Hiya it's me Redest but I guess it will be Reddest, not much a difference though so that's good! Anyways after reading one of my favorite stories on this site I wanted to make one just like it. But don't worry it will be different in lots of things. So let's get started!
Chapter 1
Once upon a time...
In place called Almia was filled with people and Pokémon loving together in peace. But in any other world evil wants to take over and crush everyone's happiness other than their own. As always good is always there to kick their asses and win the war. The hero's are known as Rangers and they are always there to help and defend the people and Pokémon of Almia.
It's been almost a year and they had finally defeat the worst by far and that night was the 47th Anniversary and the most proud and noble place for the Rangers'; the Union. They were going to celebrate it that night but the problem was that they had just caught the villain just moments ago. They didn't had time to drop him off so they handcuffed him and took him with them to the Union...but that was a huge mistake.
Since the combination on the Anniversary and the finally capture of the villain that they had been fight for almost the past year, all the rangers of Almia came to celebrate and let off some steam.
The hero who defeated the villain was just enjoying the whole thing grinning with some friends he hasn't seen in a long time. Many people were surprised to find out that the hero was just a brand new teenager who just joined two months ago.
But soon things started to go down hill...
It was just a stroke before midnight when the villain gave out a painful, confused, angered scream. It wasn't his fault that he was evil. Ever since as a young boy, the darkness was eating on his heart and soul making him do things that he was ashamed of. It seemed that it won't give up, it was more stronger than before. The hero rushed to the corner he was placed in and stood in a fighting position. It only made it even more angry, the hero started to freak out when he saw the eye of an innocent man turn to a pure black endless hole.
Then it seemed that the hero screamed as his entire burns, what did the villain do to him? He later rushed to the corner on the opposite side then covering his head as he lend closer to the ground. He had the crowds attention till the villain started to laugh from his pain. But then the hero stole back the attention,
''What...happen to me?...WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!?''
The crowd's snapped their heads back to the corner to see he wasn't there anymore. Then everyone started to get frighten as they whispered and murmured to each other.
A Buizel came to out of nowhere,looking at the villain who was named Blake. It made a frustrated sound before attacking him and while every attack the same question was yelled by the Ranger from the air. Everyone was beyond confused and frighten, they had enough and simply called the name of the hero. The Buizel stopped and turned around with his head held low. This Buizel did something was would make chaos happened.
Exactly what the Buizel said everyone ran to the door to led the way out. It seemed many people were lucky to leave but that was before the doors went completely shut and went opaque from the outside. Everyone looked back at Blake with his dark eyes he laughed but coughed; he didn't seem so healthy.
With his dying breathes he chanted,'' To those who see dark as a threat in this current place with be cursed. The tree of harmony that is seen as the symbol of peace with also be under the cure. When the last rosy leaf falls from the tree then the curse will be irreversible but there is a way. If the hero of light falls in love and the lady confesses her love along with a connection then everything the curse will break. If it's too late then you'll be stuck like it forever and even after death you will not find peace just like me. Also you may not confess, make a connection to the lady no way. Do this before the 50th year of this holy place and you may return to normal. And no one, no one will remember any of you or this place...I'll see you in hell.'' Blake or whoever it was laughed before this body turned to dust with the air.
Everyone felt a burning within there body's as they changed...into Pokémon.
The Buizel looked at them with sorrow, helpless eyes,'' Who can ever love a beast?''