This final chapter of Domestic Weekend is for Ophelia Meadows for your unwavering support! Everyone should read her one-shot 'My Future, My Everything' and try and convince her she needs to post that one she's hiding.

We're waiting Ophelia...

Disclaimer: Doctor Who is property of BBC and I do not write for profit. I am however the proud Auntie of the cutest little TARDIS at this years Edmonton Expo!


Donna sipped her coffee and opened her newspaper straight to the middle - pulling out the sport section and tossing in straight into the living room bin. She normally kept it for her brother to flick though and then toss out but lately he had been spending his weekends next door. She smiled to herself and put down her coffee in favour of her toast; hot and coated in sticky raspberry jam that was usually either eaten by the Doctor within minutes of her bringing it home from the shop, or he dipped his fingers in it. It was almost always the latter.

She sighed blissfully and put down her paper to enjoy the silence. She had not had this much peace and quiet since before he moved in.


Silence shattered.

Donna rolled her eyes with a huff and took the clip from the living room table; twisting and securing her deep ginger hair behind her head. With a frown she placed her newspaper on the table and got up. "Alright; the lamb is already prepped and there's some potatoes soaking in buttermilk and herbs."

The Doctor's brown eyes softened as he regarded his twin sister. Donna stood there in a pair jimjams ready to help him in proving to the parents of his Rose that he was worthy of her affections.

And that not, thirty four was not 'too old' for her.

"I love you Donna, you know that right?"

"I know you do Danny – and I love you too." She said touching his arm. "And I know you love Rose; so don't worry too much alright? Every dad just wants his daughter to be happy and when Pete sees how happy Rose is he's gonna love ya."

His hand came up to tug on the hair behind his ear and he made a worried face briefly. "But-"

"Not buts Spaceman, he'll love ya so turn around and get those carrots chopped!" She made a whirling motion with her finger; the Doctor sighed yet complied.


It was nine before she got out of bed; ten before she had a shower and by noon she had washed the mugs they had used for tea the night before and called her mum. A certain aura had floated around her all day and she had only one man to thank.

The previous night had been nothing short of amazing; he had made her see stars. She giggled as she thought about it and her cheeks hurt from the smile that was unable to fall from her face. Her mum was going to know for sure. Rose did not care one single iota, she had never been happier with her life and it seemed like everything was just a dream. She had entertained the thought once that she was actually in a coma and if that was the reality then she would find this man and never let him go.

In her defense Jack had came over for dinner one night and the four of them had been rebels for the night and smoked a joint.

"Mum's coming at three for dinner Tony are you gonna get out of your jammies soon?"

The small boy turned from his cross legged position if front of the TV where he was playing Rose's Playstation. "But Rosie, I'm in the middle of a level! I don't lose it and have to do it again."

"Pause it for a bit then honey; go have a shower and you can play Skylanders when you're done yeah?" She took a sip of her tea and watched his shoulders slump as he got up. Tony was a good kid and she loved having him around, even though she was sixteen when he was born. It gave her parents time to them. She heard the shower running and got up with her tea cup to go and change herself. She'd picked a pair of black pants and a simple pink shirt; doing her make up quickly before the shower stopped running and she heard Tony get out. As she walked into the kitchen she heard a crash from next door and the Doctors frustrated voice was somewhat muffled by the thick walls.

Donna's however was not.

"Oi the Himalayan and the Norwegian salts look the fucking same so shut up and get the fuck out of my damned kitchen!"

There was a slammed door before the knob on Rose's front door rattled. Her lovely man came in with a face like thunder.

"Well if it isn't an oncoming storm!" She said with a laugh, trying to diffuse his foul mood hastily.

He glared at her for a moment before throwing himself down on one of the kitchen chairs. "She used the wrong salt in the mint sauce now it's going to taste oaky!"

Rose rolled her eyes. "It's not gonna taste oaky alright? Salt is salt after all."

"But it was supposed to have pink Himalayan." He whined and dropped his head on the table. "You're dad's gonna taste it and think his daughter is with a Neanderthal that uses inferior salt."

"My dad can eat my mum's cooking, he will love yours." She lovingly rubbed the back of his neck.

Tony came bowling into the kitchen and straight into the Doctor. "Hey, did you come to play Skylanders? I'll let you be Hex this time I promise."

"Not right now, I've got to help Donna finish dinner." He kissed Rose quickly on the cheek. "Your big sister is amazing Tony – don't ever forget."

She grinned at his retreating form before following her brother to the living room. With her feet up on the couch, Rose cracked open the book she had been neglecting and immersed herself in Dean Koontz' 'Frankenstein'.


Three o'clock loomed like a heavy cloud over the Doctor; creeping ever closer with every deafening tick of the clock. He was not one to easily ruffle yet meeting Rose's father had made him – for lack of a better word – twitter pated. Glancing at the clock once more he gasped. "Donna it's almost three is the kettle boiled?"

"Yep and the potatoes are almost ready, the meat is cooked and the veggies are near done." She walked over to her brother, pushed him into the nearest chair and placed a beer in his hand. "Now just relax for a few they'll be here soon and you don't wanna come off as jittery."

He threw his head back and slugged down the whole beer in one go; only stopping when he reached the end. He then put the bottle down on the table and let out an enormous burp.

Donna stared slack-jawed for a few seconds before she burst into quite maniacal laughter. "I swear sometimes you're such a kid!"

"What?" The Doctor said eyes wide and a completely innocent look on his face. "It was a tiny one."

"Tiny my arse." She snorted. "Come on, we should head next door they're gonna be here soon."

Donna was right once more for as soon as they had sat down on Rose's couch her parents had shown up. "Hello, nice to see you again Jackie; Pete."

Pete smiled back at Donna (gingers stuck together). "Nice to see you again too Donna, how you been?"

"Oh alright, working like a dog." She replied, giving Jackie a friendly hug. "Hope you guys like lamb coz it's what's for dinner."

"We love a leg now and again don't we Jaqs?" He smiled at his wife before his eyes swiveled to the man he had come to meet. The man whose eyes were wider than dinner plates and looked like he was trapped in the 'fight or flight' response common in stressful situations. "You must be The Doctor."

Said man quickly pulled some composure from within and extended a hand and a charming smile. "Danny Noble, pleasure to meet you."

Pete took the hand offered but did not smile back causing the Doctors one to drop. "Rose tells me you're almost thirty five."

"Dad!" Rose gasped and shot a look at Donna who ushered Jackie toward the door with the mention of a bottle of Pinot Noir at her place. "Be nice."

"I am being nice." Pete's eyes never strayed from the Doctor. "You drink beer Danny?"

"Yes, would you like one? I have some maple infused that I get from Canada." The Doctor's hands were shaking slightly and he reached for Rose's for reassurance.

This was not unnoticed by Pete whose gaze softened slightly upon seeing the Doctor visibly relax some. "Yeah alright, Canadians do make a good beer."

With his free hand the Doctor motioned toward the door. "I live next door on your left, after you."

Pete nodded once and left the flat to head next door.

As soon as Pete left Rose found herself wrapped in her lover's arms. "Sorry about my dad; he's a little intense."

Blowing out a shaky breath, he kissed the top of her head and smiled down at her. "Just promise me that when all this is over we can cuddle up on my bed and watch Toy Story."

Rose's giggle was muffled by his sweater. "Of course. I'll even give you a foot rub, yeah?"

"I love you Rose Tyler, you brilliant girl you."


Tony had spent most of dinner regaling them with heroic tales of how he; the magnificent Tony, had slain the evil tarantula that had invaded the bathroom that morning and the sword fight he had with the Doctor Friday night. "I won coz he said he was old and out of shape!"

Jackie laughed at the poor man. "How long did the fight last love? This one looks more like Rose never feeds him!"

"Twenty whole minutes mummy!"

Even Rose laughed a little and she was there. The pair had run all over the house causing havoc while she had tried to do some laundry and catch up with her friend Amy on the phone. It had indeed ended with the Doctor collapsing on the floor of the living room gasping for breath while Tony beat his with a foam sword and cackled.

"Thank was a lovely meal, thank you both." Pete said as he placed his cutlery on the plate. Looking around Rose's flat it was clear that this man obviously cared a lot about his little girl. There were pictures here that were also in Rose's place and glancing at the desk in the corner he noticed a picture of the Doctor and Rose smiling with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

Jackie locked eyes with her husband and smiled as he nodded. Yeah, this one had passed by Pete with flying colours and she could see the glow on Rose's face. The Doctor would be a part of the family soon and she knew it.


The Doctor sunk into his couch as Rose saw her parents off downstairs and sighed, running a hand through his hair. The evening had been a long one, very tense but Rose had made him promises and he fully intended to make sure she came through. Her dad was a nice enough guy – he was just a little gruff with him. Pete had loosened up enormously when he had realized that all the Inspector Spacetime stuff was his and not Donna's. They had talked animatedly for near an hour before Jackie insisted that it was late and Tony was tired.

Rose slipped onto the couch next to him while he had his eyes closed. She pulled a smile to his face while she pulled off his socks. "See that wasn't too bad was it?"

"No it was nice; your dad's a decent bloke." He moved both his feet into her lap and lolled his head back. Donna was already in bed so he began the movie as Rose rubbed his feet. "Your mum's quite nice too. Reminds me of Donna."

Rose looked over to him. "I'm glad you like my family they're very important to me."

His head looked up and Rose could see the love reflected in his eyes. ""You're very important to me Rose, I'd hope that one day they would be my family too."

She gasped sharply, a lump quickly forming in her throat. "What?"

"I love you, so much more every single day." He smiled at her fondly. "You're one of the most important things in the world to me and someday I'm gonna marry you. Until then I hope this will be enough."

Tears spring to her eyes as he pulled a long blue box out from her couch cushions and handed it to her. She opened it to reveal a rose gold necklace with large silver key on it. She looked back up to his face and he explained.

"I bought a house in Chelsea and I want you to move in with me."

"Wow, do you think I'm classy enough for Chelsea?"

The Doctor laughed heartily, leaned over and pulled her into him."Nah, we're gonna make it a bit more interesting I think though. So you're gonna then?"

"Daft git of course I am." Rose kissed him and smiled. "Chelsea here we come!"


There will undoubtedly be another one, but first I'd like to get the second chapter of my ElevenxRose two shot up.

Roxy x