Chapter 1: Feelings

Percy's POV

I'm hanging out with Annabeth right now. She's spouting off random facts about how her brother built the Statue of Liberty because we're inside the statue's head. I like it when she spouts off random stuff though, it helps me remember things in class.

"Good, because I'm pretty sure it's a bigger habit than my ADHD." Annabeth said.

Damn, she can read my mind.

"Yeah, and why do you keep forgetting that?" She asked.

"Because I'm a Seaweed Brain." I said.

She smiled at that.

"We should go to the hatch, I've never been ON the head before." She said.

"And Athena thought I was the trouble maker." I said.

"That was before she liked you." Annabeth said.

She was right. Athena has actually been nice to me lately, and I'm not sure if it's because she realized I'm not horrible just because I'm a son of Poseidon, or because Annabeth and I are just friends. I do like Annabeth, and we did kiss a couple times, but we aren't in love, we're just really close friends.

"Charlie, I don't want to go see Hephaestus. He scares me, and he completely ignores me just because I'm not your girlfriend." Silena's voice said.

I turned and saw Silena with Beckendorf.

"I know, but I have to go see him about something important." Beckendorf said.

"Go without me, please." Silena said.

"Okay." Beckendorf said and kissed her on the cheek.

"Bye." Silena said.

"Bye." Beckendorf said.

I heard that they stopped dating when they came back from the dead. Rumor has it, Beckendorf is in love with another girl, and Silena is in love with another boy, and that's why they stopped dating. But they're still best friends.

I just wish the boy Silena loves was me. No, I didn't just say that.

"Yes you did, now go talk to her. That's a start." Annabeth encouraged me.

"But... I... Uh..." I said.

"Just go." Annabeth said.

"What would I say? You of all people should know I'm horrible at talking to girls I like." I said.

"Percy, you're so cute when you're clueless, no girl really cares." Annabeth said. "Now go." She added.

I hesitated, so Annabeth pushed me in Silena's direction. Then I walked toward Silena. She's really pretty, and really intimidating.

"Hi... Silena." I said.

She turned around and smiled.

"Hi Percy." Silena said.

She looked behind me and, from what I found out later, saw Annabeth giggling.

"On a date?" She teased.

"How many times do I have to explain to people I'm not dating Annabeth? Otherwise we would've told people by NOW." I said.

She giggled the most beautiful giggle and said, "I'm only teasing you. I know Annabeth just likes coming here because her brother built it." Silena said.

"Okay then." I said.

She started to look nervous for some reason.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" She answered.

"You just seem nervous about something." I said.

"Percy, do you want to go see a movie with me?" She asked.


"Okay." I said. "When?" I asked.

"Tonight at 7?" She asked.

"Okay." I said.

"Meet me at Camp at 6:45." She said.

"Okay." I said.

She smiled and said, "Bye Percy."

"Bye Silena." I said.

"Call me Lena." She said as she walked away.

I smiled and went back to Annabeth.

"How did it go?" She asked.

"I think I just got a date. And I can call her Lena." I said.

"Damn." She said.