This is a sequel to my story "Meet the Parents" which can be found at s/9684227/1/

One year has passed since Mavis and Johnny revealed the truth about Mavis being a vampire. While things did not go as planned, Johnny's entire family came to adore Mavis. Both Mavis and Johnny made sure to leave out the part about Mavis being shot as that might not go over well with Drac. Johnny recently proposed to Mavis who gladly accepted. Johnny's family was ecstatic and happy for Johnny as they were not sure if he would ever find someone to settle down with. Dracula and Mavis' extended family were equally happy and excited until the discussion as to where to have the wedding and who to invite came up in conversation.

Johnny and Mavis were visiting Hotel Transylvania for a break from their travels around the world. Everyone was sitting in the dining hall enjoying dinner and talking lively until Wanda casually asked Mavis.

"Mavis dear, I must ask, have you and Johnny decided where you were going to have the wedding?"

Of course Johnny and Mavis had discussed this and decided where to have it and even decided on the long list of guests each wanted to attend. They have not however discussed any of this with Drac and were not sure how he was going to react.

"We have talked about it, and we have already decided." Johnny said while looking right at Drac and not Wanda.

"Oh please tell us!" Wanda said excitedly bouncing up and down in her chair.

"Well for starters we decided that we would have it here." Mavis said.

Everyone at the table was overjoyed to hear that as they hopped the wedding would be held at the hotel as there is no much space and amenities and they would not have to travel any farther than normal.

"That is wonderful news Mavy; I was hoping you would say that." Dracula replied.

"And we decided on all our guest list." Johnny added.

Drac's face fell as he had not really thought about that detail. Obviously Mavis will invite all of her family who were of course monsters, but Johnny… Johnny will be inviting humans… inviting them to the hotel. While the humans in the town between the hotel and the airport were kind to Drac, Frank, Wayne, and Murray, there had not been any additional interactions with humans since, and none of them knew where the hotel was located.

"Johnny who are you planning on inviting?" Drac asked cautiously.

"The only people I know besides all of you I wanted to invite were my family, including my one brother's wife and daughter." Johnny replied.

"We were going to talk to you soon about that, and the details that need to go into it." Mavis added realizing that this was the first time they were discussing this with her father.

"How many people are you inviting total then Johnny?" Drac asked.

"Well let's see, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Yes, I will be inviting ten people." Johnny responded after performing the counting using his fingers.

"I would assume they are all human? " Wayne asked.

"Well of course!" Johnny said.

"They all know about you guys, when we told them I was a Vampire we told them all about you and even showed them some photos Johnny had." Mavis said.

Drac was not too keen on having more humans enter his hotel. However he was stuck. He wanted his daughter to be happy and she had never been happier than she has been with Johnny and if getting married meant more humans entered the hotel then he had no choice.

"Can you tell us about them?" Murray asked.

Johnny realized he had never really talked about his family to anyone except Mavis. Johnny spent the next hour or so talking about his family and passing his phone around showing everyone photos of his parents and brothers.

"Who is this?" Wanda asked, accidentally making the phone slide over to the next image. It was the image of Julia holding Mavis in her hands and rubbing behind her left ear. Mavis immediately blushed as the look on her face was indeed priceless. Everyone had a quick laugh and Johnny replied.

"Oh, that is my oldest brother's daughter, her name is Julia, and she is one of the people I wanted to invite to the hotel."

"She is so cute and adorable; you guys will really like her!" Mavis exclaimed face lighting up remembering the fun she had with Julia.

"Perhaps it would be best if they came to the hotel before the wedding? Besides when is the wedding?" a pair of floating glasses asked.

"We figured we would wait another year, there are so many placed we wanted to visit first." Mavis said.

"Perfect, then that gives us plenty of time to plan." Wanda said excited. Wanda was always looking forward to helping Mavis with her wedding.

"Johnny and I have a trip planned two weeks from now, and that will take about a month. After that we can try planning on having Johnny's family came and visit." Mavis said.

The dinner continued with lively conversations about Mavis and Johnny's plans for the wedding and of course their travels. Everyone always loved hearing about their travels.

After dinner was over and everyone made their way up to their rooms for the night Johnny and Mavis decided to give Johnny's family a quick call.

"Ok, shall I tell them or shall you tell them?" Johnny asked Mavis.

"I think you should tell them." Mavis responded with a smile.

"Ok, here we go." Johnny said as he pushed the "call" button on his phone. His mother picked up the phone.

"Hello" Ann said.

"Hey mom, it's me Johnny."

"Oh hi Johnny, we have not heard from you in a while how are things going?"

"Things are great. Guess what, we have decided where we were going to have the wedding!"

Ann paused for a moment on the other end of the line. After learning that Mavis and Johnny were getting married Mike and Ann knew that they were going to at least meet the rest of Mavis' family. While they knew they were kind people, it still scared them a little thinking about it. The spooky forest surrounding the castle, the old castle filled with monsters. They still could not get used to the ideas.

Mavis was too excited to hold it in any longer.

"We are having it here at my dad's hotel!" Mavis said as she came close to the phone so the microphone would pick her up better.

"That's right and we want all of you guys to come to the wedding, and we want you guys to come visit before then too, how about in a few months? It should be summer vacation for everyone in school, and I know you and dad wanted to go on a vacation together this summer." Johnny asked.

"I will have to discuss that with your father. " Ann replied.

Author's note:

Ok, i could not help myself, i needed to continue :-D

This was just something simple to get the story going, the fun will happen when Johnny's family does actually get to the hotel.