Hi.. I uploaded this last week but I hated it! But I've edited it and I think now it's slightly more acceptable :) So yeah, I was writing Tell Me That You Love Me and out of nowhere this sort of wrote itself. I know it's been done a million times but I really, really wanted to do it. Let me know if you would read it if I continued. :) Review if you like. I'll try and update this story once a week.

Disclaimer: I don't own victorious

All she knew was that she needed to get out of the car. She had been driving around aimlessly for hours, tears rolling down her cheeks. She wasn't really thinking. She just didn't have the energy to think, but she knew she had to do something other than just drive. She parked outside the large, modern house that she'd visited many times before. If she wasn't so upset she would have laughed at where she found herself. Isn't it weird how you think you know how you'll react in a situation but then in the moment everything feels different? Exhaling slowly, Jade walked numbly up the pathway to Tori's front door and rang on the bell.

The sound of her own heavy breathing deafened her as she wiped at her eyes with her fingertips. She knew her face was red and tear-stained but she wanted to show at least a little composure when Tori opened the door. She could hear the sound of the two sisters arguing coming from inside and suddenly she was overwhelmed with the reality of the situation. A big part of her didn't want to be here, but an even bigger part of her knew she was desperate.

'Hi' Tori said surprisedly as she opened the door to reveal Jade. Her smile fell instantly as she took in the vulnerable state her friend was in.

'You know what, it was wrong for me to come here you're probably really busy and I shouldn't-' Jade choked on her words, glancing back at her car ready to make a haste escape

'What's going on?' Tori asked concerned. This wasn't the first time the raven haired girl had showed up at her house upset and like last time, Tori could sense that Jade was holding back.

'My par-' Jade started, but the words got stuck in her throat. She looked away and took a deep breath before trying again.

'My parents kicked me out, I just needed somewhere to go' Jade confessed, her eyes glassy.

'Oh my god' Tori gasped, pulling her frenemy into a tight hug. Secure in the arms of her friend Jade began to cry quietly.

'Shh it's okay, come in we'll sort this out' Tori reassured her, she almost took hold of the pale girls hand but came to her senses just in time. Jade wiped away a few stray tears and followed Tori into the living room.

'What happened?' Tori asked once they'd sat down. Jade merely shook her head and looked down at her lap unsure where to begin.

'Not that I don't want you here or anything but how come you didn't go to Becks?' Tori asked genuinely bewildered. Jade whimpered, a noise that Tori couldn't believe the tough girl was even capable of before finally bursting into tears.

'Oh God.. Beck!' Jade spluttered, unable to control the whirl of emotions she was feeling right now.

'Shhh calm down, it's okay..' Tori said softly, wrapping her arms around her quivering frame. She wondered if the couple had broken up. That was the only other time she'd seen Jade this worked up. But that didn't make sense, she'd seen them at school only this afternoon and they'd seemed just as in love as they always did. Jade gradually started to calm down as Tori just held her in silence. Tori finally thought it might be alright to ask Jade another question when suddenly Trina came running down the stairs, still going on about the dumb brain squeezers show.

'Okay I came up with the perfect team' Trina began but frowned catching sight of the black and purple haired girl 'Why is Jade here? She's not part of my perfect team!' Trina moaned.

'Shhhh!' Tori waved at her older sister disapprovingly as Jade looked away, avoiding the gaze of the older Vega.

'What's going on?' Trina demanded, 'Don't let Jade blackmail you into joining our brain squeezers team!'

'Trina, please just shh!' Tori hissed exasperatedly, still holding her teary friend. Trina finally seemed to realise that something wasn't right and gave Tori a questioning look before promptly going back upstairs.

'Jade, come on.. look at me. They've kicked you out before, they'll let you back once everything's calmed down' Tori reminded her.

'I don't think they will this time Tori' Jade whispered, her bottom lip quivering. Before Tori could respond Jade put her hands back over her eyes and continued to sob. Sure she was upset but even Jade herself couldn't understand what was coming over her. Breaking down like this was uncharacteristic to say the least. Tori on the other hand was beginning to get very worried as Jade started to hyperventilate.

'Jade, you have got to calm down' said Tori firmly, when suddenly Jade abruptly stopped. Moaning the pale girl threw her hand over her mouth and made a quick dash to the bathroom. Tori ran after her to find her collapsed over the toilet and throwing up the contents of her stomach. Taking hold of Jades long hair, Tori tried not to look as Jade continued to heave forcefully.

'Are you okay?' Tori asked alarmed, Jade pulled away from the toilet and pressed her back against the cool wall of the bathroom. She didn't even attempt to answer just tucking her legs up to her chest and curling herself into a ball.

'Jade.. you're scaring me, please talk to me.' Tori crouched down next to her, but once again she received no reply. Deciding to wait until Jade came to her, Tori kept silent and cautiously put a hand on the pale girls shoulder. Jade flinched away just as Tori expected she would but still didn't say anything. Jade couldn't understand her own behaviour let alone Tori. She needed the one person who knew her better than she knew herself.

'Can you phone Beck?' The dark haired girl eventually croaked.

Tori nodded and couldn't help but feel a little relief wash over her that she didn't have to deal with this by herself anymore. Leaving Jade in the bathroom, Tori grabbed her pear phone and quickly dialed the contact she was searching for.

'Hey Tori, you ok?' Beck answered on the third ring.

'I'm fine but, Jade's here. She's ermm unwell-' Tori began, unsure what she was supposed to say

'Whats wrong?' Beck asked suspiciously

'Honestly I don't know, but you need to get over here' Tori explained. She couldn't shake the feeling that there had to be something serious going on to break the tough girl like this. 'Beck?'

'Okay, I'll come over' Beck replied, sounding confused. Tori shook her head as she hung up and went back to check on his girlfriend. When she got back in the bathroom Jade was leaning over the toilet again and retching. Tori grabbed an elastic and pulled Jades hair up into a pony tail to keep it permanently out of her face.

'Jade I think you're sick' Tori said gently to her friend who had been hugging the toilet bowl for the last 10 minutes. Jade groaned in discomfort but shook her head.

'I'm not sick' she mumbled gruffly.

'I kinda think you are' Tori disagreed.

'I'm not!' Jade attempted to shout, but it came out much quieter. Jade sighed and pulled her head away from the toilet to face her friend. She knew it was now or never.

'I think I'm pregnant..' Jade whispered but quickly turned around again as she felt her stomach lurch and once again she vomited aggressively into the toilet. She hadn't meant to tell Tori but she really didn't know what else to do. Tori's eyes grew wide as she put the pieces together. That explained her overreacting, the excessive crying, the throwing up.

'Oh my god Jade! You and Beck have only been back together for a month how did this happen?' Tori exclaimed in shock.

'Well we haven't exactly been very careful recently' Jade confessed.

'Jade are you sure?' Tori said seriously. Jade shook her head.

'I went to buy some advil after school because I felt like shit.. but oh God Tori I'm so, so late.' Tori shook her head in disbelief 'I saw the pregnancy tests and I just knew.'

'You did take one though right?' Tori pushed

'My Mum walked into my room when I was waiting for the results and she saw it and stormed off with it. She was so angry and my Dad-' Jade stopped to breathe and suddenly going quiet 'My Dad just told me to get out of his sight and to never come back'

'Jade, you ha-' Tori began, but the sound of the doorbell ringing interrupted her.

'Tori, don't tell Beck, you can't ok?' Jade begged, starting to cry again 'Please!'

'Of course I won't' Tori promised, looking the blue eyed girl straight in the eyes. Still in shock she left Jade alone in the bathroom to go let Beck in. Even though she couldn't be sure, something told Tori that this wasn't just a fluke stomach ache especially considering her parents reactions. Jade needed to do another pregnancy test and find out for definite. No matter what the result was she knew one thing, Jade and Beck's lives were about to change enormously.

Review if you like :)