Characters used here belong to their respective owners. I'm not making any profit from this.
Dear Fans:
While we appreciate how much you like us, we think you get things a bit too far…
-Pit, Red, Link, Roy, Marth, Ike and the female Smash Bros. roster.
Dear... why you call yourselves fans again?:
*Finds about the Little MacxSamus pairing* I think I'm officially joining Overpaired Anonymous.
-Samus Aran
Dear Samus:
Can we accompany you?
-Link and Lyra
Dear Fans:
While I don't dislike Samus and I accepted her apology, I don't look at her that way and besides, I'm always training for the next tournaments.
-Little Mac
Dear Fans:
Can you please stop bashing both Sony and Microsoft please? Honestly while we're rivals we all have respect towards each other.
Dear Fans:
Contrary to popular belief, I'm not desperate to enter in Smash Bros. again.
Dear Fans:
No, we don't have lesbian orgies! We're from a mostly family friendly company!
-Every female Nintendo character
Dear Fans:
Thank you for showing me this fantastic site.
-Tharja (while browsing on Rule 34)
Dear Fans:
Likewise, our rivalry with SEGA has already ended years and now we're all good friends. So please stop fighting each other.
Dear Fans:
I'm surprised at the large amount of pedophiles whose I'm the target of their fantasies.
Dear Ashley:
Don't get surprised.
-Every female Pokémon protagonists
Dear Fans:
Dead Raticate? Really? Let me ask you: what would you rather have on your Pokémon team? A Raticate or an Arcanine?
-Blue Oak
Dear Fans:
I'm not a pedophile!
Dear Fans:
For the last time, I'm not related to Sayaka Miki in any kind of way!
Dear Double Moralists:
*Looks at people whining over her being sexualized in Other M, sees the same making porn fanart of her and commenting how hot she is way before Other M was released and still doing it* … That's it, I'm out of here.
-Samus Aran.
Overpaired Anonymous meeting
"My name, is Elsa the Snow Queen"
"Hello Elsa" everyone greeted.
"And I… get overpaired. Most of my frequent ships are with my sister, my sister's boyfriend, a snowman, a sociopath evil prince, a jerk duke, my sister's boyfriend's reindeer, Wreck-It Ralph, the other Disney Princesses, that dragon tamer guy and pretty much every ice themed character in existence" Elsa finished.
"We all comprehend you here, Elsa, we've all been through the same thing" Katara told her.
"Not gonna deny it however, that list has an impressive number" Yuuno Scrya stated.
"R-really?" Elsa asked.
"Sure it is, in fact, I would be no surprised if you break Miss Not Master Chief record" Spider-Man deadpanned.
"You know I maybe have no powers but that doesn't means I can't still break all your bones" Samus replied.
"Calm down you both" Katara told them before before a fight could start. They definitely didn't want to experience her blood bending again "Now resuming, who's turns next?" Zero made her the favor of pointing at the giant robot besides her.
"I'm Starscream! And I'll overthrow Megatron making me the Decepticon Leader and future ruler of the universe!" the robot exclaimed and then sat with a decaying face "I would be more motivated if it wasn't for those puny human females called fangirls and how they pair though"
I have to admit I'm not very fond of this chapter and actually put a bit more of effort in the omake, but well, here you have it.
Regarding the first letter, one thing I have noticed is that the fandom almost solely focuses on the pretty boys and the girls. While I have no problem with people liking these guys, it overshadows every non pretty boy… a lot.
R.O.B. has potential of making stories about how his race was forced to work for Tabuu and how he felt over all of it? Let's make a LinkxIke completely OOC story! We don't know why and how Master Hand created the Smash-Verse? Let's write about the girls having sex with each other! Mario saves Peach multiple times, countless times risks his life for her and even literally goes to the end of the universe in order to save her? Let's pair her with Marth cuz' he's pretty!
Yep, it's pretty much like that.
Also why is the StevenxMay pairing so popular again?
Anyway people, that's all I have for today but I promise to put more effort next chapter.
Smell ya later!
-Your Friendly Neighborhood, The Nintendo-Spider151