Hey, Everyone! Prepare for a short chapter.
Crowd: Boo
Yea I know, anyways I do not own Darksiders or Percy Jackson, just my OC's
Well, enjoy!
"Wait Daniel said his father's name is Strife and by the sight of the symbol he is considered a god. So does that mean…" Annabeth said figuring it out.
"If you mean Daniel is not a demi-god but a true blooded god? Then yes," Mr. D said surprising every one there.
"So wait him being a demon slayer was a lie?" Clarisse asked glaring at Daniel for lying to them.
"No it's true, he is a demon slayer," Chiron said, "But his… family also slays dark angels and rebellious gods."
Now everyone was staring at Daniel wide eye.
"Umm, guys? I think you are also leaving out the fact that his father can cause the apocalypse," Luke said making everyone's eyes widen even more at that little fact.
Mount Olympus
Zeus was outraged at the fact that one of his people went and had a child with their number one enemies!
Hera was following to calm him down, but he would not. He dashed out of his temple to search for Hestia.
As soon as he arrived he saw Hermes, Ares with Aphrodite next to him with a mischievous glint in her eyes, Artemis with her hunters, Apollo, Demeter, and oddly enough Hade's shadow there as well.
And in the middle of the group was Hestia with a calm look in her eyes.
"I didn't know you had a lover Hestia!" squealed Aphrodite as she kept trying to get details as how she had a horseman as a lover.
"Do you know if you can lead me to his brother War? I would like to see who is the stronger of the gods of war," Ares questioned with a bloodthirsty smile.
"This is most surprising. I never would have guessed you would have a child," Artemis said with a suspicious look and also her hunters agreeing with her.
It also seemed that Artemis was angry about something.
"I feel a haiku coming!" Apollo said and was about to say one before Artemis slapped his mouth shut.
"I'm curious as to why my sister had a child with one of them," Zeus said with a threating tone.
Hestia glared at him and said, "Is it wrong for me to love one someone, even if it's your enemy? While most of you had people to revere and remember you. You had people who loved you. Now finally I have someone who does all that and you try to get in the way!' Hestia almost shouted, surprising everyone there.
Zeus sighed and said, "They are very dangerous! They can kill one of us with a swish of their weapons! I'm just trying to protect you."
"I believe the lady doesn't need any protection, Thunder Ass," insulted someone behind them.
Everyone turned their gazes to the offending voice and saw Strife, the white horseman, standing there in all of his deadly glory. (A/N: When I typed this I laughed at how weird I sounded it XD)
"STRIFE!" Hestia shouted in happiness as she ran towards him and hugging him.
"Hey there, Love."
"YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR DOMAIN?!" bellowed Zeus as he glared at the Horseman.
"I'm here to see my wife, Zeusy," Strife said teasingly.
Zeus did not take kind to that and said threateningly, "Leave at once, your kind is not welcome here."
"Zeus!" exclaimed Hestia. But instead of leaving Strife put his hands over his heart and said, "Oh Zeus, How your words wound me!"
"Dear, calm down," soothed Zeus' wife.
"No! Until this Horseman leaves."
"Don't you want to know how we met and fell in love?" Strife asked.
"Yes!" squealed Aphrodite. Strife also noticed nods from the others though Artemis was glowering at him.
Zeus glared at him for a moment before nodding reluctantly. "This does not mean my hatred for you Horseman is quelled."
"I know. Doesn't matter to me though, because I only care about Hestia," Strife said, to which Hestia smiled lovingly at him.
"Now everyone how bout we take a seat? Eh?" Strife asked as everyone summoned a chair or couch.
As everyone was seated, Hestia began, "Alright, it all started when I decided to visit the mortal realm. I was on a trip, as you would call it, to see all the amazing things the humans have made. As I arrived at the Statue of Liberty, the final destination to my trip, many demons came and started to attack me! As you know, I'm not much of a fighter, so I was almost killed until my husband, Strife came to me and helped destroy all those demons."
"Unfortunately, I broke my leg while trying to defend myself. Strife, seeing my dilemma, brought me to the home of the four Horsemen. There, he took care of me, and made sure if I was all right. Even after my wounds were healed, he kept me, making sure I stayed healthy and strong. I also got to meet the other three, who were good company to have. And through out the days I stayed there, I fell in love with Strife. But I was afraid he would reject me because of my Olympian status. Yet he did not care at all and told me that he also loved me. And through that love I bared a child for him for nine months."
"Wait! You kept the child in your womb for nine months. Like a mortal woman?" Asked Hera, who was surprised at Hestia for bearing a child for that long.
"Yes I did. I wanted to connect to the child and know how much I loved him. But because of Zeus' rule I had to leave my child when he was born," Hestia said sadly as she glared at Zeus.
"Luckily, I could trust my son to my husband, knowing that I was a Greek God but also him being a Horseman, he could protect him," Hestia said as she gazed at her husband warmly.
"When did he ask you to marry him?" Demeter asked; as she tried to persuade Strife to eat some cereal…and Strife trying to kindly deny it…Emphasis on trying. "Help. Me!" Strife used sign language to his wife. Hestia just chuckled and mouthed 'Nope!'
Strife sighed and finally relented at eating the cereal, to Demeter's joy.
Strangely enough he could eat it without lifting his mask.
"He asked me to marry him when he learned that I had a child," responded Hestia, as she drew closer to Strife.
Some of the goddess awed at the sight.
"Um I apologize for interrupting but the Images are still showing but this seems interesting," interrupted Poseidon as he pointed to the Images being shown.
It showed Daniel somehow glaring at them through it.
"I believe that my son knows that I am watching and is slowly preparing my death," answered Strife. At this he received raised eyes from all the people present.
"My son doesn't like to be left out of the loop," Strife answered again, receiving understanding nods, and chuckles (or was it giggles?) from Apollo and Hermes.
"If that is all you have to say, then leave and never come back," threatened Zeus as Hestia glared at him.
"Oh I'll leave," receiving a sad yet angry look from Hestia and a Pissed of look from Artemis. "But I'll be back. You won't and can't separate me from my wife, Thunder Ass."
Zeus eyes brightened and looked ready to kill him, until a hand stopped him.
It was Poseidon.
"No need for violence, brother."
"But this HORSEMANdares challenge me!" Zeus roared as the sky rumbled.
"I've taken scarier things then you, Gods of Gods," Strife mocked.
"Whoops. Looked like I pissed him off. Well good-bye everyone. Hestia," Strife said as he leaned close to his wife and kissed her, halfway taking off his mask.
This caused many reactions between the gods and goddess.
Strife quickly teleported before Zeus could strangle him. After Strife left, Zeus said, "You are forbidden from seeing him again."
"Don't forget who is the eldest, Zeus," Hestia said before returning to her temple.
One by one the God's left.
Finally, Zeus was the only one left and muttered to himself, "I will prove who is stronger Horseman."
The king god left in a flash of lighting.
Yea I know, Its to short, but I really tried my hardest on this chapter, but sadly this is all that came out. D:
I'm so sorry….
Well anyways leave a review, be it a bad or good one, and don't forget to vote!