof,' came a male voice.

'There's none outside the perimeter,' came a female voice.

'Okay, when you see an opening strike,' came a voice full of authority.

It took only a few seconds to knock the guns out of the hands of the thugs by throwing a well aimed batarang. A few kicks and punches and they were on the ground, a simple attack made easy by the element of surprise.

He heard the sound of thuds come from the roof meaning that the others had taken out the rest. His assumption was confirmed when he saw some come from the roof and others come from outside by a nearby window.

"Anything unusual found in the warehouse Robin?" asked Aqualad

"Nothing, but some stolen tech." said Robin

"So that tip really was worthless then." Said Kid Flash

"Pretty much." Said Artemis

"What can you make of the tech Batboy?" asked Aqualad

They turned towards a boy who looked no older than 8 years old. He was wearing a black high tech suit from head to toe that covered his face in a mask with long, pointy ears and a red bat symbol on his chest. He had a utility belt around his waist.

"The tech is cheap and way outdated," said Batboy as he examined it.

"In other words it's the same as the last ones were." Said Wonder Girl

Wonder Girl was wearing a black tank top with a Gold W on it, red sweat pants and blue shoes. She had blond hair and blue eyes and has red star earrings.

"So far we've gone through five different warehouses and yet we've got nothing on this recent increase in illegal trade." Said Robin

"Miss Martian did the guards have anything on their minds about their business here?" asked Aqualad

"No, when I scanned their minds they were all the same thing; just hired to guard this warehouse for the night." She said

"I don't see the point of guarding a warehouse with nothing of value inside." Said Superboy

"Regardless there's nothing more for us here but to alert the authorities and return to mount justice." Said Aqualad

November 13

Daily Bugle, New York City

It was another day at the office for Peter Parker, having given photos of The Flash and Green Lantern fighting Black Atom and Clayface to his boss J. Jonah Jameson.

Even though his photos were good enough to turn any photographer green with envy Jameson would only compliment them with one word; junk. Which to Peter was a step up from them being called crap a word he had heard the first time he submitted his photos.

But even back then he still got a good deal for the photos and a nice paying job to top it off when he first came into the office. The photos he turned in were some of the best ever seen in a newspaper, even better than the ones in the Daily Planet.

These pictures would be hard for any photographer to get but for Peter it was easy.

At 10:00 Peter Parker checked out at work and walked home. He had a car but sometimes he felt like walking to work (not like it was that long of a walk) and he made it back to his apartment a few blocks away.

Peter pulled out his keys and opened his door and stepped inside his apartment closing the door behind him. Wiping his feet on the mat he walked over to his couch and sat down sighing as he did so. He had a normal day at the office, went out and got the pictures of the fight he just so happened be walking by when he saw it.

He smiled remembering the look on Jameson's face when he delivered the pictures to him; amazement then a look of disgust and told him it was crap. Peter knew he didn't mean it but it he had to hold in a laugh as Jameson told him off for thinking he could try to get a job at the Daily Bugle by offering him pictures like those.

That didn't stop him from offering him a job and paying a nice price for the pictures.

Peter smiled when he realized…. He was 19 years old and had a good job, great girlfriend, a loving aunt and uncle, good friends and an adorable little brother.

Peter however couldn't escape the dreadful thoughts that always plagued him whenever he thought of the positives of his life. So far none his worst fears have come to pass, his past has stayed buried just like he left it all those years ago. A threat comes and the Justice League comes and takes care of it and sometimes Young Justice lends a helping hand.

As far as Peter is concerned he has never had to get involved and has had no need to reveal himself, he is going to keep it that way for as long as he can.

November 19

Oscorp Building, New York City

Scientists were busy working on the latest Oscorp technology, each and every one were working very hard either taking notes or making tests for products.

Norman Osborn smiled inside as he saw how hard working his employees were but on the outside he had a stern frown that looked like he was unhappy. His hair was black and orange stripped (I guess) and he walked in a position of authority and black eyes that demanded respect which was added to his height. He was wearing an expansive blue suit and looked healthy for his age.

"Williams what's the status on our new project?" asked Norman

A short scientist with light brown hair and green eyes with large glasses came up to Norman holding a clipboard in one hand, dressed like a scientist; suit, white lab coat etc.

"Mr. Osborn our new project is nearly ready, we just need to run a few more tests." Said Williams

"Exactly how many more tests, need to be run?" asked Norman

"Only a couple more sir." Said Williams

"Then why are you standing here then." Said Norman

Taking the hint Williams went back to his work station with the other scientists who were still working.

Norman smiled on the inside again, soon his newest project will be complete and then the major business corporations will want in, maybe even Bruce Wayne will make an offer.

But he was far from done with surprises.

Later That Night

Jason Philip Macendale regretted many things in his life as his youth ended. One of which was how he treated his parents in his younger years and how he had hired for their assassinations in an effort to get to his fortune quicker. He remembered his first marriage, how he treated his wife like dirt and took her for granted, even after she gave birth to his only daughter. His wife had died in a car crash after they had their last fight.

He regretted it every day of never apologizing to her face.

He remembered how he had treated his daughter who was now 13 and sleeping in her bedroom upstairs in his mansion. He was 47 years old and he was happy to say that his daughter was his greatest achievement, a true statement to the end.

What he regretted most was his business deals that he made with Norman Osborn. He was lucky he was able to walk off the project when he had the chance, making sure all evidence that he was involved( should they be discovered by the authorities) go up in flames.

Now he was trying to give remorse for his sins and find a new live.


The explosion ripped from the front all the way to lounge room he currently was in. He was on the floor just as several pieces of furniture came flying on the walls, hitting shelves and shattering glass. His first act was to get up and save his daughter from whoever was attacking him.

He ran out of the lounge room to a nearly destroyed living room all the way upstairs to his daughter's room.

"Liza wake up we have to go!" he shouted

He opened the door to find his thirteen year old daughter wide awake with fear in her eyes.

"Daddy what was that?" she asked

She had his brown hair and her mother's blue eyes.

"An explosion honey now we have to get out of here!" he said

He scooped her in his arms just as another explosion erupted from downstairs. He ran out her room cradling her close to his chest hiding her face from the smoke and small flames.

'Where is the blasted security team!' Jason thought as he ran down the stairs.

Just as he reached the bottom step that stairs crumbled away and he ran out the front door as quick as he could his daughter still in his arms crying softly. He was on the driveway planning to run to nearest house if he had to.

"It's ok dear we're safe now," he said soothing her.

"You shouldn't lie to your kids like that. It's not exactly safe." Said a menacing voice

Jason looked around not finding anybody around.

"Up here moron." Came the voice again

Jason looked up to see a Goblin on a glider.

The Goblin was wearing a purple sleeveless vest that outlines the muscles on his body, along with purple shorts and boots. His skin was scaly green along with his face, which was had a sharp pointed smile that matched his yellow eyes that had with killer intentions. The top part of his head was covered by a long purple hat that went down to his shoulders, along purple gloves on his hands that covered his wrists; he also had long green pointed ears.

"Who are you!" demanded Jason

The Goblin let out a laugh before replying "I am the Green Goblin but for tonight I am the murderer of Macendales."

"I don't who you are but if someone's paying you I can…"

"Fool! I'm not in this money I'm simply in this just to get rid of you."

"Why I don't even know you." Said Jason

"Half true. You know me but you don't know me!" said Goblin

With a smile he pulled out something from his purple satchel that looked like a mini pumpkin. Without a word he threw it on the ground by Jason who went flying into a nearby tree, his daughter Liza was released from his arms and landed on the ground by his feet. Slowly she got to her feet her cheeks stained with tears.

"LIZA RUN!' Jason yelled at his daughter

Without a word Liza ran down the driveway as quick as her little legs could carry her. Jason watched her run until- BOOM! An explosion went off right on top of her.

"Oops silly me, I guess my accidently hit my rocket on my glider. Oh well accidents do happen." Said Goblin

"WHAT THE HELL YOU MANIAC! SHE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS, YOU SAID YOU WANTED ME!" Yelled Jason his rage holding back the tears.

"On the contrary she was your daughter and I don't intent to let any Macendale live tonight," Said the Goblin the smile ever so present on his face as he moved towards Jason.

Jason slowly got up using the tree to try to move but he felt a punch his side which brought him back down on to the grass. Green Goblin let out a laugh as he watched Jason struggle to get up again.

"Worthless aren't you Jason? Your security team was laughable at best, seeing as how I killed them all in a matter of minutes." Said Goblin

Jason continued to crawl away in an attempt to escape that voice.

"I wonder if your daughter is upset with you. Her last thoughts were probably why daddy was too weak to top the bad man from killing me." Taunted Goblin

"Don't you dare talk of her." Snarled Jason

He suddenly felt a stinging sensation at the base of his spine and turned his head to see the Goblin on the ground with his foot on his back.

"You've grown weak in all these years Jason. To think you had some potential to be just like me," said Goblin a smirk plastered on his face.

"I will never be like you!" said Jason

"At least we can agree on something. I'm the one who's going to walk out of this alive." Said Goblin

With that he pulled out a knife from his satchel and picked up Jason by his head with his other hand.

"After all Jason… The better man will always end things his way." Said Goblin

Jason's eyes widened as he heard that and he mumbled out "You're…." Was all he got our before he felt the knife pierce his chest. The world went black and the last thing he heard was the Goblins laughter.

November 20

New York

"The bodies of both Jason and Liza Macendale were recovered today after an explosion at their home. Liza Macendale daughter of Jason Philip Macendale was found dead near the road with severe burns from an explosion. Jason Philip Macendale was found strung up on a tree with sever wounds and having been stabbed on his chest. People may remember Jason Philip Macendale from his early activity years in the stocking exchange and support arms contracts with Norman Osborn whom at the time refused to comment on the death of his friend.

Police have no leads as to who could have committed such a murder and further investigation is in progress. In other news….

Peter flipped off the T.V as soon as the anchorman was about to switch topics. He gripped his head and closed his eyes releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding in. he just woke up not too long ago and decided to flip on the T.V to see if anything good was on and e just happened to turn it on the same time as the news.

What scared Peter the most was that they had no idea who had killed him.

November 20 (Later that afternoon)

Mount Justice

The Young Justice team were gathered round Batman for the debriefing of their nest mission.

"As you all may now Jason Philip Macendale was killed last night by an unknown assailant or more." Said Batman

He pulled up an image on the screen of a rundown power plant.

"Just a few minutes ago we received a distress call from this area calling for help but that's not what's interesting." Said Batman

He then pulled up a big screen showing a video of a very much alive Jason Philip Macendales looking at the screen with a look of panic. "Help me, quickly before they get me!" he said before the transmission ended.

"But how can that be when he's dead?" asked Kid Flash

"It could be that someone is using this as a ploy to trap us." Said Batboy

"Regardless, this factory was spotted having a few trucks come and go every week. Your mission is to see if they are involved with the illegal trading and if possible see who this fake Jason Philip Macendales is." Said Batman

"What if it turns out to be the real one? It's not like it's the first time someone has faked their death." Said Artemis

"Then rescue him. Debriefing over." Said Batman

He walked out the Zeta Tube just as the team headed to the Bio ship.

"I highly doubt that the guy on the screen is Jason Philip Macendales." Said Robin

"You never know, lots of people like to fake their deaths." Said Kid Flash

They boarded the ship and flew off.

Outside New York

They got off the ship a few minutes later and scouted the area of the plant.

"No sign of anyone here." Said Superboy

"Let's head in for a closer look." Said Aqualad

They quietly scouted ahead inside the power plant as a group coming across nothing but dust.

'I can't find anybody here.' Kid Flash thought.

'I haven't come across anything unusual either.' Thought Robin

They met up in the center of the plant.

"There's nothing here but dust." Said Batboy

"Leave it to Batman to send us on a pointless mission." Said Wonder Girl

"Pointless safe mission." Said Kid Flash

"It doesn't really matter." Said Artemis

"Help Me."

They all looked to see Jason Philip Macendales a few feet in front of them.

"How did…" said Superboy

"Mr. Macendales we came to help you." Said Miss Martian

Then the image in front of them disappeared.

"A hologram, then this is a-" began Robin

"Trap looks like we got someone who can actually think over here." Someone said

The Team formed a circle and turned around checking their surroundings.

"Identify yourself," Said Aqualad as he pulled out his water swords.

"Identify this." Said the voice

A bolt of electricity struck them in the middle and all they jumped out of the way.

They looked up to see guy float down in a black jumpsuit with a lightning bolt on his chest which displayed some of his muscles, electricity flowing through his body and his eyes, and this man had no hair.

"Hello justice brats and welcome to your pain for today." Said the man

"Who are you supposed to be?" asked Kid Flash

"What do I have to spell it or something? I'm Electro." Said Electro

"Never heard of you," Said Robin

"Really now, because I've heard so much about you." Said Electro

He then sent a barrage of shockwaves throughout the group who dodged as many bolts as they can.

"Dance puppets dance," Said Electro with a vicious smile.

Both Robin and Batboy then threw batarangs at him but the batarangs were destroyed before they could even touch his body.

"Those toys of yours won't be able anything here." Said Electro

"Miss Martian now." Said Aqualad

"Right." Said Miss Martian

She flew up to Electro and raised her arm in an attempt to bind his body but before she could Electro disappeared.

"Were did he go." Said Superboy

"Right here."

Superboy turned around just in time to receive a shock to the face that sent him flying back. Wonder Girl charged at Electro only to be shocked to the ground a well.

"That the best you got," Said Electro "I'm hardly warmed up here."

He received a punch to face that nearly sent him falling back. He looked up to see Kid Flash in front of him.

"Why you little," snarled Electro and he made to shock him but an arrow exploded on his shoulder before he could get the chance.

"I wouldn't do that." Said Artemis

"I could've said the same thing." Said Electro

He pulled his body into a ball and floated in mid air then he released a shock wave of electricity that nearly struck Artemis but she was saved by Kid Flash who moved out of the area of the shock wave.

The electricity cleared to show Electro smiling.

"I didn't think fighting you brats would be this much fun. Looks like I get a challenge after all." Said Electro

With that he sent out more bolts of electricity at the team who scattered to avoid it. Aqualad soon stepped up to him.

"Looks like we got a live one here, well step right up and you'll find yourself being fitted for a hospital gown in no time." Said Electro

"I think the only one who will be fitted for anything is you in an orange outfit." Said Aqualad

Electro sent out a shock but Aqualad countered with his sword leaving a shocked Electro.

"How did you…"

"I can generate and absorb electricity." Explained Aqualad.

"Let's see how much you can take." Said Electro

He fired off countless waves of electricity at Aqualad who took it all the best he could but he was struggling to stand.

"What's wrong? Too much!" said Electro

He overpowered Aqualad who was sent flying back a couple of feet away.

A few batarangs then came by and landed on the ground by Electro's sides.

"You missed with your toys bird brains! Didn't I tell you they wouldn't work before.' Said Electro

"These will." Said Robin

Electro then saw an arrow land by the batarangs and then his eyes widened.


The smoke from the explosion clouded everyone's view of Electro, until Superboy blew it away with his breath.

When the smoke cleared Electro was gone.

"Up here!"

They looked up to find Electro in the sky.

"I have to say it's been fun fighting you brats but I have other things to do. Zap you later." Said Electro

With that he flew away disappearing into the forest.

The tem quickly re-assembled.

"What was that guys problem?" asked Kid Flash

"I don't know and that's the problem." Said Robin

November 25

It had been a few days since the team had gone up against Electro. Upon researching they found his name to be Maxwell Dillon a former gangbanger who has been missing for over ten years but that was all the information that could be found.

The search continued for a few days but was halted for the upcoming holiday.

Batman had told them they would continue the search after Thursday.

Norman Osborn had released his new product to the public calling it the Oz suit a new healer for diseases and even a cure for most that was still being researched. It was sold to the market and given to hospitals for free as well as to those who couldn't afford it.

There was also a new type of virus going around but results showed that it wasn't lethal. Police had yet to find a suspect for the murder of Jason Philip Macendale and the search has turned up dry.

November 26

Thanksgiving, New York

Peter was sitting at the large table brought out only for holiday occasions at his aunt and uncle's house. On his left side was his girlfriend Mary Jane Watson a beautiful red head with light blue eyes with a spicy personality in Peter's opinion. On his right was his little brother Ben who looked like a miniature version of Peter except his hair was blond instead of brown but both had a set of piercing brown eyes. At the head of the table was Uncle Ben a man with gray hair and blue eyes along his right was his wife and Peter's aunt May a woman with gray hair and gray eyes.

On Uncle Ben's left was Curt Connors a man with blonde hair, green eyes, his right arm was robotic. On his left was his wife Martha Connors who had orange hair and blue eyes.

On the table in front of them was mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, vegetables, ham, macaroni and cheese and at the center a perfectly good turkey.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming today," said Uncle Ben, "Just a few years ago I thought I would never need to use this table but now that people are actually coming I see the need to bring this up from the basement. I'm happy to say that I'm thankful for being able to be around people I can consider family.

After Uncle Ben's speech they said grace and started to eat. Peter made sure that Ben had vegetables on his plate to which the toddler groaned but complied with his older brothers wishes for him to eat his greens.

The meal continued onward with laughter, funny stories and quality bonding.

A few hours later everything had started to quite down. Uncle Ben, Curt stayed at the table discussing about world events. Mary Jane, Aunt May and Martha were in the kitchen putting away leftover food.

Peter and Ben were in the living room watching T.V. Ben was on the couch sitting next to Peter and they were watching some cartoon.

"Are the Justice League as good as they say they are Peter?" asked Ben

"Let's see, they have world's greatest detective dressed as a bat, two green lanterns who wear rings, a guy who moves faster than a blink of an eye, two people who area deadly force in the air, a hardcore princess, an alien who can read minds and a man made of steel." Said Peter

"So that's a yes?' asked Ben

"I guess so bro. Not to mention they have Young Justice." Said Peter

"You're way cooler than all of them big brother." Said Ben

"You think so." Said Peter

"I know so." Said Ben

Just then an important news bulletin appeared on the T.V.

"Breaking news, a new virus outbreak is leaving citizens near death on the streets. We know take you live to a press conference held by Norman Osborn on the subject of the outbreak."

The screen switched to a live feed of Norman Osborn on a podium in front of the Oscorp building.

"Ladies and Gentlemen let me take a brief moment to explain as to why I turned you away from your turkey dinners. A new virus has come and taken hold of Washington D.C. and I will not stand by and let my fellow countrymen suffer at the hands of a disease that I can help stop. With permission from the president I have been granted permission to quarantine D.C. and find a cure. I have my top scientists working on it now as we speak and I can assure you that sometime by Christmas the virus will be wiped out completely."

The screen switched back to the news station.

"Wow what man to help others even though he was not asked to… as Mr. Osborn said Washington D.C. will now be under quarantine and access to the city will be temporally offline to avoid spread of the virus. Thank you for listening, we know return you back to your regularly scheduled program already in progress."

With that the T.V. switched back to the cartoon that had been on a few minutes earlier.

For awhile Peter just stared at the T.V. until he felt Ben poke him on the side.

"Are you okay Peter?" asked Ben

Peter put on a fake smile and ruffled Ben's hair before replying; "Yeah I'm ok just shocked is all."

Something in Ben's eyes told Peter he didn't believe him but then Ben leaned his head on Peter's side and turned his attention back to the T.V.

December 5

Washington D.C.

Batman watched from high above as few people moved to their homes to get inside before curfew. He watched the few people who were brave enough walk the streets some wearing gas masks to avoid the virus and others with their mouth covered with a scarf or some kind of cloth. It sickened him to see that people have to resort to this in order to walk down the streets and feel safe.

It sickened him more that he couldn't do much about it.

He couldn't find much about the virus from the sample he took from a person carrying it. Him and Batboy had worked all night in order to figure out a source or a cure but nothing came up and no solution could be found.

But right know he had more things on his mind.

A series of random acts of violence had started to plague the city and each involved an area with major people, as if they didn't have enough problems to deal with. The acts included random explosions mostly around buildings and parks and men with guns running around and shooting up streets full of civilians.

Right now he was patrolling the city a habit he picked up from Gotham, just to give himself something to do and to see if anyone needed help.

At least he could say he was trying, just like the others.

Max Dillon better known as Electro was sitting down on the couch in his apartment, drinking a beer and watching some T.V. He was enjoying himself until his phone rang.

He picked up his phone and answered "What is it?"

"I need something done." Said his boss

"What more do you need done, the city is in panic just as you wanted." Said Electro

"Yes but I need more than for it to be in panic you fool! I don't want anything to stop me from succeeding, so I want you to cripple the Justice League."

"How crippled are we talking about? I can break a few of their bones, give them a serious injury or kill a few of them."

"I want you to do what you see is necessary."

Electro smiled as he heard this. "You got it boss." He said


'Click' the person on the other line hung up. Electro put the phone down and finished off his beer before crushing and using electricity to turn It into dust. He walked out of his apartment with a plan in mind to lure out his targets.

Batman continued his patrol, making his way down an alley. He grabbled to the nearest building and landed skillfully on top, checking every angle he could. He walked to the ledge of the building and saw sparks appearing around the city streets. The sparks rapidly danced around the streets, car alarms went on and street lights flickered. Finally it all stopped, the alarms went off and the lights stayed on, just as a man walked out from behind an alley way.

Batman identified the man from the description he got from Batboy and Robin; Electro. He had to admit Max Dillon was a lot different than his profile picture, a few years older and a little bit more muscular. He watched as Electro stepped out onto the street and raise his arms releasing electricity into the air, that acted like a beacon.

'He's trying to draw attention to himself.' Thought Batman

"Batman to Justice League, I have Electro in my sights, down by Booker Avenue." He talked into his com link.

He jumped out of the way when the electricity suddenly aimed at him. He then landed gracefully on the street in front of a smirking Electro.

"I knew if I shined my lights enough a hero would come by. But I didn't expect to feel your little frequency though. "Said Electro

"What are you doing out here?" asked Batman

"Isn't it obvious? I'm sending an invitation to my little party and I wouldn't want the guests of honor to miss out." Said Electro

With that he sent a bolt of electricity at Batman who jumped out of the way and threw a batarang at Electro who zapped it before it could even touch him.

"Those toys again. It didn't work for the birds I don't think it's going to work for you bat." Said Electro

Batman didn't respond but instead threw two more batarangs at Electro who simply smirked.

"Same trick twice you're not as clever as they give you credit." He said

He pushed his electricity into the batarangs and they exploded but they didn't just explode. When they exploded something came out and wrapped itself around Electro's left arm who found the object to be heavy and ended up putting his arm down. The same could be said about his right leg and he couldn't move it at all.

Batman smirked on the inside when he saw Electro get wrapped up in what looked like giant pink bubble gum.

"What the hell is this? Why can't I move! He yelled

He tried to surge electricity through his arm and leg to help break free but he couldn't generate it not even a spark.

"When I found out about your powers I did a little thinking and made a few new 'toys' to combat your powers. What's holding your powers down is rubber and what's keeping you from moving is a slight amount of concrete. Either way your powers aren't going to help you." Explained Batman

Electro raised his one good arm and tried to fire of electricity but nothing came; out not even a spark. He tried to move but he couldn't feel his leg and it was getting harder to stand now.

He watched as Batman walked over to him and he tried to move again but he only moved about an inch, he couldn't even limp away. He started breathing heavy, his powers always affected his stamina and right now he needed a recharge.

He felt himself start to fall just Batman came closer; he gave away to the darkness just as he hit the ground.

December 6

Police Interrogation room

Electro had been brought in for questioning to the police station. A prohibitory collar had been placed on his neck to make sure he didn't try to use his powers. The bubble gum looking substance had been removed by Batman when he was with the authorities and the collar had been placed on him as soon as it was off. The interrogation was brought to the events concerning the murders of the Macendales and the possibility that Electro may or may not have been involved.

The interrogation had gone on for fifty minutes and was being led by Batman, Superman and Martian Manhunter.

"We've been over this already. Tell us what you know of the Macendale murders." Said Batman

"I told you before I don't know anything." Said Electro

"We can do this all day if we have to." Said Superman

"Not like I haven't been here before." Said Electro

He wasn't lying in his teen years he can account to being here countless of times of being suspected of some crime or another.

"Besides you can try to get the green skin over there to read my mind. Or has he been doing it this whole time." Said Electro

'Any luck J'onn?' thought Batman

'No, I can't seem to pick up any thoughts going through his mind.' Said Manhunter

"Look Max we just want to know if you had anything to do with the Macendale murders." Said Superman

"No I didn't, but I get the feeling that the guy who hired me is the one who killed them." Said Electro

"Who hired you?" asked Batman

"I don't know I've never met with him directly I just get his calls. He paid me too much to ask for questions." Said Electro

"Paid you for what?" Asked Superman

"All he said was to disrupt the Justice League long enough, for what I don't know." Said Electro

It was quiet for a few seconds before he added; "Stop trying to read my mind. My brain waves produce electric currents that block out telepaths. Believe me I've tested it."

The interrogation lasted for another ten minutes until Batman was satisfied that that was all he knew.

December 10

New York

"His abilities are above that of any human and his intellect shows signs of him being a genius."

"That sounds all fine and dandy when you look at it from your perspective, but the way I see things it looks like he'll be a waste of time to put in to."

"But sir, he is showing more promise than we thought and he's not even seven years old yet."

"A promise is something that can easily be broken, like your job if you don't deliver better results to me when I ask for it."

"I understand sir."

"Good. I want you to combine him with subject V3."

"But sir V3 has proven to be unstable to those who wear it and can even take control of those who posses weak enough minds."

"I expect you to be able to find a way to make it so the suit doesn't try to control but instead benefit him in more ways than possible."

"I don't think-

"I don't care what you think; I'm not paying you to tell me what you personally think unless I ask. Right now I'm ordering you to do your job or else I'll find someone else who can. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, I want this procedure done as soon as possible."

Peter woke up from his dream, his body covered in sweat. He looked at the clock on his nightstand and found that it was 5:00. He always woke up around this time; people consider it both a blessing and a curse to wake up early in the morning; blessing because they don't have to worry about rushing and can take their time, a curse because they can't sleep in anymore.

Peter got out of bed and walked to his bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. 30 minutes later he was dressed in blue jeans, a red shirt and a blue jacket and was walking out the door with a bagel in hand. He walked all the way to his car a gray Lexis an got in the car finishing his bagel. He decided to go see Dr. Conners knowing he would be up this early and talk to him about a few things.

The drive to Dr. Conner's house took about 30 minutes (including traffic) and Peter parked his car on the driveway and stepped out to view a beautiful two story house. He walked up the front steps and rang the bell. A few seconds later the door was answered by Martha dressed up in jeans and a pink sweater.

"Hey Peter what brings you here?" asked Martha

"Hey Martha, I came here to speak to Curt." Said Peter

"He's in the lab." She said

She let Peter in and closed the door behind him. Peter walked past the living room down to the basement were Curt kept his lab equipment. Soon Peter was standing in a room that a college science lab would envy and saw Curt typing on a computer.

"Hey Curt." Said Peter

Curt spun around and smiled at Peter. "Hey Peter, off of work today?" he asked

"You could say something like that." Said Peter. In reality Jameson had closed the Bugle early for the holidays, that and he knew that it would be hard for some of the others to go on seeing as though they had some friends or relatives in Washington. Even Jonah was worried for his son who had gone to stay with his girlfriend there for a few days.

"So what can I help you with?" asked Curt

"Well, you see…. I can't help but feel that we know who is responsible for this." Said Peter

At this Curt's smile dropped. "I figured as much when I saw on the news that Jason Philip Macendales had been murdered, only one person would want him out of the picture at times like this." He said. "But how are you sure that its him?"

"I got that feeling Curt. The same feeling that I got back then when something was up, only now I can't ignore it." Said Peter

"I understand. I had a feeling of déjà vu a few days ago and I checked through something's." Said Curt as he moved out of the way so Peter could see his computer screen which showed a picture of strange black goo. "I've been running a few tests with some of the symptoms that people have been getting form the new virus and just recently I got a sample from a colleague of him who is working on an antidote and asked for my expertise on the matter."

"This looks like…" said Peter

"Yes, I doubled checked for hours hoping it would be a mistake, hoping I had miscalculated but I didn't no matter how much I wished it so. I'm afraid that the virus is no more than second rate knock off of the Venom suit." Said Curt

Peter stared at the screen for a few seconds before responding; "Second rate knock off?"

"Yes." Replied Curt. "While the virus may possess the same material made from the original it does not possess the exact qualities used to make the suit completely functional."

"So instead of benefiting the host it only weakens it and if the host survives then the suit gains control assuming the suit can function that far. But if there weak already they must have some kind of power source fueling them from somewhere." Said Peter

"Correct." Said Curt

"So what we need is a cure or a way to destroy the power source." Said Peter

"Yes, but I highly doubt that anyone would believe us and this theory without some hard evidence." Said Curt

It was silent for a minutes before Peter looked Curt right in the eye and said; "I'll do it myself."

"Are you crazy?! Do you know how dangerous that is?" Curt tried not to shout but he couldn't help it.

"I know but you said so yourself no one will believe us. I'm the only one who can go in and out and complete the task." Said Peter

Curt stared at him.

"You know there is no other choice Curt, it's the only way and you and I both know that," Said Peter still looking him in the eye.

Curt looked away, not wanting to risk Peter's life again. The kid had gone through hell these past few years, seen things and done things only certain men should say they've done and when he finally looks like he can have a life of his own something comes up to drag him back down.

Sometimes life was just too cruel.

"How soon do you want to leave?" he asked

"I want to go as soon as soon as possible." Said Peter

"I'll let you go but you're not going empty handed," said Curt as he moved over to a storage closet in his lab and opened it up to pull out a duffel bag. "I've been making these in my spare time around the lab. Mostly when I get paranoid and can't sleep because I think the day might come when I all hell breaks loose."

Curt opened the duffel bag to reveal small looking discs that looked like Frisbees. "These are hyper sonic sounds and act as timers and can be activated with the press of a button. Perfect for the situation you are going into right now." He said

"Thanks Curt," said Peter a genuine smile on his face.

"Also I want to tell you that the suits will be nearly impossible to find with a tracker because they blend in well with their hosts. Your suit on the other hand will come in handy in terms of tracking them and can even make them go berserk." Said Curt

"I guess this suit still has more surprises even to this day." Said Peter

Four years ago

July, 17

New York

Fifteen year old Peter Parker dressed up in a black suit with dark web designs as well as a spider symbol on it (Black suit from 3rd movie) and was fighting drones in a battle simulation In Curt Conner's hidden lab. Curt had a hidden lab built to make sure his more private work was kept secret and this lab included a battle simulation and training room that for awhile Curt had no use for until he showed it to Peter.

Curt was in a control room above watching the battle along with Ben Parker.

"So Peter still has it after all this time." Said Curt

"Yeah, I would occasionally find him either reading or working out at the house but he never seemed satisfied with what he was doing." Said Uncle Ben

They watched as Peter dodged a blow from a drone only to punch head and throw it over his shoulder. He then went to deliver a roundhouse kick to a rushing drone and deliver a punch to the drone behind him.

"How has his brother been doing?" asked Curt

"He just turned three five days ago and he acts like Peter in many ways." Said Uncle Ben

"I'm not surprised he does look up to him." Said Curt

Just then a loud ding was heard in the room and they saw that Peter had defeated all the drones. He was standing there in the middle of the room slightly painting but otherwise okay.

"Had enough Peter?" asked Curt through a microphone.

"No I'm not done just yet." He said

"You've been at this four over two hours Peter at least take a break." Said Uncle Ben

"Can I go one more round then take a break?" asked Peter

Uncle Ben thought it over before replying; "Sure but not another round sooner."

Peter nodded his head as a red light flashed and more drones came out replacing the ones Peter had smashed. Peter continued to fight but started slowing down after a few minutes, eventually he started to get to slow and his body felt weird.

"Are you ok Peter?" asked Curt

"I…feel… different." Said Peter

Just then he fell on the ground screaming in pain as the suit started to ripple around his body, the drones soon started advancing on Peter.

"SHUT OFF THE DRONES!" yelled Uncle Ben to Curt.

Curt started to work the system but then a yellow light flashed on the screen. "I can't the drones have auto locked, they won't shut off unless the round is finished!" he said

Just as Uncle Ben made a move to the door they heard what sounded like a low growl come from the battle room. He turned just in time to see Peter slowly get up but his body was still changing until he was covered in complete black. A second later the suit shifted and Peter stood wearing a different suit, which was now a darker black with the only whites being the spider symbol on his chest that looked like it stretched to his back, the sockets that were on the previous suit were now pure white and there were also white squares on the top of his fists barely touching the knuckles.

They watched as the drones started to attack Peter but instead they were all destroyed in the blink of an eye by a giant tendril that came out of Peter's shoulder. When the ding was heard Uncle Ben and Curt rushed out the door to the battle room to find Peter looking at his new suit.

"Are you ok Peter?" asked Uncle Ben when they reached him.

"I feel… Good." Said Peter

"The suit must have evolved." Said Curt

End Flashback

Present Time

Peter was at his aunt and uncle's house where he was hugging aunt who was trying to hold back the tears. Aunt May knew her nephew was destined for great things but she still wished he wouldn't have to keep doing these dangerous things to accomplish that destiny.

Uncle Ben was both worried and proud of Peter. He was worried that Peter would get in to deep trouble in D.C and that things would change. But he was still proud of Peter, proud that despite the fact that Peter was living a comfortable life he felt the need to use his power to help those in need.

Peter stopped hugging his aunt as she let go and he looked in the eyes of his uncle.

"I know there's nothing I can do to stop you but I know you'll be careful." Said Uncle Ben. "I want you to know that I will always be proud of you and all that you're doing right now."

Peter and his uncle shared a hug for a few seconds before pulling away. Peter then nodded to both of them and turned to see Ben who was looking up at Peter his eyes on the brink of tears as he looked at his older brother. Without a word Peter opened his arms and Ben jumped up into them holding his brother tightly, a few tears escaping from his eyes as he wrapped his legs around his brother's waist.

"Do you really have to go?" asked Ben

"I have to kiddo or else innocent people won't be able to have a life that you and I have." Said Peter

"But... What if…" said Ben

Peter pulled Ben back a little to look him in the eye. "There's no what ifs in this Ben, I will come back home." Said Peter

"In time for Christmas?" asked Ben

"I can't promise anything but I will if I can." Said Peter

Peter read between the lines and understood that Ben meant 'Will you come back in time for Christmas so I now you are ok?' He knew this would tear his brother up but at the same time his he knew his brother understood.

Peter slowly put down his little brother who still looked up at him as he moved through the door. Ben still watched Peter as he took one look back them all and smiled slightly nodding his head and moving out the door.

Ben heard the sound of Peter's car leaving the driveway and hoped with all his might that his older brother would come back home safe and sound.

Peter was drove his car back to his apartment and left a note on his door telling his landlord that the left to go spend the holidays with his family and wouldn't be back until after Christmas.

He had said his goodbyes to Curt and Martha who understood but he could still see it was hard on them. He had went to Mary Jane's apartment and told her what he had to do and she surprised him by kissing him furiously and telling him to come home back to her and his family in one piece. Ever since they had gotten together Mary Jane knew what kind of life she would get into Peter but she loved him enough so that she didn't care.

Peter parked his car, knowing that the neighbor hood was surprisingly safe enough that he could leave his care out.

He pulled out the duffel bag Curt had given him from the trunk of his car as well as a backpack and took a cab to the airport. He had gotten a trip to Oregon on a private jet from a friend of Curt who was more than happy to oblige. Once Peter was seated in the jet and the pilot prepared for takeoff he was thinking about what would happen when he got to the city.

"A lot on your mind?" asked Jim a pilot with green eyes and black hair.

"Just thinking about what will happen when I get there." Said Peter

"Curt told me you were going there to visit family." Said Jim

"Yeah, I haven't seen them in awhile and I had no way to get to them in time by plane," Said Peter who remembered that that was the lie Curt must have told Jim.

"Well you just hang tight we'll be there you know it." Said Jim

He started the plan up and Peter looked out the window as they started to descend into the air.

December 11

It took a few hours to get to Oregon after witch Peter thanked Jim and told him he would be taking an alternate route home. Peter then walked out of the airport and then made his way to a checkpoint marked 'OFFICIAL AUTHORIZATION ONLY' and hid behind a parked car and watched the guard. His efforts were rewarded when a large truck that looked it was for supplies stopped by the checkpoint and the guard moved to check for authorization of the driver which gave Peter time to make his move towards the truck. He quietly checked to make sure no one was looking and crawled under the truck perfectly sticking to the bottom without even holding on to anything. He pulled the duffel bag up with one arm to make sure it couldn't be seen when the truck moved.

Soon the truck started to move and Peter stuck on as they passed the checkpoint and into the city.

Several minutes later the truck stopped and Peter soon moved from underneath making no noise and watched as feet moved from the front to the back and open up the back to get the supplies. Peter watched as the men moved from just one side and saw no one else go to the other so he moved to the unoccupied side of the truck and gently went down to the floor and crawled out from under the truck. He saw he was in the city at what he guessed to be a cargo dropped site and slowly walked away not wanting to gain any attention and to make sure no one else was there.

He walked down the city for a few blocks and noticed that there was barely anyone around. He checked his watch and saw that it was 12:30 yet no one was outside probably due to fear of the virus. He walked down the city blocks watching every corner and every rooftop he could until he made it to an abandoned run down building. He checked one more time before opening the door and stepping inside, seeing a nearly rundown place. The inside looked decent enough, Peter couldn't hear any rats and it wasn't that dusty meaning other occupants had lived here before moving out possibly to safe zone

Thinking it was a good time he went over to a large crate and opened it to find nothing in it and placed his duffel bag inside it and looked around before placing heavy wooden boards over it.

He looked outside before deciding it would be better to rest for awhile and wait until night to avoid less detection.

So for now Peter pulled out an inflatable air mattress from his backpack and took a few minutes to blow the air into it. He laid down on it and closed his eyes for a few minutes.


(seven hours later)

The Young Justice team were doing a patrol of the city in case anything strange happened. Ever since Electro told them of his boss they had been doing more patrolling in case this boss struck again.

So far nothing out of the ordinary had happened and they were doubling up their patrols to keep it that way.

"I still don't get what sick freak could benefit from attacking a city with a virus." Said Wonder girl

"You never know some people may just be doing it for fun." Said Superboy

"I know and it disgusts me." Said Kid Flash

They continued their patrol until they saw an explosion.

"That came from a few blocks from here." Said Robin

"Batboy contact the league this may be the boss showing himself. Lets head out now." Said Aqualad

They moved on, Batboy telling their coordinates to the league as they reached the explosion. The explosion happened at a safe zone and from the looks of things it had been bombed quick and without mercy.

"What monster does this?" asked Artemis

"That would be me." Said voice above

They looked up to find the Green Goblin on his glider, holding on to pumpkin bomb.

"Who are you supposed to be?" asked Kid Flash

"I'm the Green Goblin or as you know me the 'monster' who destroyed that safe zone." Said Goblin

"Why would you do something like that! There were sick people in there who couldn't fight back!" shouted Artemis

"I did it to get your attention hot head. I am here to fight the Justice League but I guess you sidekicks will do." Said Goblin

"Don't call us sidekicks." Said Superboy

"I could call you children but I think that doesn't cut it anymore." Said Goblin

He laughed and threw a pumpkin bomb at them but they all dodged before it could explode on them. They soon started their clash with the Green Goblin.


Peter had woken up and checked his watch which read 7: 30 and decided it was now or never. He got up and soon hid body was surrounded by black ooze and soon it took shape to reveal a black spider suit with a white spider on his front and back, as well as white sockets and white squares on his fist. Peter then stepped out of the door to the warehouse and closed it behind him before jumping on to a nearby rooftop and slowly making his way to Oscorp hidden in the dark of night.

'Hopefully,' he thought 'I can end this before it even begins.'

Wow I typed more than I thought. This will be probably two or three parts depending on how long I decide to make it.

R/R people, tell me what you think and don't forget to stay tune for more. Have a nice day.