Hi Minna~! This is my second Fan Fic! I was having a hard time doing my first Fan Fic but I will still continue it, I am just havong some trouble but I promise I will update soon and please pick 3 dragon slayers for Lucy but Rogue is NOT included becaue he ALREADY like Lucy! The name of my first Fan Fic is "The fight to win the Blonde's heart"

Now here is my new story! HOPE YOU ENJOY IT! :D

P.S. This is BEFORE the S-Class trials Lucy is older that the dragon slayer duo at least 4 years

Normal POV

Lucy woke up only to feel someone hugging her and she giggled "Natsu" she whispered and looked up to see a pink haired dragon slayer sleeping "Natsu" she said again a little louder "Hmm?" he woke up and was rubbing his eyes "What is it Luce?" he said as he hugged his girlfriend "I'm gonna go take a shower and you go ahead to the guild nd I'll catch up okay?" she said while making herself towards the bathroom "Sure thing Luce" he said as he hugged her and jumped out of the window.

Lucy's POV

As I was taking a bath I summoned Plue to keep me company "Ohh Plue why are you SOOO CUTE~!?" I said while hugging Plue "Puuu Puunnn" he said and I giggled. I went out of the bathroom and wore some white short shorts and a simple blue t-shirt and some sandals. I was walking with Plue beside me 'I wonder what Natsu is doing?' I thought and giggled "Thank You Plue you may go now" I said and Plue disappeared. I opened the guild and my eyes went wide. there Natsu and Lisanna kissing and the whole guild was cheering for them except Mira, Levy,Wendy, Juvia, Gray, Erza, Gajeel and the exceeds. Levy saw me and I recieved a text message. "It's from Levy" I said in a low voice and looked at the text


Lu-chan, I don't know why he did it but we were all shocked. Meet me at the back of the guild once you read this message

I went at the back of the guild to see the people who were not cheering for Natsu and Lisanna "Hey guys" I said "Hey Bunny girl / Lu-chan / Lucy" they all said "So, why did you call me here?" I asked even though I already know what we are talking about "Well..." Levy said


Natsu came in the guild "Hey Minna~!""Hey Natsu" said Lisanna as she waved her hand "Yow Lisanna what is it?" Natsu said as he made himself towards Lisanna "How about let's celebrate on you and Lucy for being a couple?" Lisanna said "Sure!" Natsu said as he grabbed the sake that was being held by Lisanna and started drinking "Hey Lisanna?" Natsu asked "Yes?" she asked "Did you put something on this drink?" Natsu asked feeling a little drunk "No way! why would I do that?" she said with a fake offended voice and started to come close to Natsu's face "What are you doing Lisanna?" he asked "Ohh nothing, I just want to say I love you Natsu" she whispered on his ear with a smirk "Is that so?" he asked with a seducive voice as he pressed his lips against her and Lisanna smirked 'wait till Lucy sees this' she thought and Bickslow saw Natsu and Lisanna kissing and he smirk so he made his way towards the center making the guild have his attention and pointed where Natsu and Lisanna kissing, unaware to them that Gajeel and Levy was listening to their conversation and told the others.

Flashback Ends~!

Lucy's POV

And that's what happened" Levy finishes leaving an angry Gajeel "Thanks Guys for telling me" I said with a small smile "Your Welcome Lu-chan" Levy said as she hugged me "Sorry Lucy, but I promise, I will crush Natsu" Erza said as she hugged me VERY tight "I-it's o-ok-okay E-erz-a" I said as I tried pushing her "Ohh sorry" Erza said as she stopped hugging me and Wendy came towards me and hugged me "I'm so sorry Lucy, I promise I will also beat Natsu!" she said in a cheery voice "Thanks guys, I have to go now Bye!" I said as I ran towards an apartment

?'s POV

"Hmmm I wonder how my little sis is doing?" I asked myself until I received a message from my little sis, I read the message and my eyes widened, I looked at the ground and my fists are turning white and I heard a knock and I ran to open it and saw my little sister crying and I hugged her "Shhhhh don't worry Lucy, does Natsu know that you are my little sister?" I asked her while we took a seat in the couch and she shook her head and I smiled "Okay! Let's kick that Bastard Natsu's ass!" I shouted and she shook her head "Brother don't do it, it's all right I'll quit the guild and join yours!" I said with a smile "Are you sure about that?" I asked with a concerned voice and she nodded her head "I haven't used my true powers just my back up power and I've been wanting and exceed" Lucy wined and I brushed her hair and smiled "Don't worry after you joined our guild, I'll train you with some hand to hand combat and your Elemental Dragon Slaying magic okay?" I asked "Okay Sting"(okay I know you are all confused and all, but Sting and Rogue is now 20 years old while Lucy is still 17 years olad because of the Tenrou Incident)she said and I pouted "I told you to call me Big Brother okay?" I asked while I was still pouting "Sure sure Big Brother" she said and I smiled, she looked at the clock "It's already 5:30?!" she shouted while I was covering my ears "Sheesh sis calm down, Rogue and Frosch, and Lector are at the guild and and will come home at-" I was cut off when the door opened "Quick hide in my room!" I whispered to her and she nodded "Hey Rogue!" I shouted to him while running

Rogue's POV

'I wonder how Frosch and Lector are' I said it inside 'I hope they can go back home soon' still inside my head until I catches a familiar scent 'I could've sworn I smelled this scent before' I thought as I continue on sniffing the scent of vanilla and strawberries until I was at the door of our house I opened the door and saw a shadow and a door closing 'Is that Sting?' I thought and shook my head. I went to the kitchen and saw a blonde boy running "Hey Rogue!" Sting shouted "Yea Sting?" I asked "Could you *pant pant buy some *pant eggs?" Sting said while catching his breath "Sure but let me change first" I said with a bored tone and he nodded. As I continue walking, I heard a feminine voice inside Sting's room "Hmm who could it be?" I whispered to myself as I opened the door, my eyes widened

Lucy's POV

I heard the door opened and I went out of my hiding spot which is the closet "Hey Big Bro!" I said with a grin and looked at my 'big brother' and my eyes widened there, Rogue Cheney from Sabertooth standing at the door with his eyes also shown shockness and confusion "Uhhh hi?" I said with a little questinate voice until I saw my big brother running "Hey Rogue! Who said you can go to my room?!" Sting said and stopped to see Rogue looking at me

Rogue's POV

'Okay I am so confused right now. I mean who is this Fairy referring to as Big Brother?' I thought while looking at Lucy then Sting "Can someone please explain this and when I mean someone, I meant YOU Sting" I said as I walk away from the door and towards the living room with the two blondes at my back walking slower. We reached the living room and I sat there and the two blondes standing at the front looking at me

Sting's POV

'Shit I'm in BIG TROUBLE now!' I was screaming inside while I look at Rogue giving me a tell-me-or-else look and I shivered "Well… Me and Lucy are siblings" I said and when I said siblings I only whispered it to myself "You and this Fairy is what?" he asked and I got annoyed because he kept on calling Lucy a Fairy "It's Lucy! Not Fairy!" I shouted making both of them shocked and looked at Lucy and she smiled and I of course smiled back also "Lucy?" I asked "Yes?" she asked me back "Could YOU PLEASE tell it to Rogue?" I asked while pointing a finger to Rogue "Well Rogue? Do you want me or Sting to tell it to you?" she asked as she looked at Rogue and I did the same "Sure, you tell me Lucy" he said and I calmed down "Well, first me and Sting are…" she said but stopped for a moment to look at me one last time and I nodded and she smile "Siblings!" she said with a cheery voice "Siblings?" he asked again "Yup! Siblings!" she said it again still with a cheery voice "But I have three more question" Rogue said "Hmm what is it?" Lucy asked "How did you two separated from each other?" Rogue asked and I looked at the ground "Well it all happened when I was still 3 years old and Lucy is 7 years old our Mother wanted to live like a normal family but our father want is all money and he planned to have Lucy a husband already but my mother refuses and took me and Lucy with her to this secret place, but unfortunately when we were sleeping our father followed us and took Lucy with us and mom was awake so she chased our father and they we surrounded by mages, our mom fought along with her spirits but one mage pointed a gun at Lucy and was about to fire until our mom covered herself to Lucy so that she was safe. The spirits fought all the mages but they quickly disappeared. I was running, I didn't actually saw what happened but that's what Lucy said to me, our father came and took Lucy, but I fought my father but was punched and knocked out and when I opened my eyes, I was not in the forest where our mansion but I saw Weisslogia and I never saw Lucy again until the GMG" I finished and looked at Rogue who is shocked to hear the story and looked at Lucy who is crying and we were both shocked "Lucy? Are you alright?" I asked "Of course.." she said and I smiled "Not" she finished and I pouted. I hugged her and few minutes passed she fell asleep, I carried her to my room and put her to bed, I put the bed sheet on top of her to keep her warm and I kissed her forehead "Night Lucy" I whispered and walked away than closed the door "Man, I'm getting hungry" I said with a sigh and went to the kitchen to eat and saw the food already served by my partner "Hmmmm 7:30 and Lector and Frosch still not here" I said and started eating and also Rogue and as if on cue "We're back!" the exceeds yelled "Shhhh quiet down!" both me and Rogue said and looked at each other and continued eating "Frosch ants to know why we don't need to shout?" Frosch said "Because a special guest is here" Rogue said with a small smile and I smirked and Rogue looked at me"What?" he asked "Ohhh notthhhiinngg~!" I said while continuing eating "Sting-kun, who is this special guest?" Lector asked and picked him up "Well, you need to wait until tomorrow!" I said and put him on the table "Okay Sting-kun"Lector said "And also you Frosch" Rogue said and did what I did to my exceed and he gave both of them a piece of fish

Normal POV

As we all finished, Sting took some blankets and some pillows and put them on the couch. Rogue took a shower and went straight to bed along with his exceed and now Sting is having a shower and also went to the couch and fell asleep beside him was his exceed.

Hey Guys~! At the last part I got bored so I just shortned it :33

P.S. I am still thinking if this is gonna be a RoLu OR GrayLu PLEASE VOTE NOW! :))