It was still raining and storming outside the castle with the wind blowing even harder with a loud boom being heard outside. The Demon Hedgehog and its two-tail fox doll companion just back from getting free pizza from Pizza Hut which the demon hedgehog was fine with even though it didn't order any pizza. But who cares though, they both got free pizza and were fine with it.

The Demon hedgehog was sitting in the chair watching the fireplace again as the two-Tail Fox Doll was sitting on a heater next to the window with its arms folded glaring at its Hedgehog companion for putting it there. It wants to sit in its companion lap even though it was a little wet though.

The Demon Hedgehog glances over at the doll while still looking at the Fire.

"You sit there for the next few minutes and then you can sit on my lap TD, you're very wet from the rain" the demon hedgehog said to its companion as its Reptilian green eyes look back at the Fire.

The two-tail Fox doll turns around and looks out the window as it continues raining and storming outside, it looked really pretty outside with the dead trees out in the yard that had no leaves on them along with the scorch grass blowing in the wind as well. It was a beautiful sight to behold to it as there was nothing else to see.


The Grandfather truck struck eight times meaning it was 8:00pm on the Grandfather clock.

"Alright, its eight o clock TD, you can come over and sit on my lap now since those few minutes have gone by real quickly" the demon hedgehog said as he pats his lap while the Two-Tail Fox flows over to its companion and sits down all warm and snuggly in the Demon lap.

The Demon Hedgehog starts too gently stroke its Two-Tail Fox Doll companion again where the Metal Rod was. The two-tail fox doll lays back and enjoys being stroke on the head by its companion while laying back into the Demon Hedgehog chest since it was so warm and to be close to Someone that cared about it.

Mephiles continues gently stroking his companion head while listening to the rain hitting against the window and forgetting about the boxes of Pizza sitting in the kitchen that was on the other side of the castle, that weren't even open yet as he closes his eyes.

A couple hours went by before the Demon Hedgehog woke up from his nap and saw the Grandfather clock say 10:00pm, he got out of his chair and picked up two-Tails Fox Doll, who woke up as well, a couple moments later, and carried him over to the kitchen to where the boxes of Pizza where sitting on the table.

TD saw the Boxes of pizzas on the table and leaps out of his arms and at the boxes of pizza and started chowing down the pizza while Mephiles went over to a corner and turned on some kind of old television Box that he had found in the Dark dungeons of the castle some time ago and turned it on which showed some kind of news Broadcast.

"And In other News Today, Pizza Hut of Station Square will be shut down effectively today after an incident revolving around Shadow the Hedgehog getting into a fight with the Cashier of pizza Hut and the cashier burning Pizza Hut down with a Box of matches over a misunderstanding of Someone giving Shadows Pizza to a wrong customer, Shadow the Hedgehog was taken to the hospital for third degree burn and Silver the Hedgehog was arrest for property Damage to Pizza Hut, will be bring more news to you after a word of our sponsors"

If Mephiles had a mouth he would be smirking at Shadow for getting third degree burn, he always wanted to see Shadow suffer and hearing about made him happy. He looks over at TD at who had just finish eating all the pizzas.

"You ate it all?" Mephiles asked as he wasn't very hungry and wasn't very surprised that his companion ate all the Pizza.

TD nods its head while picking its Razor teeth with one of its Razor claws before falling asleep on the table as Mephiles rolled his eyes and face-palmed himself while sighing.

Hello, sorry for the short Chapter and my writing skills are still a little bit rusty, I shall improve more on my writing skill.

See everyone next chapter.

End Transmission.