It was a dark stormy night on an evening like no other as it was raining outside with thunderstorms rumbling outside and lightning being seen in the distance striking down at the ground. No one wouldn't want to be outside at a time like this since it was really dangerous; unless someone had the nerve to enjoy the weather like this!

The grass was blowing really Hard with the wind. It seems like this Thunderstorm was going to last the entire night which fine, cause out in the middle of nowhere was a Castle that has been abandon for a long time. Some of the windows were boarded up as a few others had glass that could be open and closed at any time.

As it was raining and storming outside,

Inside the castle in one of the rooms, a Dark demon hedgehog was sitting in a chair staring deeply in the fireplace that was lit on fire with its Reptilian Irises eyes as it slowly was petting a Two-Tail fox doll like a cat of some sort.

The Doll that was sitting in the Demons lap had a metal rod protruding out of the top of its head that leads to a Ruby red gem. It was just simply looking at the Fire that was lit up in the fireplace while the Demon petted it.

It was completely quiet between the two as not a word was said. Only the sound of raindrops hitting against the window and loud booms of thunder were heard outside. The Demon slowly lift its head for moment as if it had notice something on the ceiling but there was nothing and went back to staring at the Fire burning away.

A loud gong was heard from the Grandfather clock that sat right next to the fireplace which showed it was midnight meaning it was late at night, plus the weather had gotten much worse outside that the wind could be heard roaring like a loin roaring at a predator for food. It wasn't until a faint crashing sound was heard off in a different part of the castle.

The Demon paid no heed to it since it wasn't worth its time but it was worth checking out since there really wasn't much to do in the middle of the night at the castle they're in. So it stopped petting the Doll that sat in its lap and watched it sparked to life as the jewel on its was glowing red and hovered a couple feet out of the Demon Hedgehog lap as the hedgehog got up out of the chair and motion for the Doll to follow it without saying a word.

The Doll followed the hedgehog by floating after it as the two went to go investigate what the faint crashing sound was.

By arriving at another room that was completely empty excepted with a few windows and Dark violet curtains on them! For the room was a great big ball room that was used for dancing at one time for royalty guests but now it sat abandon and on the black and white marble floor was the faint crashing sound that was heard a several minutes ago.

A glass golden chandelier was shattered in the middle of the floor that had candles in them, like about fifty of them. The Demon Hedgehog simply shook its head in disbelief; it really liked that chandelier and now it was broken…no matter, it can be fixed later.

The Doll simply didn't say anything as it looked at the Chandelier shattered on the floor before glancing over at the demon hedgehog who wasn't saying anything about the broken chandelier. The Hedgehog nodded its head and walked out of the Grand Ball room and upstairs as the Two-Tailed Fox doll followed it. They then proceed down a long hallway, passing by a lot of empty rooms including a few rooms that had some stuff in them.

They reach the end of the long way as the demon hedgehog opened the door and walks inside the room while the Doll floats into the room.

The inside of the room looked pretty abandon as well for there was a bed with only a pillow and mattress over in the right corner next to the window, with several empty boxes collecting dust right across from the bed, a small drawer desk right next to the bed. On the left side of the room was mostly nothing except a doorway leading into a closet that was mostly empty with the exception of a wooden treasure chest completely locked tight.

The demon hedgehog and doll proceed over to the bed and got in as the doll turned over and stared at the wall it was staring at while the Demon Hedgehog stared at the empty room they were staying in together before gently patting the two-tail fox doll on the head.

"Rest well my companion, for we have all the time in the world together" the Demon said in a male voice before it closed its eyes.

The fox doll remain motionless as the glow on its jewel slowly faded away meaning it fell asleep and was ready for a new day tomorrow with its Hedgehog companion Mephiles the Dark.

Come till dawn of a new day for these two companions. For what will their day be like in the morning, only they will soon find out when the sun rises?

Hey all you readers, its Black Twilight Wolf. I'm back.

I know I've been gone for about a year, was just taking a break from writing for a little while since well I ran out of ideas last year.

My writing skills may be a bit rusty since it's almost been a year when I wrote a story, but I plan on improving them as time goes by.

Plus, what do you guys think of Mephiles and Tails Doll (or TD) being companions?

Also, I think I might turn this into a collection, if you got any requests on what Mephiles and Tails Doll should do together, let me know.

And no, I won't do a request of any of the Sonic Heroes killing Mephiles and Tails Doll.

See you all next chapter :)

End Transmission