Note from Aimee:

Hi everyone! I know I've had this labelled as getting a rewrite for a few years now, and I know that the fic has a LOT of issues. But I have good news: I have begun to rewrite Fighting Effects. When it is complete, I will post it to Archinve Of Our Own (Ao3) under the penname RoseWintersong. I have other fics in the works, and plan on writing original novels but I thought that after so many years of this being around, I might as well fix it up and republish. Here's to hoping I manage it, and I can't wait to finish it and show you all the finished piece!

To see the rest of AimeeP's work, follow RoseWintersong on Ao3. FF.n doesn't like links, but I should be easy enough to find with a google search. Also follow me on at RoseWintersong. Thanks all!

RoseWintersong (Formerly AimeeP)