Author's Note: I am very sad to say that this is the last chapter of Trauma. Thank you all for sticking with me for so long and encouraging me to continue writing through reviews, follows, favorites, and PMs. It has been a wonderful experience thanks to all of you and I hope that if I decide to write a sequel you will continue to read that story as well. If I decide to go forth with that idea, I will post a mock chapter here so you are all aware.
**IMPORTANT NOTE** I controlled my fingers this time around. SO if you don't like major character death, read THIS chapter as it is the version that has NO major character death. Thanks!
*Warning: Violence! Rated M for a reason!
. 41 .
"I see." Jonathan conceded, lacing his hands at his back. "So, you intend to kill me then? One boy, one arrow, killing one man? You think that will end this war that your people face? Please. Do not mock me. Even if I am gone, the rebellion I have sparked will go on. It will continue to grow until its fire consumes everything you know. The Clave, your family, your precious parabatai, Bane—everything! It will all…be…gone!"
"And so will you. Because, by the Angel, I am tired of listening to you speak," Alec snarled, his grip on the bow tightening slightly.
Jonathan was quiet a moment before a smirk lit his face. "Hm. As will you, Alexander. There is no happy ending for you either, not even if you succeed in killing me. You are surrounded by demons this very moment—look around you!"
Alexander heard the hissing from both his sides as well as at his back. It didn't scare him anymore. He had learned that much worse things could happen than demons.
"You are alone. And that is how you will die as well. No one is here to save you!" Jonathan cried madly, his eyes cruel. "By killing me you kill yourself!"
"I'm not worried," Alec replied, voice calm and accepting. "I should have died months ago thanks to you. However, I think a death by killing you is far more preferable to falling from the rafters of a warehouse."
Jonathan scoffed, stalking forward. "You foolish boy, thinking you could kill me—"
"I don't think I can kill you. I know I can kill you. You just never shut up long enough to realize it." Alexander let loose the arrow as he let out a deep breath, feeling the end of the arrow soar past his cheek.
His arrow stayed true. Jonathan stumbled backward from the force and shock, Alec's arrow protruding from his chest. Blood dripped from the corners of his mouth as the light faded from his eyes and his body slumped back onto the desk, blood soaking the letters and books scattered across its surface.
Alec could only catch a glance of Magnus leaning over the banister. The warlock's teary eyes met the Shadowhunter's blue orbs for a mere moment before pain caused lights to explode behind his eyes. Magnus screamed as the demon's claws shredded through Alexander's stomach. The next demon sank its teeth into the Shadowhunter's shoulder, pulling the boy to the floor.
Jace and Isabelle were already racing down the stairs, desperate to reach their brother in time. Magnus was frozen for a moment at the sight of his lover being viciously attacked by demons. It was only when the cuffs on his wrists fell to the ground with a sharp clang in the ringing of his ears that he snapped back to reality. His fingertips immediately sparked to life with his emotions running rampant. With a ragged cry, Magnus' magical flare sent the demons crashing into the wall away from Alexander, who was now lying limp and bloody on the floor.
Jace struggled to stand as the building shook from the powerful burst of magic. Drawing a dagger he had snagged from the guard earlier, he threw the blade with practiced precision at the demon lunging for his brother once more. The dagger sunk true into the demon's skull and the monster crashed to the floor in a heap. He heard the crack of Isabelle's whip and turned his attention towards the last demon in the room. However, looking past the demon in his sights he saw a group of dark Nephilim and demons charging towards the room.
"Magnus," he cried, "Close the doors!"
The warlock, who had just made it to the ground floor, struggled to pull his attention away from Alec. Jace threw another dagger at the demon before him, desperately crying out to him once more to seal the doors. Taking a deep breath through the tears, Magnus focused his energy on sealing the doors to the room. Seeing the large oak doors slam shut with blue flames lining the frames, Jace breathed a momentary sigh of relief despite the sting as the demon's claws sliced through his bicep. He thrust his last dagger into the demon and managed to puncture an artery. Shoving the demon away from him, he stood over his brother as the demon fell to its knees before finally collapsing. Spinning quickly to check on Isabelle, he saw that she was finishing off the last demon and holding her own as usual, much to his relief.
Quickly turning his attention away from his sister, Jace fell to his knees beside his fallen brother and began trying to apply pressure to the gaping wound in his stomach while eyeing the deep lacerations on his shoulder with concern. His breath was raspy and thick with emotion, "Alec, Angel, Alec, what have you done? Hold on, okay? Just hold on…"
Magnus slowly made his way to the pair, fighting to keep his focus on keeping the door sealed while his lover was slowly bleeding to death on the floor. "I can't keep them out for long without using up all my magic. I still have to heal him."
Isabelle, who had finished off the last demon and was now applying pressure to Alec's shoulder wound whilst simultaneously tracing an iratze on his collarbone, glanced to the door. She glanced at Magnus and down to her brother, who was fading fast. His body was convulsing in shock, blood beginning to drip from the corners of his mouth. She stifled back a sob, "You have to portal us out of here. He isn't going to last very long; we don't have time to waste right now!"
"What about the cup?" Jace asked absently, his face growing paler at the sight of so much blood leaving his parabatai.
Magnus shook his head, "I'm not worried about a goddamn cup right now! I'm worried about the fact that Alec is bleeding to death and we are stuck in this room!"
"Izzy, help me get the desk in front of the door. It might buy Magnus enough time to portal us out of here." Jace ordered. He took hold of Alec's hands, squeezing tight, and looking straight into his fading eyes, "You're going to focus on breathing and keeping pressure on the wound, alright? You are not going to die, understand?"
Jace placed Alec's hands on his wound, pushing down to hold pressure, not bothering to take no for an answer from his brother and not staying long enough to see the agony-filled grimace pass over his features. He sprinted towards the desk and began shoving it towards the door. Isabelle ran to help and they managed to get it in front of the doors. Magnus let the flames take their own control, switching his focus to creating a portal. Jace continued to pile furniture against the doors as they shook with the force from the group forming outside the doors. Isabelle rushed back to Alec's side, replacing his trembling hands with her own.
"I—It's o—ok—kay—" Alec rasped, his eyes meeting his sister's.
Isabelle felt tears soaking her cheeks, "Hey, hey. You're going to be just fine. We're going to get you out of here, Alec. Just hold on."
He shook his head softly, his body convulsing in agony as his breath hitched. Isabelle turned to Magnus once more, her voice cracking slightly. "Magnus, please, hurry!"
Biting his lip, the warlock continued focusing until the portal was finished. The moment it was done, Magnus ran towards his lover and scooped him up into his arms. Alec stifled a cry at the movement, his knuckles white from the grip he had on the warlock's shirt. Jace and Isabelle followed closely behind the warlock through the portal, none of them glancing back at the body of Jonathan Morgenstern.
As soon as they were through, Magnus allowed the portal to close. He set Alexander on the carpet of his apartment and immediately set to work on healing him.
"It's alright, angel," Magnus soothed, "You're going to be just fine, I promise."
"M—Magnus," Alec gasped, his body tense with pain. His faded eyes met the warlock's and the Shadowhunter attempted a small smile, "I—It's ok—kay."
Magnus nodded, giving a small smile. "Yah, you're going to be okay. I'm going to fix you up good as new, alright? You're going to be just fine, Alec."
The warlock's hands shook as they transferred heat into the wounds on Alexander's stomach, slowly knitting the boy's skin back together. Jace and Isabelle knelt beside their brother offering their silent support. Izzy began tracing soft circles in her brother's sweat-soaked, tangled hair as Jace held his brother's hand muttering words of encouragement and breathing technique.
Once the wound on his stomach was three quarters of the way healed, Magnus noticed his magic becoming depleted in a rapid pace. He strained to continue healing his lover only to find that the blue flames no longer came at his command. His jaw clenched in aggravation, "No, no, no…Come on!"
A cold, pale, bloodied hand touched Magnus' wrist catching the warlock off guard. Looking down at the boy cradled in Isabelle's lap, Magnus saw Alec looking at him with eyes full of acceptance. The Shadowhunter's soft, raspy voice whispered, "It's okay."
Finally, Magnus realized the weight of that statement that Alec had been repeating. He wasn't saying he was okay—because he most certainly wasn't okay. He was saying that it was okay for Magnus to not be able to save him. He was saying that it was okay to let him go.
But it wasn't okay. Not for Magnus. Not for Jace. Not for Isabelle.
"Shh, darling. It's alright," Magnus whispered. He brought his hand up to stroke Alexander's cheek softly. Glancing up at Jace, he reached out his other hand. "I'm not strong enough to heal him. I'll need to take some of your strength to continue. Both of you."
Jace immediately held out his hand, Isabelle following suit. Magnus took both of their offered hands, willing their strength to flow into him. When Jace and Isabelle began to sway slightly, Magnus eased the flow until it ceased. Giving Alexander one more glance over, noting that his breathing was becoming more labored and that red specs of blood tainted his pale lips.
"You're going to be just fine, angel." Magnus soothed, his hands once again igniting with blue flames as they returned to their task of healing the horrid wound that was causing his love so much agony.
Over an hour passed while Magnus worked diligently and efficiently. Jace and Isabelle worked at keeping Alec calm and breathing accordingly as to try and keep a hold on the shock trying to take over the teen's body. Once Magnus deemed the stomach wound healed to his liking—at least until he had restored his energy—he set to work on his lover's shoulder. Being close to Alexander's face allowed him to soothe the boy with his voice as well as urge him to remain awake. It was another forty minutes before Magnus finally stopped, his magic and energy almost totally depleted. Alec was breathing normally once again, sweat covering his still trembling body. His eyes were faded, but still alive with the unmistakable light of life.
"Well?" Jace questioned softly, his hand still tight on the shoulder of his parabatai. "Is he going to be alright?"
"Yah," Magnus nodded tiredly. "He's going to be just fine. He's going to be very weak for quite a while, but he is definitely going to live to fight another day."
The relief felt in the room was almost palpable as smiles broke out amongst the room. Magnus took hold of Alexander's hand, squeezing tightly, "You hear that, darling? You're going to be just fine. You're not leaving me that easy, my angel."
A small smile lifted the corners of Alec's lips as his eyes fluttered shut, exhaustion finally overtaking him.
Hours had passed and the trio had managed to get Alec into a more comfortable state. They bandaged the remaining wounds that Magnus hadn't had enough energy to heal, as well as Jace's arm from the claws that had attempted to paralyze the limb. Isabelle had needed some bandaging from multiple scratches and acid burns, but assured them that she wasn't feeling too much pain from it and that an iratze would do. They had also all received a change of clothes, taking them from Alec's side of the closet. Now, Alec lay on the couch peacefully sleeping off the pain and exhaustion that currently owned his body.
Jace hung up the phone, turning back to Magnus and Izzy. "Well, the gates managed to hold. They're damaged, but still up. People are working day and night to repair them immediately. The army has scattered in their retreat, and the mansion was found to be evacuated. They did find Jonathan's body though. Dead as his father."
"What about the cup?" Magnus asked, leaning against the counter of the island where Isabelle and Jace now sat.
Jace shook his head solemnly, "No luck. They looked everywhere and couldn't find it. They've sent teams out to search for it; that's our best bet right now. I hate to say it, but that cup is not my first priority right now."
Magnus and Izzy followed his gaze to where Alec slept on peacefully in the living room. Magnus smiled warmly, "It never will be. For any of us."
A moment of silence passed before Jace chuckled softly. At Magnus and Isabelle's odd looks, he responded, "I just remembered that I never gave Alec crap about kinky sex and Gossip Girl. Glad I didn't miss the chance."
Izzy's snort of laughter didn't cause Alec to stir, and for the moment everything was perfectly okay. After all, the worst was finally over.
Or was it?
A/N: I still like the previous ending better, but this didn't turn out too bad. Hope you liked it and I love you all so much! Please review with your thoughts on the ending as well as any potential sequel votes. There is a POLL over it on my bio. I would really love it if you would all review as it makes me so happy and I am going to direly miss you all! *tear*
Thank you and…Farewell.