Hey guys, this is my first fanfic, please be kind. I would grateful for reviews with hints and suggestions etc.

So… in this the gang are all de-aged and have superpowers – cliché I know, but it was something that came into my head and I thought I might give it a shot. There are some pairings and possible later pairings – Rossi/Emily, Will/JJ, and Kevin/Garcia at the moment. Set in the present date, birthdays are the same but the years of their DOB has changed. At this point in time the world is beginning to learn about the gifted/mutants but much is still unconfirmed.

Mistakes are all my own and I apologise, I also don't own Criminal Minds, but boy I wish I did :)

Prologue – 14th August 2013

Jason Gideon surveyed the park; his senses had been in overdrive seen he arrived in this part of Vegas, for his holiday that morning. Observing he saw two couples, a few families, a man with his dog and a…a child. A child?! A child was the source of the overdrive?

Uncertain he took steps toward the young boy who looked 11 at the most, the closer he got, the crazier his senses became. The boy was playing chess alone and the slight loneliness Gideon felt made him wonder if this was something he did often alone. The closer he got the more obvious it became that the boy was indeed the source of the surge Gideon had felt, such raw power was something he had not felt in many years.

"Excuse me, may I join you," he offered his hand to the child but the boy didn't accept, anxiety at the stranger approaching was easily picked up on by Gideon as he sat down. "My name's Jason Gideon. What's yours?"

"S-sp-encer. Spencer Reid." Spencer's face showed little emotion but his chocolate eyes were like orbs of curiosity and Gideon read that curiosity too and also a little confusion, which intrigued him.

The game progressed slowly, observing the child, well, Spencer to which the boy pretended not to notice. He looked to the board; Spencer was good, very good as he had very limited options which prompted him to ask his age. To which the response was '12 years, 10 months, 5 days, 14 hours and 29 minutes' and needless to say the accuracy shocked him and he dropped his mental shield for merely a second before reinstating it.

"I wouldn't move your queen there," Spencer nodded to a square on the board, "I have two pieces to take your queen and even if you think you can take my piece with your rook, I can still checkmate you in three so you have nowhere to go. Either way I'm afraid you lose your most powerful piece or the game."

The boy's hand flew to his mouth and paled even whiter than Gideon thought his pale complex could go, while he himself felt his jaw drop slightly in shock, a mere second and the kid got all that, that took serious power.

"I-I-I have to go!" Hurriedly he got up but Gideon grabbed his wrist before he could escape.

"You read my mind didn't you Spencer?" He chucked but stopped when he realised the force of fear off the boy, it was enough alone to kill a cat.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. Please sit down, we should talk, please. Don't be afraid I'm also different like you." Cautiously the boy retook his seat and Gideon felt the fear turn to confusion, whether it was because of his last sentence or that he couldn't read his mind again, he couldn't tell. "Spencer, you have gift like hundreds of others. Your gift to read minds-"

"The power to read minds or telepathy is fundamentally impossible, infact-"

"Spencer, relax. I can sense others like me and you, that's how I found you, my senses when 'off the charts' so to speak and I followed it to you." The thirteen year old had a looks of disbelief and further confusion yet acceptance emanating from him. "I can also sense how you're feeling, at the moment you are confused yet you accept what I'm saying and now you are afraid because I'm right and now you are relaxed, which surprises me but I'm glad you believe me."

It was true, Spencer did feel relaxed, he felt he could trust this man, even though he'd only known him for 23 minutes and… 14 seconds and slowly he nodded his head to confirm what the pepper haired man was saying.

"Is telepathy your only gift?"

"No sir."

"Gideon, please. I think I can help you spencer. You see I work at a school for children who are gifted, I don't like the term mutants, and it sounds unnatural. The school is in a part of the country that allows us to be us and for children – with parents or not to learn and feel safe, aswell as learning to train their abilities. It's like Hogwarts from Harry Potter if you've read it, yes? Yes, good."

Sensing his emotions, he could tell the boy was still uncertain and so lowered his shield, allowing Spencer to read his mind, finding everything to be true.

"I, erm, I-"

"Why don't we speak with your parents- That's something you seem uncomfortable with, please don't be nervous."

"It's not you, my mother is ill… always and my father… he's not around anymore." Realising what he meant Gideon nodded his head in understanding and felt sorry-

"Don't pity me. I don't want or need it; pity has never gotten me anywhere. You can come but I don't know what you'll achieve but I must be honest I don't want to leave my mom alone."

Gideon regarded the unusual boy in front of him and nodded, murmuring he understood but could they try, he didn't want Spencer's talent to waste and he needed a safer home environment.

'Thank you for caring. No-one has ever cared about me other than my mom and glad you seeked me out.' Gideon held his head, unsure how Spencer got in or how he could hear him, he thought it only worked one way. Panic surged through Spencer, worried he had hurt Gideon or ruined his chance of help.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" In an attempt to calm him down he smiled and thought 'It's alright, I've just never experienced that before I thought it only went that you could read my mind, not that you could put your thoughts into my head. It was enlightening to say the least.'

A smile crept on the boy's lips as the two men left the park.

So what do you think? An ok prologue? Reviews are welcome. :)

I'll try to upload regularly and I apologise in advance if I don't.