Bright's POV

After Fine left from the table, I looked around angrily at everyone, especially at Prince Shade who just looked annoyed. I felt like punching him in the face for making Fine run crying like that.

"Ahem, we shall proceed with this meeting then," King Truth announced and everyone refocused to the meeting at hand.

How could King Truth just ignore his daughter like that, doesn't he care about her?

I clenched my fist tight to suppress my anger and slowly stood up from the table.

"Bright?", my father looked at me as well as everyone else in the meeting table.

"I'm sorry, please excuse me for a moment", I said leaving the table.

I felt everyone's' eyes on my back as I walked out of the room.

Before I knew what I was doing, I started to walk down the corridator towards princess Fine's and Princess Rein's room. When I reached the door, I hesitated for a moment after hearing soft sobbing noises. The crying noise made my heart felt it was breaking.

I knew I had to do something so I raised my hand to the door and knocked.

There was a silence then a voice came, "Go away Rein," princess Fine said in a coarse voice.

"Its me Bright, may I come in?" I asked.

There was more silence then creaking of a bed like someone was sitting up.

"Um... sure", an unsure voice answered.

I slowly opened the door and slowly entered.

Fine was sitting up on the bed and forcing a smile on her face, like how she was always forcing herself to smile in front of others, except this time she had red eyes like she had just been crying.

"Princess Fine are you alright?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm Fine really hahaha", Fine forced a laugh.

I suddenly felt an urge to hug her which I did.

I held her close to me and gave her a tight squeeze.

'How could Shade do this to her' I thought

'I will never ever forgive him'

"Please don't pretend, its really painful," I told Fine still holding her tight.

"Br...Br...Bright?" Fine stuttered.

I put my hands on both sides of her face and lifted her face up to look into my eyes.

Fine looked up at me not knowing what to say.

She had beautiful eyes... so beautiful, without thinking I leaned in and kissed her soft,soft lips...