"And who is your spy?... where is your little brat?"

"Mrs. Black, I am truly sorry... Your brother..."

"Please, please, stop"

"He's innocent. He didn't murder them, Ella!"

"I am going to kill him if gets near Harry... or Nathan or Lily..."

"Maybe I'm drowning the sorrow you are to me"

"James and Lily were found, dead"

"Edgar bones and his family...They were just children!"

"Sirius Black killed several muggles and Mr. Pettigrew"

"How did they get in?!"

"Mrs. Black, please, do try to stay awake... I know it's hard"

"Ella, keep your eyes on me, sweetheart"

"… the baby may not survive, we can't risk..."

"Please, Ella, don't leave us... Think of Nathan, think of Harry"

"You are not his guardian"

"I couldn't think of anyone more trustworthy to take care of my baby..."

"You tell your baby brother that we are coming for him... I should fuck you bloody..."

"He gave them to Voldemort! He told him the secret!"


"Mr. and Mrs. Potter were found dead... funeral arrangements... the child..."

"I trust you with my son's life..."

"Harry will be safer, better off with Petunia"


I screamed and felt hands grabbing my shoulders as my eyes snapped open, and I sat up, gagging and sobbing, and feeling my chest tight... not able to breathe. Remus was saying something, but all I could do was push him away and crawl out of bed. I sat on the floor, leaning against the lounge sofa, hugging my legs to my chest as I tried to calm down. Remus had left the bed and gone to the door, before coming back, taking a glass of water from my dressing table. He crouched before me, and took my hand into one of his, squeezing. I finally focused on him, and stared at his worried frown, his messy hair, his tired looks. I took the glass from him, and drank it, squeezing his hand.

"Is she alright?"

I looked over his shoulder and saw Harry standing in the doorway, shifting uncomfortably, as if truly worried. There was a whine, and I looked down. Padfoot left Harry's side and entered the room, until he slipped next to Remus and nuzzled my legs. I sighed and wrapped my arms around the big, black dog, burying my face in his fur. Remus took the glass from my hands and stood.

"She's alright, it was just a nightmare" Remus said to Harry. "You can go back to sleep, Harry"

"I wasn't' sleeping... I had a nightmare too"

"I better be off, I've got a bewitched vomiting toilet to deal with" Arthur said as he stood and grabbed his things. "I trust you will behave"

"Of course!" the twins said with grins then turned to each other. "Vomiting toilet"

"Also, I'm covering for Tonks on guard duty later tonight, so I won't be back until late" Arthur said before kissing Molly softly.

She nodded, frowning, and gave him a small, sad smile. I stood with Sirius and Remus, and followed him out of the kitchen.

"Are you sure you will be alright?" I asked as we walked to the front door.

"Yes, yes" Arthur said with a smile. "It never happens anything, but Moody is right, best to be sure"

"Of course" I said. "I wish I could help more"

"That makes both of us" Sirius said.

We said our goodbyes and as we returned, Molly was staring with a frown as the house elves took care of the cleaning while the children stood after finishing breakfast, talking animatedly about quidditch and other activities.

"Come on, Harry, same team as before!" Fred said clapping him on the shoulder.

"No, I'm alright" Harry said and smiled. "Ginny can take my place"

"Alright, then, come on, little sister" George said as he and Fred tugged on her arms, pulling her away from Lily and Hermione as they walked out of the room.

"Why don't you join them, Harry?" Remus asked, sitting back down to finish his breakfast and picking up the newspaper.

"I would like to talk to you" Harry said.

"Go on, ask ahead" Sirius said smiling, as he jumped to sit on the edge of the counter, despite Molly's frown at his back.

"Well..." Harry frowned at me. "Why didn't Dumbledore speak to me at the hearing? I tried talking but... And he's never around! I thought he was the one that started this..."

"And he did" Sirius said. "Before, and this time too. He asked me and Remus and a few others to gather our more trusted friends"

"So why isn't he around?"

"He has other things to do, Harry" Remus said softly and smiled. "He is Dumbledore after all... You didn't expect him to stay here, watching you play quidditch all day, did you?"

"No... but we could be doing something!" Harry protested.

I exchanged a glance with Molly and walked towards Harry, squeezing his shoulder.

"We are doing something, Harry" I smiled. "It might not look like we are... But we are not here just watching you play quidditch all day, like Remus said. We are watching over you. That's our task"


"No use protesting" I shook my head with a smile. "And it's not all about you... We need to make sure everyone is safe, your closest friends, our family and friends... No one is truly safe anymore, darling"

"I guess..." Harry sighed, and then met my eyes. "So, why didn't he speak to me?"

"Dumbledore is very busy... Searching for help, searching for ways for us to win" I said and kissed the top of his head. "That's another thing we are here for. We are here to worry for you... Now go play with your friends"

I gave him a little push and he sighed as he stood, but walked out of the kitchen. I looked between Remus, Sirius and Molly and sighed as I sat where Harry had just vacated.

"How long must we lie to him?" I asked quietly.

"For as long as it is best for him" Molly said.

"Tell me more" Lily said quietly, as she helped me organize the office I would use for work.

It was the smaller office, and it only had an armchair by the window with a small table, and a desk. It had a small bookcase in the corner and a smaller one right above the desk, surrounded by several paintings. I had never really used this office, but Hermione and Lily got used to being in the other office with Ginny sitting quietly and reading about quidditch. I simply couldn't use my parents' offices, not wanting to disturb the lovely memories I had of those rooms with troublesome times I was going through.

"About?" I asked as I adjusted the small vase of plants on the desk.

"What happened after Sirius was arrested?" She asked, sitting in chair.

I frowned and put one last book in its rightful place, before going to the armchair and sitting. I looked outside, from this window I could see the boys lazing about in the gardens, with Sirius probably telling jokes and tales of our youth by their laughter. I smiled as Nathan said something and Harry laughed, throwing his head back. Lily approached, bringing the chair closer to the window too and I smiled at her.

"That's all I wanted" I said. "For Harry to grow up happy, cared for, with us, with a family"

"Why didn't he? Come to live with us?" Lily asked.

"That night" I said swallowing hard. "Oh, Lily, you're not supposed to hear this, you're too young"

"Mum, I can see you are preparing for the worse. Gathering friends, coming to this house, with its protections and hidden..."

I smiled sadly at her and glanced at Harry once more before settling on the armchair.

"That night, Halloween 1981, when... When the Voldemort attacked my brother's home and tried to kill Harry, the curse rebounded"

"Yes, Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived" she said.

I smiled at her as my eyes stung with tears and she frowned. I gestured for her to come, sliding to the corner of the armchair, which was big enough to squeeze us both in. She sat in the corner and I wrapped my arms around her, smoothing her hair.

"Harry was just a baby, and I wasn't there, all I have of that night is the tale told to me" I murmured. "My brother, James, faced him first, and died trying to defend Lily and Harry in his nursery. When Voldemort got to them, he told Lily to step aside, he gave her a choice to save herself... But she didn't, she stayed in his path, and by choosing to die for her son, she set an ancient protection upon him. That is why Harry didn't die, because Lily's love for him was bigger than the her own life"

Her arms tightened around me and I kissed the top of her hair. Oh, how I understood Lily's sacrifice. I could still remember Nathan, so small but so big in Hooky's arms.

"By giving her life to protect Harry, Lily set an ancient protection upon him. That is why Harry survived the curse" I said. "And that is why he was raised by her family. To keep the protection, Harry needed to have that connection with his mother's blood, her sister. I fought for him, but Dumbledore assured me he would be safe, and I believed in him" I frowned. "Petunia doesn't like witches and wizards... she absolutely hates magic, so she made sure we were away from Harry"

"But not anymore" she said. "He'll stay with us, right?"

"He needs to go home, but we'll keep in touch, and be the family he needs"

I kissed the top of her hair, and she sighed against my shoulder.

"Mum?" She asked quietly after a couple of minutes in silence. "That was the night I was born"


"Tell me about it"

I looked down at her, and remembered the terror I felt that night. To be held down, tied, while Bellatrix threatened my unborn daughter's life...

"Not today" I said nudging her to stand. "And not any time soon, it is not a tale I like to tell"

"You once said daddy was there" she said standing and picking up her book she had left aside when she began to help me. "Was it... Sirius?"

"No" I said with a sad smile. "It was Remus, he was the first one to hold you... Even before I could"

"Sirius had been arrested" she mumbled.

"Yes" I murmured swallowing hard. "Why do you want to know such things, sweetie?"

"I just... I suddenly realised that... Sirius didn't know I was his daughter, and I began wondering why. It suddenly came to me that, my birthday, it is the same date as..."

"Yes" I said with a sad smile. "That terrible evening caused me so much stress that you came a bit earlier... But you came like a blessing, a little star in a dark night"

"Please, sir, we need room to work!"

"Ella! Please, open your eyes"

"She's going into shock! Someone call the Intensive Magic Care Unit!"

"R-Remus" I groaned weakly, reaching for him as he was pushed away by a Mediwitch.

"Please, let me be with her!" He cried.

"Let him" another wizard said.

"Francis..." The mediwitch protested.

"She's not good" Francis answered, and I screamed as he pressed against the wound on my thigh. "Let him be with her"

My vision was blurry and I felt weak, but as Remus approached and took my hand, I squeezed his back.

"She's bleeding out"


"Shhh" he whispered pressing his temple to mine, standing at the edge of the head of the bed, trying not to be in the way.

"Ja-James and Lily" I said and cried as pain coursed through my body like a lightening bolt.

"Sir, how many weeks along is your wife?"

"I-I... She's not my wife"

"How many weeks?!"

"I-I'm not sure..."

"Sir, we need you to make a choice, we might not be able to save both"

"No" I screamed, trying to sit.

"Ma'am! Please, don't move!"

"These are cursed wounds, and the baby has been through a great distress... The baby may not survive, we can't risk..."

"Save my baby" I cried.

"Ella" Remus choked out.

"Remus, don't let them take my baby away" I cried, clinging to his hand.

"And Nathan?" He asked tearfully. "What about little Nathan?!"

"Hooky, he's safe, keep him safe"

"Sir, we're taking her to surgery, there are no spells that can help her so easily"

"Remus, promise me!" I cried. "Keep them safe"

"I will, with you, you'll be fine" he cried back as they pulled us apart and took me to another room.


I blinked and turned my head to the door. I smiled and looked down at the letter in my hand. I folded and put it back in its place.

"Hello, Harry" I said with a smile. "What can I help you with?"

"I was just wondering if I could spend some time here?" He asked glancing to the armchair by the window.


He looked at the desk full of papers and smiled before settling himself on the armchair. He had a book under his arm and set it in his lap, tracing its cover with gentle strokes.

"Work" I said when he glanced at the table once more. "I need to answer some of these letters at least... If I want to keep this job"

"You work at the Ministry" he said.

"Yes, the French Ministry" I said taking a letter from François. "I didn't go very far in our Ministry... I was young and then... war started"

"What do you do?" He asked.

"International Magical Cooperation" I said. "Basically, I deal with people like Fudge all day, every day, so our Minister doesn't have to deal with them himself. I quite like it"

"Really?" He asked amusedly.

"It's good to remember there is a whole world out there with other things happening" I said. "To know other realities, see you are not the only one struggling, and that even if we are of different parts of the world, of different languages, of different cultures, in the end, we are all humans, brothers and sisters..."

"It's a shame not everyone thinks like you" he said.

"It's a shame indeed, for them" I answered. "They will never understand the beauty of mankind" I smiled. "Did you wish to speak to me?"

"Yes, I wanted to know more about... our family"

I set all letters aside, and pulled my chair closer to his. And so, I began to tell him a little bit more of James.


"Harry, where are you?!"

I smiled at the sound of rushing feet and Hermione and Ron popped their heads into the room. Both had happy grins, and letters on their hands. Hermione blushed.

"Sorry" she said, stepping back.

"It's alright" I said gesturing for them to come in. "News?"

"Yes!" She said happily. "Look, Harry! Ron and I are prefects this year!"

Harry stared in shock and took the letter as she offered it to him. He frowned as he read it, and I gave my attention to Ron as he told me all his siblings except the twins had been prefects and that his mother was so proud she was planning an special dinner. Hermione began to tell me all the projects she would present to the prefects and heads for improvements.

"Check your letter, Harry!" Ron said. "Surely you've got a badge too!"

I cleared my throat.

"There are only two prefects per house per year" I explained gently.

"You would think all I've done these past four years would count for something" Harry grumbled angrily. "But no, of course"

Hermione and Ron exchanged sad frowns and she took her letter back as Harry extended it to her.

"Congratulations" he deadpanned.

"Thanks" she muttered.

"Come, 'Mione" Ron said quietly. "We should... go"

They left in silence and I sighed.

"What?" Harry asked defensively.

"They have not done anything to deserve your bitterness, Harry" I said gently. "I know you are upset..."

"And you haven't done anything either?" He snapped. "You are wrong, you haven't done anything, never been there and you don't know how I feel"

He stood and left and I sighed once more, glancing at the rest of the children playing outside before going back to work.

Nathan and Hermione were bickering once more, this time about the properties of some plant. Ron and Ginny were discussing quidditch, while Harry watched amused a discussion between Sirius and Remus about some prank they played in school.

"I'll just get rid of that boggart while everyone is entertained" Molly said.

She waved off my protests and I smiled indulgently, as James and Lily, with me in the middle, discussed possible birthday parties. I smiled at Hermione who was now ignoring my son as he continued to try and drive her mad.

"Excited to be a prefect?" I asked, leaning forward. Lily and James continued their conversation.

"Yes" she said blushing and looked down at the badge she had already pinned to her chest. "I truly didn't expect it, considering all the trouble we've got in the past years"

"Minerva and Albus couldn't have made a better choice for Gryffindor" I said reassuringly. "Surely someone has already told you that you fit perfectly in that house"

"Well... I always thought that I was better suited for Ravenclaw" she said frowning. "But I can't imagine myself there anymore"

"I thought so too" I told her. "I guess I was more cunning than I thought, and the sorting hat thought fit to put me in Slytherin. I was never prefect..."

"But she was the best in her class, and captain of their quidditch team" Sirius cut in.

"Really?" Harry asked, curious about quidditch as always.

"Well, it was only for an year... my last one" I said. "Regulus took the position after I graduated"


"Regulus Black" I said glancing at Sirius, he frowned. "Sirius' younger brother"

"Oh, I didn't know you have a brother" Harry said wide eyed.

"Had" Sirius corrected with a sad smile. "He died"

"How?" Harry asked, oblivious to the discomfort he was causing amongst the adults.

"He was a Death Eater" Sirius said coldly. "He displeased his master"

"Sirius" I said gently.

"Reg was always eager to please his superiors, but would soon find himself better than them" Sirius said and chuckled. "I would know, I was his older brother, followed me around everywhere... until I got into Gryffindor. After my first year I was scum to him"

"Enough of that" I said gently, and stood. "Desert anyone?"

There was a shrill scream from upstairs and immediately, Arthur jumped from his chair and ran out, Sirius, Remus and Moody at his heels. I looked at Nymphadora and Kingsley and gestured to Harry and the children.

"Stay here" I ordered before running after them.

I found them in the attic's exit. Molly was clinging to Arthur, crying on his shoulder while Sirius and Moody looked into the attic.

"What is it?" I asked. "Where's Remus?"

"Taking care of the boggart" Moody said.

"They were all dead!" Molly cried between sobs. "You were all dead! My babies..."

"Molly" I said soothingly, and heard footsteps behind me. The children had come to see what was going on. "It's alright, everyone's safe"

"They were all bloody, sprawled, my babies" she sobbed. "Harry... oh, Harry!"

She let go of Arthur and grabbed Harry in a tight embrace. He was stiff in her arms, in shock.

"Molly, dear, everyone's fine" Arthur said rubbing her back.

"For now" she said letting go of Harry. "What if they aren't safe at Hogwarts? What if someone breaks the wards? What if..."

"That is why we are here, Molly" Sirius said. "Nothing will happen to the children... Not while I breathe"

I nodded, agreeing with him and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Come, let's get you something to drink and some dessert" I said leading her through the group of children and to the stairs. "Children, come, let's get some dessert"

"Couldn't sleep?"

I looked up at Sirius, and nodded, twirling the glass in my hands. He poked the fire, and went to get himself a drink.

"Remus?" He asked.

"Fell asleep with Lily. She was a bit upset after the boggart, he was keeping her company" I said quietly, "I found both asleep, her head over his chest. Didn't have the heart to wake him"

He hummed in agreement, sipping his drink and sat beside me on the couch. We stared at the fire, in silence, before I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"We are sitting ducks" I mumbled. "Molly is right..."

"Molly is scared" he corrected.

"She is, but that does not mean she isn't right" I said. "The wards were broken once... We have everyone gathered here... If they came..."

"They won't. The wards have been reinforced, Dumbledore himself tested them" he said. "We are gathered, yes, but we are stronger together"

"If something happens..."

"Nothing will happen, Ella" he sighed.

I sat up, looking him in the eyes.

"Sirius, please... If something happens..."

"I'll protect you" he said.

"No" I shook my head. "Promise me if they get here, you will not try to protect me"


"I can handle them, I've survived them once before"

"I can't let them touch you again... Greyback is on the loose, and if the got his hands on your, he would do anything to torment me and Remus..."

"I know" I cut him off. "But there are more important things... Promise me if they get in here, you will take Harry..."

"I can't run from the fight!"

"Shhh" I shushed grabbing his hands. "Please, Sirius... I can't ask Remus... He would never leave us..."

"And I would?" He asked in a hurt tone.

"Remus would stay, he and I will protect the children, you know that... But Harry needs you and if it comes to that, you are the one he would prefer and need. So if they find us, take Harry and go"

He turned his glass, shuddering as he swallowed the strong drink and I sighed, wrapping my arms around him. He held me to him, pulling me close, and burying his face in my shoulder.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I know" I whispered. "I love you too, I've loved you all along. But we've made a promise to James, and we know Harry needs to..."


"So, promise me"

"I promise" he mumbled his arms tightening around me.

I sighed and kissed his cheek, pulling back. He didn't let me go far, hand wrapping around the back of my neck. For a moment I thought he would kiss me, but he only set his forehead against mine, and kept his eyes closed. I inhaled his scent, the one who hadn't changed after so long, and pulled back once more, settling against his side and my head on his shoulder as I stared at the fire. He set his head against mine, his arm around my shoulders, providing me with warmth.

That is how Harry found us one hour later.

"S-Sorry" Harry said wide eyed and blushing.

"It's okay" Sirius said with a smile. "Want to join us?"

Harry hesitated, looking between us, but I was too tired to care about giving the wrong impression. I didn't know what was the wrong impression exactly. Harry sat on the other couch, and stared at the flames for a while before looking at me.

"I'm sorry. About earlier" he said softly. "I was mad but I shouldn't have spoken..."

"It's alright" I interrupted him. "You have every right to be mad, and I understand"

"Still, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that" he said. "You didn't deserve that, I'm sorry"

I nodded against Sirius' shoulder, smiling at him. Sirius them offered Harry his glass, which he had refilled with magic. I sat up and slapped his shoulder. He looked at me and I glared.

"What?" He asked.

"He's not old enough!" I said taking the glass and downing it with a shudder. "Off to bed, both of you"

They stared at me.

"Go on, bed!" I said standing up. "It's late"

Harry smiled and Sirius chuckled exchanging a look with him before both stood. Sirius kissed my forehead on his way, and he and Harry went to their bedrooms talking quietly. I sat back down on the couch and sighed, refilling my glass with magic.


Last year of college + work... I haven't touched my storied in quite a long time. I'll try to fix that.

Hope you liked the new chapter!
