So this is it,the final chapter of this story. I really hope you guys enjoy it and enjoyed the story as a whole! I had a blast writing it but now it is time to focus on my story Crime and Punishment that I'm co-writing with EmilyJade(you guys should check that story out under my name but also go check out EmilyJade's work...she has a couple awesome stories up!)

I'm hoping to start another fic sometime in the near future,maybe later this week. I have gotten a few request for a Morgan/Garcia but if you guys have any request please let me know! I love writing and would love to stories for people!

Happy Reading:)

Natalie was sound asleep against Morgan when his phone rang. He silenced it quickly and then answered it, "Morgan."

"It's Hotch,can we come over?"

"Ah sure,but Natalie is sleeping and who is 'we'?"

"Myself and Reid,and possibly the entire team. I'm calling people once I hang up with you."

"Yeah,want me to wake up Natalie?What is this about?"

"Reid showed up at my place,soaking wet and shivering. He told me what's been happening."


"His mom and dad died,one day apart from two completely different causes. Natalie is living with him because he can't afford to pay for her to keep going to school there. He lost his home,his car broke down and now he is debating if he should give up rights to Natalie."

"Damn,I'll wake up Natalie and give her a fair warning. I'll see you guys soon."

"Natalie,wake up sleepy,"Morgan shook Natalie gently.

"Morgan?What's wrong?Is Spencer okay?" Natalie asked as she looked around.

"He's fine but you have a lot of explaining to do."

Natalie pushed herself off of Morgans shoulder where she had been sleeping and sat up, "Explaining about what?"

"Why didn't you tell us about your mom and dad and the problems you and Spencer have been having?" Morgan asked gently.

Natalie didn't say anything.

"Come on Nats,talk to me baby girl," Morgan scooted closer to Natalie.

"He didn't want you guys treating him differently. He didn't want you to see him as weak or anything like that. I told him to ask for help but he wouldn't," Natalie said softly as Morgan pulled her into a hug.

"It's going to be alright,kiddo. We are going to figure this out."

"Yeah,all of us together. The entire team."

Natalie looked up,alarmed.

"Relax kid,Reid went to Hotch and now everyone is coming over."

Natalie was about to say something when a knock came at the door.

"That would be the team,I'll be right back."

"What happened to date night with Kevin?" Morgan asked Garcia who was heading straight for the kitchen to make hot chocolate for everyone when they arrived.

"He got sick so I was just watching old reruns of shows when Hotch called. How's my mini-Reid holding up?"

"I think she is still trying to comprehend that she can talk about it now,"Morgan said as he helped Garcia with the drinks.

Natalie came into the kitchen and Garcia instantly pulled her into a hug. Natalie melted into Garcia, "I'm sorry I've been lying to you,well to both of you," she said as Garcia let her go.

"There is no need for you to apologize to us,kiddo. We understand you were just protecting your brother,"Morgan said as JJ let herself in through the front door.

"We're in the kitchen,JJ,"Garcia hollered.

JJ came in, "Em is right behind me," she said as Emily closed the door and entered the kitchen as well.

"Who are we waiting on?" She asked looking around.

"Hotch,Reid,and Rossi," Morgan said.

"So,what exactly is going on?Hotch just said to meet here,"Emily looked around and finally noticed Natalie, "Oh hey Nat."

Natalie didn't say anything instead she walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Did I say something?" Emily asked Morgan.

"I'm sure Reid will explain everything when he gets here. It's nothing you said,"Morgan reassured her.

A knock came at the door, "That's probably the others," Morgan said as he went and opened to door to find Hotch,Reid and Rossi.

"I took off those few days because I found out the day before my mom had died. The next day I got a call and it turns my dad had died from different causes," Reid took a deep breath before continuing, "Apparently there was problems with their money,I don't know exactly but the funeral needed to be paid for and so the only way to do that was to pull money from my own account. Either way,I am now officially broke. I couldn't make rent so we got kicked out,my car broke down and I don't know what to do. I ne-need help. I really need your guy's help," Reid choked out the last word and was instantly pulled into a tight embrace by Garcia and JJ.

"Reid,man I am so sorry,"Morgan said looking at the younger agent that he has always considered a little brother.

"Why didn't you just tell us?" Rossi asked gently.

"I don't know,pride I guess. I didn't want you guys to realize how much I was struggling," Reid said.

"So what are we going to do about this?" Garcia asked looking around.

"I think the first thing we need to discuss is what you want to do about Natalie," Hotch said.

"What do you mean, 'do with Natalie'?" JJ asked looking between Hotch and Reid.

"I don't think I can take care of her the way she needs," Reid softly.

"So you're giving her up?" Morgan sounded incredulous.

"Just until I can get my feet back on the ground. She deserves a life that I can't provide for her right now."

"You are sure about this?It this really what you want to do?" Emily asked, "I think you need to think about it really hard before you make any rash decisions."

No one noticed that Natalie was standing in the hallway listening to everything that was being said and so they were all surprised when she came bursting into the room, "So that's it?You're just going to give me to some stranger?"

Everyone looked back at her and saw her eyes were wide and wild looking.

"Not some stranger,Aunt Julia said she would love to have you for awhile," Reid said looking at Natalie.

"Aunt Julia? I met her for the first time at the funeral and you are just going to make me go live with her? I hate you Spencer Reid, I hate you more then I've ever hated anyone or anything," Natalie screamed before taking off for the bedroom Morgan had set up for her.

Natalie slammed the door and leaned up against it sobbing. She hated her brother. He promised they would stay together no matter what and now he was going back on his promise. She didn't want to live with Aunt Julia. She wanted to live with was her brother and he was supposed to take care of her.

"Well,that went over well," Rossi said as everyone continued to stare at where Natalie had once stood.

"Am I doing the right thing?" Reid asked the team.

"That's something only you can decide," Hotch said quietly.

"She deserves so much more then what I can give her."

"Are you sure about that? I think really what she needs is just her big brother," Morgan said as Reid leaned back into the couch.

"I don't know,I don't know what to do."

"I think you should go talk to her first. See what she thinks because this affects her too," Garcia said.

"Want one of us to come with you?" JJ asked.

"Yeah,Morgan? Will you come with?"


"Talk to her a little bit and then have her come join us out here,so we can discuss this with her as well," Hotch said.

"Alright,I'll try," Reid said as he and Morgan made his way down to where Natalie sat waiting.

"Nattie? Can I come in and we can talk about this?" Reid said opening the door slowly.

"Get out, I don't want to see you."

"Come on Nutty,at least let me in?" Morgan asked giving Reid an 'I got this' look.
Natalie didn't protest so Morgan took that as an okay from her to come in. He slipped in through the small opening and sat beside Natalie.

"I'll be better. I'll stay out of his way and do anything that needs to be done,I won't even talk to him if that's what he wants. I just-I don't want to stay with Aunt Julia, please Morgan don't let him make me go," Natalie cried.

"Hey hey hey,deep breaths Natalie. Look at me," Morgan lifted Natalie's chin up so she was looking him in the eye, "He isn't doing this because of you,he is doing it for you."

"What's the difference?Either way he doesn't want me."

"Aww Nat,he does want you. Your brother loves you more then anyone else in the world. He just wants to do what is best for you."

"What's best for me is to be here with him. Not with some stranger."

"Why is that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you think staying with Spencer is best?"

"Because he gets it. He knows what it is like to wake up in the middle of the night feeling like you can't breathe because the dreams of your parents dying are so vivid. He knows what it is like to be in a room filled with people yet feel completely alone. He understands how the grief comes out of nowhere and it punches you in the stomach and makes you want to sit down and cry. No one else gets that unless you have experienced it yourself. How do I explain to Aunt Julia when I can't get out of bed because the world seems scary and cold and unforgiving? How do I explain to anyone when I have those days were even talking takes almost everything out of me?"

Morgan stayed silent so Natalie continued, "I can't. I can't explain it because there are no words that can sum it up. But,with Spencer it's different. He just knows. He can see it in me without me having to say a word. He gets it,sometimes he knows it before I do. There was one night when I was starting to have a nightmare and I managed to wake up before it got to the worst part and Spence was already there,just sitting there rubbing my back. I asked him what he was doing and he said, 'I knew you needed me. There are some things a brother just knows.' He is right,some things a brother just knows but what I don't think he realizes is that there are some things a sister just knows. And right now I know he needs me more then ever and I can't help if I'm across the nation."

Morgan looked at Natalie before asking, "How old are you again?"

Natalie let out a little laugh.

"Seriously kiddo,I think you need to tell Reid exactly what you just told me and I think he would see things a little differently."

"I already do," Spencer said as he slipped in through the door and sat beside Natalie, "You're right Nattie. I do need you,I need you more then anything else but I just don't know if I can give you what you need."

"You have already given me everything a girl could ask for. You let me come live with you and make your place into my home,you introduced me to an awesome group of people but most of all you just loved me."

Spencer pulled Natalie close to him, "Morgan is right to ask how old you really are. You've grown up so much."

"So I can stay?"

Reid looked over at Morgan who gave him a smile, "If we can figure out a place to live and such then yes,you can stay."

The team were all sitting around talk quietly when Reid,Morgan and Natalie emerged from the bedroom.

Natalie gripped Reid's hand and sat down beside him, "He's letting me stay," she said and smiled the biggest smile anyone had seen out of her.

"That's great news," Hotch said smiling at the siblings.

"Under the condition that I find a place to live first," Reid said.

"That won't be a problem,pretty boy. I have plenty of space here. You and Natalie can live here until you find a place and get your feet back under you," Morgan said as Natalie pounced on him and gave him a huge hug.

"Can Gizmo stay too?" She asked.

"Of course he can," Morgan said laughing.

"Morgan,are you sure about this? I don't want to be an inconvenience to you," Reid said looking at his best friend.

"I'm sure. I am 100% sure," He said.

"Well,now that we settled that I have some things to talk to you about as well Reid," Rossi said.

"The bureau has a special set of funds for certain special circumstances and yours is one of those. I talked to Hotch and we called Strauss and got it approved. The bureau will pay you back for 1/2 of the cost of the funerals. That money can be used towards a new place."

Reid felt himself tearing up but quickly wiped them away, "I don't know what to say," he said softly looking around at his family.

"Sometimes words aren't enough and in those times we just understand," Hotch said.

"Now Bella," Rossi said turning to Natalie, "I think you and Morgan were in the middle of a scary movie marathon,think you can stay awake for one more?"

Natalie smiled, "That won't be a problem,sir."

"Good,now go pick one out. Morgan,go pop some more popcorn and make some hot I'm going to watch a scary movie I'm going all out."

The team laughed and Natalie looked over at Spencer who was looking at and that was when they both knew that everything was going to work out for them and if it didn't they always had people they could turn too.