It was a peaceful dream, sitting on the pier at camp half-blood, fishing with my dad. The gods rarely come without purpose and today was no exception. I have to admit though, I didn't expect to have this conversation with my dad. Mom, sure I expected it any day now. But dad? He always struck me as a more in the moment kind of guy but I guess the hawaiian shirt kind of decieved me. I had never really thought about school, even before I found out out I was a half-blood I never expected to go to college and when I did find out, I figured 'hey, you probably won't live that long anyway!' yes it is morbid but it's the truth. However now, with Kronos out of the way and the gods looking out for their kids more, the lifespan of a demigod has skyrocketed and i'm left with horrible grades and an even worse wrap sheet with little to no chance of ever getting a decent job and I refuse to be a drain on my mom.

'Percy this is serious, I don't want to watch you struggle out in the mortal world, you naturally have the desire to do good and when given the chance I think you should do all you can for others. It's in your nature.' poseidon said, his eyes full of concern.

'How am I supposed to do that though? I don't have any skills used in mortal jobs' I replied frustrated.

'maybe you just have a more specialized skill set. When the opportunity knocks, I trust that you will know what to do' dad said, with a knowing smile and familiar glint inhis eyes.

I woke with a start, confused, for as intensive as the conversion had been, I hadn't expected it to wake me so violently. I thought back to what my father said, he was back to his usual cryptic self, talking while saying nothing as all gods do.

Mom and Paul were already away to work and Annabeth was in San Francisco with her dad so I doubted I would be doing much the weekend. When I walked into the kitchen, after getting dressed in semi-reasonable clothes, the first thing I noticed was a long package sitting on the table. The type of packaging worried me as the last time I saw a box with that design I was sticking meduca's head in it. It was addressed to me, no surprise there, and it was from my father, lots of surprise there. Dad had said nothing about a package. I cautiously opened the package, with the memory of meduca in mind, inside lay a beautiful sword complete with scabbard, just like riptide but instead of celestial bronze it was a silvery colour and a folded note embossed with a trident.

Dear Percy

I though these might help with some things, the blade is like riptide, so it should be balanced and as easy to use. However it is not celestial bronze but olympian silver, he same metal that Lady Artemis and her hunters use, I pulled in a favour with Hesphaestus to get it made for you. It kills both mortals and monsters and cannot transform, hence the need for a scabbard people,so use it wisely. I hope you find your path in the world my son.

Love Poseidon.

I was shocked. Why would my father give me such a weapon? Half-bloods have a strict no mortal harm rule. This sounds like something I would need to talk to Annabeth with, she isn't called wise girl for nothing. In went I search of a golden drachma when I heard a knock at the door.

I straightened up from searching down the back of the sofa and approached the door, I glanced through the peep-hole seeing two people. I opened the door and got a better look at the two strangers. The man, to be frank, looked like an accountant. Everything from the tie to the briefcase screamed accountant. However the look in his eye reminded me of the Demeter cabin, he may seem soft and kind but if you get on the wrong side of him he won't hesitate in shoving cereal down your throat. His companion looked like the love child of Aphrodite and Ares. She was beautiful and terrifying with red hair that would make Rachel jealous. She was also wearing this weird skin tight one suit that made me glad Annabeth wasn't here because she would hit me just for saying hello.

Mr Accountant opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off.

'whatever you're selling I don't want it. If you are new to the building congratulations I hope you feel welcome. If you are here to ask me if I want to find God, take no offence but I'm pagan and staying that way.'

This seemed to amuse Mr Accountant, who gave a small smile and said 'Mr Jackson I'm Agent Coulson and this is Agent Romanoff we are from the Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate better known as S.H.E.I.L.D. We are here to talk to you about the events in Manhattan at the end of the summer and your involvement in them. Can we come in?'