Yo, this is my first story! Anyway I don't own Darksiders or Percy Jackson, only my Oc Daniel
Daniel: Hello There
Anyways, Review!
In one of the bright cities of New York, were two figures fighting on top of a roof. One was in full grey armor and a bright, red scarf. He stood at 6'8 and both his iris and pupils were bright shade of yellow. His hair was a spiky midnight black. He wielded two revolvers in each hand: Mercy and Redemption.
In front of him was a 12-year-old boy, who stood at 5'5. He wore a black beater and green military pants. He wore a gold medallion around his neck and had black army boots. The boy had long red hair with dyed black tips, put in a ponytail, and the same shade of eyes like the man in front of him. In his hand was a Taurus Judge, called Pride.
These two were Strife and Daniel, father and son, horseman and trainee of the apocalypse. "Okay, I think that's enough training today, eh Dan," commented his father, seeing as his son was already on his knees gasping. Daniel nodded, "Yea, besides I have school tomorrow. We're going on a field trip…" As he finished his sentence he collapsed and was knocked out. Strife chuckled.
"Guess this is what 7 hours of non stop training does to a boy."
He threw his son on top of his shoulder, and activated a green portal back to their home.
At the Hideout…
In the living room sat War, Fury, and Death, the remaining of the horseman. War was reading, while Fury was sparring with their brother Death. All of a sudden a familiar green portal appeared in the middle of the room. Death, Fury, and War watched as there fourth brother came out, carrying his son.
"Worked him to the bone did ya?" joked War as he watched Strife place his son on the couch. Strife snorted. "Got to prep him in case he fights any of those demons," replied the white rider.
"And angels too," commented Fury as she placed a blanket over her nephew. "But still, 7 hours?" questioned Fury as she glared at her brother. Strife shrugged and replied, "He asked for it. Who am I to deny him that?"
Fury sighed as her left eye twitched. "Did you give him any breaks?" asked the black rider, putting a lot of stress on any. "Didn't ask for one," replied Strife. Then, out of nowhere a whip nearly hits him.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" shouted a confused rider. "Don't yell!" hissed Fury, pointing at the sleeping kid, "And why in the Creator's name did you not give him any!" Strife gulped at his sister's intense glare.
"I suggested it, but he said no!" whispered a frightened Strife. "THAT'S your excuse," said the angry female horseman. At this, Strife started to sweat bullets. Fury continued to glare at Strife till she left. After a few seconds, Death and War chuckled at their brother's misfortune. The white rider glared at them, but decided it was useless, as he got no response from them. Then he left to his room to rest for the day.
Time Skip
It was the day of the field trip as Daniel sat next to his two friends, Percy Jackson and Grover Underwood.
Percy Jackson was a kid shorter than him by an inch or two. He had dark black hair and bright sea green eyes. He wore a bright orange shirt, jeans and blue sneakers. Then there was Grover. He had Caucasian skin and weirdly… a goatee. Daniel always stared at that thing, always wondering how he had one. Grover was also a cripple. Yet that didn't stop him on enchilada day. Still, it was because of that Grover was always bullied. Luckily, Daniel was always there to ward them off. One time, one of the football jocks pushed Grover around. The next day, he was hanging off a pole only in his underwear. No one had evidence if it was Daniel, yet everyone knew it was him somehow.
Grover to Daniel is known to be a type of coward. Don't get him wrong, he finds Grover as one of his best friends, but he always seems to be afraid of something. Like right now he seems to be freaking out a lot.
As of now though, Grover was being hit with piece of what seems to be a peanut butter and ketchup sandwich. And the culprit of course was Nancy Bobofit, the kleptomaniac. She had curly red hair, horrible crooked teeth and blotchy red freckles.
"I'm going to kill her," seethed Percy.
"It's fine Percy, besides I like peanut butter," said Grover as he was hit by another flying piece of the sandwich. Percy turned around and was about to yell at her until Grover stopped him. "Stop, you're already on probation," warned Grover. Finally Daniel turned around and gave the annoying girl a death glare. She 'eeped' and stopped. "Thanks Daniel," said Grover as he sent a grateful look to him. Daniel just chuckled as they followed Mr. Brunner through the museum.
Mr. Brunner was a Latin teacher and was leading this trip. He was a middle-aged man in a motorized wheelchair. He had thinning hair and a scruffy beard and a frayed tweed jacket, which always smelled like coffee for some odd reason. He rode up front in his wheelchair, guiding class through the huge galleries, past marble statues and glass cases full of antique, black-and-orange pottery. As Mr. Brunner kept explaining the history of all the things around them, Daniel noticed as Miss. Dodds, the substitute pre-algebra teacher, glared at Percy. He also noticed a type of energy coming off of her, a demonic one. 'I need to keep an eye on her…' thought the Horseman son. Miss Dodds was a wrinkly old woman, who wore a black vest and had this horrible screechy voice. And he means SCREECHY. When she first came, she immediately loved Nancy but seemed to despise Percy.
Anyways, besides the usual glare from her, Mr. Brunner stopped at a 13 ft. stele, which also showed a carving of a girl their age. Mr. Brunner began to explain what the carvings on the sides meant and actually managed to interest both Daniel and Percy, but yet everyone else around them was talking and having their own conversations. However when Nancy Bobofit snickered about 'the statues being naked', Percy blew up and shouted at the rude girl. Of course this caught everyone's attention as well as Mr. Brunner's.
"Is there something you would like to say, Mr. Jackson?" asked Mr. Brunner clapping his hands together. "No sir" Percy mumbled while the other began to snicker at him but quickly shut up when Daniel gave them his uncle's 'Death Glare'. "Well then perhaps you can tell me what is happening in the picture," he said motioning over to a picture on the stele that showed a man sitting on a throne with child in his hands and his mouth wide open.
"Um" Percy said starting off before getting a bit of confidence once he recognized the pictures.
"That's Kronos eating his kids."
"Yes," Mr. Brunner said unsatisfied.
"And he did this because…?"
"Well…" Daniel heard Percy say as he tried to remember everything they learned. "Kronos was the king god and..."-
"God?" Mr. Brunner questioned, frowning, before Percy quickly corrected himself.
"Titan" he said quickly. "He didn't trust his kids, who were the gods. So, um, Kronos ate them, right? But his wife hid baby Zeus, and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. Then when Zeus grew up, he tricked his dad, Kronos, into barfing up his brothers and sisters-"
"Eeew!" said all the girls behind them causing most of the guys there to roll their eyes.
"Then there was big fight and the gods won," Percy continued and finished the answer getting a nod of approval from Mr. Brunner.
"That's correct!" he exclaimed. "Then the world became ruled by the Twelve Olympians gods, with the most powerful being the three brothers Zeus, Poseidon and Hades," he said pointing towards three small figures.
"But, ever since their victory over their father those three have been at each others neck."
"On most occasions the gods came down to earth and, oh, how do you say-" he explained before Daniel interrupted him.
"Hooked up because they couldn't keep it in their pants" he said getting a round of laughter from everyone even Mrs. Dodd's and Mr. Brunner.
"That's quite right Mr. Rider," chuckled Mr. Brunner, trying to calm his laughter. "Now can you tell me the term you use for their children?"
"Uh… Demigods, right? Half man and half god," replied Daniel who racked his brain for the answer. 'Well I would be considered a demigod cause of my dad…' thought Daniel. "You are correct, Mr. Rider," praised Mr. Brunner with a smile. "Can you perhaps name me some demi god heroes?"
"Um Hercules and Perseus was ones right? They were both sons of Zeus," he said getting a nod of approval from Mr. Brunner.
"Plus there was Theseus who was a son of Poseidon."
"That's correct, very good Mr. Rider. Good to see you were paying attention in class."
However they heard snickers coming from the class behind them and Nancy Bobofit saying "Like we're going to use this in real life. Like it's going to say on our job applications, 'Please explain why Kronos ate his kids or name a demi god."
"And why Mr. Rider," Brunner said, "to paraphrase Mrs. Bobofit's excellent question, does this matter in real life?"
"Busted~" said Grover. "Shut it!" snapped the freckled girl.
Daniel racked his brain for an answer, but sadly he had none. "I apologize sir, I do not know," sighed Daniel. "Mr. Jackson how about you?" he asked but he got the same answer from Percy.
"I see." Mr. Brunner looked disappointed. "Well, half credit to both Mr. Jackson and Mr. Rider. On that note, it's time for lunch. Mrs. Dodd's, would you lead us back outside?"
Said teacher nodded as the group ushered outside and began to walk back down the hallway. The group passed the other artifacts and Daniel looked around at any that he missed. He quickly noticed Percy was not next to him but quickly saw him talking to Mr. Brunner. Daniel shrugged it off and continued to walk.
As he continued to walk past the statues, he saw one that caught his eyes. It was of a woman wrapped in a veil, her hair was also wavy and long. She also had a hearth in her hand. To him, she was a beautiful woman.
"Hestia, Goddess of hearth." Said Daniel as he read the plaque. Thank God his aunt taught him how to read, even with his dyslexia.
'Dad would love her if she existed,' Daniel snickered.
Then is stomach gave a horrible growl. 'Shit, I knew eating uncle Death's burger was a bad idea!'
He quickly ran over to the bathroom, clenching his stomach in pain.
Somewhere else…
Deep in a very large and lush forest was Death and Strife sparring. There were trees riddled with bullet holes and covered in slash marks. In the middle of the clearing was Death and Strife resting on a gigantic rock.
"…So when are you going to tell him?" asked Death as he lied on the rock.
"Tell him what?" questioned Strife as he stood on the peak of the rock.
"About his mother," Death clarified. Strife chuckled and said, "Don't worry, she seems to have a plan for it." Death nodded and stayed silent for a few minutes. Then he asked, "Does she know who you are?" "Yep."
Back with Daniel…
Daniel sighed in relief as he left the bathroom. "Next time, no Death sandwich," he muttered. All of a sudden, he felt the demonic energy rise in the museum, Mrs. Dodd's demonic energy. "Shit!" he yelled as he quickly ran to the spot.
What he saw next, made him widen his eyes.
He saw a demon bat; whom he guessed was Mrs. Dodd. But that wasn't what surprised him. It was that Percy was holding a fucking sword. "And he said he hated violence," chuckled Daniel.
Still it looked like he was about to lose, so Daniel pulled out his gun from his backpack and aimed at the head. "Hey freak!" shouted Daniel. Mrs. Dodds turned around, only for a bullet to enter her cranium. The thing screamed in pain and vanished in a gold dust whirlwind.
Percy stared at the spot where Mrs. Dodds just died, then directed his gaze to his friend, who was putting the shotgun away.
All he could say was, "How did you hide a gun in your bag?" Before Daniel could replied, Nancy came in and said, "Where have you idiots been? Mrs. Kerr is about to take us back in the museum?" she said sneering.
"W-Who the hell is Mrs. Kerr?" Percy stuttered but all he got was Nancy rolling her eyes and walking away muttering idiots. Both boys even noticed her previously wet clothes had now somehow dried themselves.
While Percy was about to freak out, Daniel was suspicious. 'What the hell is happening?' Confused they then walked over to Grover and he gave them the same answer but he was stuttering slightly so they knew he was lying. So instead they turned their attention to Mr. Brunner
He looked up, a little distracted. "Ah, that would be my pen. Please bring your own writing utensil in the future, Mr. Jackson," he said.
"Uh okay" Percy muttered looking at Daniel before handing it over and Mr. Brunner putting them into his front pocket.
"Sir," Percy said, "where's Mrs. Dodd's?"
He stared at the two boys blankly. "Who?"
"The other chaperone. Mrs. Dodd's the pre-algebra teacher," Daniel said looking Mr. Brunner square in the eyes. Daniel saw a tiny show of deception but it quickly went away. Mr. Brunner let a frown appear on his face and sat forward, looking slightly concerned.
"Percy, Daniel there is no Mrs. Dodd's on this trip. As far as I know, there has never been a Mrs. Dodd's at Yancy Academy. Are you both feeling all right?"
"Say what" Percy said not quite believing what he just heard. On the other hand, Daniel became more suspicious.
"You boys may have just got Mrs. Kerr's name mixed up with someone else, perhaps an old teacher from a previous school. Don't worry about it boys" Mr. Brunner said before wheeling off. "Come it's time to get back into the museum."
As he wheeled away both Percy and Daniel stood there one with a dumbstruck look on his face and the other with hois eyes narrowing with only one thing coming to mind with everything that just happened.
"What the hell?"
Review please! Also no flames. And yea I know, no fight scene, YET.