~I am going out on a limb here and guessing there will be two or three more chapters...Don't take my word for it though.~

Disclaimer: I own no one.

Warnings: Slash, violence, language.

"Why not? Is it about Jack? Don't worry about him. I'm sure he'll be crawling back to you eventually."

"I don't kn...How did you know that Jack was gone?" Daniel asked.

"Uh, well um, he's not here right now. So, it was just a guess." Ron stuttered.

"He's lying." Merritt said as he glared at him.

"I am not! Jack isn't here right now, so I just thought..."

"Ron, what the hell did you do?" Daniel shouted, getting attention from other people in the bar.

"I didn't do anything!"

"Donnie grab him." Daniel instructed the other man.

Donnie reached for him, but Ron jerked away.

"If you touch me you will never see Jack again! Do you hear me? I will kill him!"

Donnie dropped his hand.

"You took my brother?"

Ron looked at him, "No, I hired someone to bring him to me. Then I made the little fag pay for what he did."

"What exactly did he do?" Daniel asked, trying to keep himself from jumping over the table and beating the living day lights out of this man.

"He messed with your head, Danny. Because of him you think you're gay. You know how sick that is? With him out of the way I can set you straight, literally, and everything will be just as it used to be."

"He didn't do anything to me! Tell me where he is or so help me God I'll..." Daniel clenched his fists tighter.

Ron leaned back in the booth, crossing his arms over his chest. He had a big smirk on his face.

"You'll what? You are in no position to be giving me orders. I just want to talk to you, Danny. What you are doing with that kid is wrong! Why can't you see that?"

Daniel stood up quickly, making the glasses on the table shake.

"Where is he?" He yelled.

"Mike's looking after him right now. The kid managed to get away from him today. Said he had to go to the bathroom and when Mike went in to get him he cut Mike across the face with a razor. He almost got away too, but Mike knocked him out. Jack is a tough little son of a bitch, I'll give him that."

"Where is my brother?" Donnie asked, his voice shaky.

"Okay. Okay. I'll call Mike. All right?"

Daniel slowly sat back down. He noticed Henley texting under the table. She was sending a message to Dylan. Her gaze never left Ron's.

Ron pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket and was soon waiting for Mike to answer.

"Hey Mike. Yeah, it's me. I want you to untie the kid...and kill him."

"No," Daniel screamed. As did everyone else around the table.

"Mess with him a little first though." Ron then hung up the phone.

"You bastard!" Merritt yelled.

"It's better this way, Danny. Trust me." He tucked his phone back into his pocket.

"Ronald Smith, you are under arrest for the kidnap and torture of Jack Wilder." A voice said.

Everyone turned around to see Agent Fuller. He had his badge in one hand.

"You have no proof!" Ron stated.

Fuller smirked, "Agent Rhoads is on his way to your apartment as we speak. I'm pretty sure there will be evidence all over the place. Now, are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?" He looked up at Horsemen and Donnie with a smile.

"I've always wanted to say that. Now, go on. Get out of here."

They didn't need to be told twice. They all scrambled out of their seats and ran outside.

"Dylan text me the address. He's stuck in traffic." Henley informed them as Merritt tried to flag down a cab.

Meanwhile at Ron's apartment Mike got off the phone and turned to Jack with a huge creepy grin.

"Ron just gave me some new orders. I get to play with you and then kill you."

Jack's eyes widened.

Mike picked up the knife that been all too familiar to the young man.

"I am going to enjoy this." He held the knife high up in the air.

Jack squeezed his eyes shut tightly and waited for it; waited to die. Instead he felt the rope around his shoulders give way. Opening his eyes he saw that Mike had cut the rope.

He had to get up and fight. It was his only chance in surviving. But his whole body ached terribly. He was lightheaded from blood loss. Jack didn't even get the chance to gather up what was left of his strength before Mike got to work on cutting his arm.

Merritt managed to get a cab and they all piled in. It took almost fifteen minutes to get Ron's apartment. The cab didn't stop all the way before Daniel was out of the cab and running up the front steps, his friends following close behind.

"Guys!" They heard Dylan's voice and turned to see him get out of a cab. He ran to meet them. He moved in front of them and lead them the rest of the way inside of the building. Ron lived on the ninth floor, last apartment on the left.

Dylan donned his gun and he ushered for them to be quiet as they crept down the hall. As they got closer to the door, they heard some yelling and smart comments. They yelling coming from a voice unknown, but the smart comments coming from their beloved Jack.

Dylan put his back against the wall right of the door.

"FBI! Open the door!"

No reply. But no matter, Dylan loved doing this. He pushed himself up off the door and kicked it as hard as he could.

"Hands where I can see them!" He shouted.

Jack was slumped in a chair with blood seeping from his fresh wounds. His skin was pale and he looked he was about to pass out. Mike was behind him with a knife pointed to his back.

"You move and I kill him!" He showed them the knife for a brief moment.

"Just put the knife down and step away from him." Dylan told him.

"There is no way in hell I am going to prison!" He pressed the knife harder to Jack's back, making said boy wince.

Dammit, I'm useless. There's nothing I can do to save Jack. Daniel thought.

Jack's thoughts were different. You came for Danny. Thank you. I knew you wouldn't stop searching until you found me.

"If you don't step away from him then you won't go to prison, I'll shoot you."

"You shoot me then the kid dies too." Mike smirked.

"Dylan," Jack said, his voice raspy, "Just shoot him."

"Darling, if he shoots him then you'll..." Daniel began.

"Dylan, do it." He looked deep into the FBI agent's eyes, pleading him.

Jack's eyes told Dylan everything he needed to know. He held his gun up, and aimed.

"Dylan! You can't!" Shrieked Henley.

"Don't stop me." He ordered as he aimed the gun, closing one eye to focus.

A loud bang shot out, Jack moved quickly, twisting out of Mike's grip and hit the floor. The bullet went right through Mike's shoulder. He yelled out in pain and fell to his knees beside Jack. The knife clattered to the floor.

"I am going to kill to you!" He screamed.

Jack lunged for the knife and stabbed him in the leg.

"AHH!" He fell backwards, contemplating which injury to hold.

Dylan rushed forward and handcuffed him while Danny dropped to his knees beside Jack. He held him in his arms tightly, minding his wounds.

Jack was shaking, trying to keep it together. He loosely draped an arm around Daniel's neck. His grip wasn't tight. He was too weak.

"Danny..." His voice broke.

Daniel buried his face in Jack's neck.

"I got you. I got you." He repeated.

Jack's eyes became blurry and he didn't know if it was because he was crying or slowly loosing consciousness.

"Danny, get him the kid to the hospital! He's loosing too much blood!" Dylan yelled as he hauled Mike to his feet.

Danny loosened his grip on his boyfriend to see that there was a faire amount of blood seeping from the boy's wounds. There was blood on him and Daniel. He quickly took his jacket off and wrapped it around one of Jack's arms. Donnie slipped his jacket off as well and got to his knees beside Daniel. Wrapping it around his little brother's other arm he added pressure to it.

Jack winced. He was trying his very best to hang onto consciousness. It was getting harder and harder. He swayed a bit. And the last thing he heard was Daniel shouting his name.

"Jack! Jack, stay with me!" Jack would have fallen backwards if it hadn't been for Daniel. The control freak grabbed him before he hit to the ground.

"Move," Merritt wedged himself between the control freak and lawyer, "I'll carry him. Donnie got get a cab."

He picked the youngest up in his arms. It was all too familiar to Merritt. He didn't like it. Merit McKinney had held Jack in his arms exactly two times in his life. The first was when he distracted that mugger away from them in the alley and got the hell beat out of him and this time; when he was barely holding onto his life as he bled out.

Donnie was waiting out by a cab with the back door open when they came out. Daniel slid in as did Donnie while Merritt laid Jack across their laps. Merritt got in the back too as Henley sat up front with the creepy cab driver. He was a plump man with short greasy hair. He needed to shave and his clothes were old and stained.

"What happened to him? He looks like shit." The cab driver commented.

Henley turned around to look at him with a glare.

"Have you looked in a mirror lately? He's not the one who looks like shit! Mind your own damn business!"

"Look, will please drive?" Donnie asked loudly.

The cab driver grumbled as he pulled away from curb.


"A hospital." The red head told him.

"Which one?"

"Does it look like we care which hospital we go to?"

"You missy are about to be thrown out of my cab." He said rudely.

Henley ignored him and turned back around in her seat.

Daniel rested a hand on Jack's hair and began to run his fingers through the dark brown locks while Donnie was making sure there was plenty of pressure of Jack's wounds.

Just twenty minutes later they arrived at the hospital and doctors and nurses wheeled Jack away on a gurney.

Daniel had begun pacing back and forth. Merritt sat in a hard plastic chair while he kept muttering curse words, but they soon turned into prayers. Henley sat next to the oldest magician and laid her head on his shoulder as she cried. Donnie also sat down a few chairs away from the others. He was hunched on his lap, his elbows resting on his knees. He bit nervously at his thumb nail while his leg bounced up and down nervously.

Hours later everyone was still in the same position they were in when they arrived.

"Danny please stop," Begged Henley, "I can see a track in the floor."

Daniel ran a rough hand through his hair as he turned around to look at her.

"It's been hours! You think that they could tell us if he is okay or not!" His small outburst had earned a few glares from other people in the waiting room.

"Sit the hell down," Merritt said through clenched teeth.

"I can't! Not until I know Jack is okay."

"Sit down or I'll make you." Merritt said darkly.

Daniel knew what he meant by that; he would use his stupid mentalist tricks on him.

"I can't do this," He sobbed.

Daniel rested his back against the plain white wall across from his friend. He slowly slid down it, pulling his knees up to his chest, burying his face in his knees, and his hands came to rest on the back of his head.

Henley picked her head up from Merritt's shoulder. She sat up, Merritt's arm falling from her shoulders.

She looked at Daniel, really looked at him. This is not the Daniel she had known for almost seven years. No, this was a completely different man. Yes, Jack had changed him for the better, but in this moment Henley knew what was so different about her old friend.

Daniel had no control over anything that has been happening over the last few days. He had no control over Jack being taken and beaten, and he has no control now that Jack in some room in this hospital.

A control freak that had no control was bound to have a mental break down eventually.

Daniel was sobbing uncontrollably now.

Henley's heart ached for him, Donnie looked with sad eyes and Merritt's hard glare had softened.

The red head stood, fully prepared to comfort her friend. She was halfway over to him when they heard; "Family of Jack Wilder?"

Donnie was the first over to the man. Soon they all gathered in front of the doctor.

"He's my little brother."

The doctor nodded, "When Jack was brought in he had a very severe concussion and numerous cuts that needed stitches. Some on his left temple, and many on his arms. He lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion." He paused before continuing.

"His heart stopped during the blood transfusion."

That was all Daniel needed to hear. He felt his knees grow weak and he would have fell to the ground if Merritt hadn't caught him.

"Whoa, easy there Champ." Merritt grunted.

"Please take a seat." The doctor stepped forward and grabbed a chair for Merritt to help Daniel sit in.

"As I was saying his heart stopped, but we were able to revive him. He was awake for just a few short moments before we gave him some pain medication. He's asleep now."

"May we see him?" Henley asked, hopeful.

"I don't think that would be a good idea right now. Please, come back tomorrow and Jack should be in a better condition."

"All right," Donnie nodded, "Thank you Doctor."

"Come on, Dan. Get up." Merritt patted Daniel's back.

"But Jack..." He trailed off as he looked up at Merritt.

The older magician noticed how young Daniel looked then.

"We'll see him tomorrow. Come on."

He patted his back as Daniel stood up.

Looks like another long night. Thought Merritt as he lead Daniel out of the waiting room.

~Wow, one more chapter after this, I believe! Maybe an epilogue. I'm not sure yet. Sorry it's been so long. I had writer's block and whatnot. Please leave a review.~