This Chapter is dedicated to almondbutter. Thank you for your review, it really made my day. Only a couple chapters left before My Lifesavers is finished. I already have a few ideas for my next story so as soon as this one is done i'll be starting the next. Thank you to everyone that has read and reviewed.

"Well would you look here, my big bad alpha has finally decided to drag his ass out of bed"

I giggled as Jake stumbled out of my bedroom. Poor thing looked so worn out. Ever since he had taken over as Alpha a week ago he had been so busy organising patrols and keeping the rest of the pack in line. Oh and let's not forget Sam and Emily. Sam was following the Alpha order Jake gave him and was giving me space but Emily on the other hand, she was trying to make life miserable for Jake and I and I swear I was so close to beating her ass the last time I saw her.

"Hey Lee"

Jake murmured as he curled up on the couch beside me, burying his face in my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head before getting up and pulling him into the kitchen with me

"You have patrol soon and I'm guessing the guys will be over as well. Mom and I cooked breakfast for you guys so sit down and eat before you have to go"

I busied myself heating food and setting the table as Jake at and watched a huge smile plastered on his face. He opened his mouth to answer em but was interrupted when the door swung open and Paul Embry and Seth spilled into the small Kitchen.

"Hey Lee"

"Sup Leah"

"Hey Sis"

One by one they stopped to kiss me on the cheek then took a seat around the table to wait for the food. Once it was laid out in front of them they tore into it like…well like wolves. Mom had taken Harry to visit some friends so I decided to head into town to do some shopping. I kissed Jake's head and let him know where I was heading before taking his truck and driving the short distance to the small town centre. It was nice and peaceful as I strolled around the small supermarket filling my shopping cart but I should have known that wouldn't last

"Oh look it's the home wrecker?"

I rolled my eyes exasperatedly before turning to face the shrill voice that I would recognise anywhere

"Emily, what do you want now? Home wrecker huh? Well that's a new one"

Her face was contorted into a scowl as she stood with her arms crossed against her chest.

"You had to come back and ruin everything didn't you Leah. Sam and I were happy. The pack loved having him as Alpha and me as head imprint. We were all happy until you came along and ruined it"

I couldn't help but laugh at her. She sounded delusional

"Head imprint? What the hell are you talking about? From what I've heard Emily the rest of the pack AND imprints couldn't stand you so I don't know what fantasy world you're living in"

Her face was turning red with anger and malice.

"Sam is still mine Leah. If it weren't for your bastard child he wouldn't even look your way. I took him from you Leah, he's all mine and all your left with is a kid who will constantly remind you of what you lost"

How dare she talk about my son like that? She stood up straight smirking at me and before she saw it coming I swung my fist and connected with the side of her face. My heart was pounding and I was filled with rage. Who the hell does she think she is? She stumbled backwards, losing her footing and falling to the ground. People stopped and stared at us as I walked over to her, pulling her up by her hair.

"If you ever talk about my son like that again I will beat the shit out of you"

I pushed her back down and walked over to my cart leaving her sitting in shock. She obviously wasn't expecting me to react the way I did. I began to walk away but stopped and looked back at her

"Oh and Emily, You can have Sam. Why would I want him when I have Jacob who is 100 times more a man than Sam could ever dream of being. Sam is nothing but a jealous over bearing asshole which is exactly why he isn't alpha anymore"

With that I walked away, paid for my shopping and left. I did feel a little bad for hitting Emily but she deserved it. When I got home I was greeted by Jacob and Sam toe to toe in my front yard and judging by the look on Sam's face I'd say Emily called him and told him what happened, or her version at least. Sam rounded on me when he saw me get out of the truck but before he could approach me Jacob stopped him

"Leah what the hell did you do to Emily?"

Sam growled. Whiny little cow, of course she'd go running to Sam, even though she started it. I crossed my arms and glared at him

"I put her in her place of course. What do you expect me to do when she calls my son a bastard"?

His face softened a little and he stepped back.

"Emily wouldn't do something like that Leah"

He tried to sound confident but his eyes softened and his voice betrayed him. He knew he was lying to himself, of course it's something she would do and he knew it.

Suddenly he scowled at me, his hands curling into fists at his side

"This is all your fault Leah. If you had just stayed away and kept your kid away too we would be fine. I'd still be Alpha and Emily and I would be happy"

Before I could even react Jake slammed his fist into Sam's face before jumping on top of him and punching him repeatedly. I was shocked and a little hurt. How could Sam say such things, about his own son? I could see Jake struggling with Sam who was thrashing and fighting back. Paul and Seth rushed over and helped Jake subdue Sam, I was surprised none of them had phased yet.

"Sam leave. Stay away from Leah Harry and the Clearwater residence"

The tone of Jake's voice as he alpha ordered Sam was so powerful even I winced a little. Sam immediately scrambled to his feet, throwing me a dirty look before running into the trees. Jake rushed over and pulled me into a hug just a loud howl broke the silence. Sam and Emily were both getting out of hand. Hopefully they would just stay away.