I'm beginning to think that this will end up a small series, being someone who has found absolute love in the man I married I know that these two have it and I want to share that journey.

Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs solely to the BBC; the plot is my own but the characters are not.

Jackie Tyler wandered up the three flights of stairs that lead to her daughter's apartment. She smiled at the child at her side, coaxing him along. "Tony hurry up love, Rosie said if you're a good boy tonight she'll take you for McDonalds."

Little Tony Tyler's eyes shone. "They have Jake and Finn toys there right now!"

Jackie had no idea about that Adventure Time show. Tony loved it; apparently Rose's new boyfriend did too. Tony had said that when he stayed over the weekend previous the man had come over from his flat next door to have a bowl of cereal and watch the show with the tot while Rose slept in. Jackie herself had yet to meet the man; Mickey had told her that this man – The Doctor – was in his thirties with a teenage daughter, Mickey had always been like a big brother to Rose making it easy for Jackie to understand why he wasn't too fond of him.

'Jackie I'm terrified he'll be another Jimmy Stone and I can't see Rose like that again. I just can't.'

"Rose darling we're here!" Jackie yelled out while opening the door. She put Tony's bag down in the hallway and made her way to the living room.

"Hey mum, got time for a cuppa?" Rose said, moving Tony from her lap and ruffling his soft strawberry blonde hair. She walked into the kitchen, Jacking following behind her and filled the kettle.

"Thanks for taking Tony for the weekend again, your dad and I really appreciate it." Jackie sat down at the kitchen table and smiled. There was a blue suit jacket slung over one of the chairs and two cups and plates by the sink. She took a good look at Rose as she poured the boiling water into cups. Her hazel eyes were lit up with such pure happiness that it made Jackie want to giggle. "You look so happy Rose."

"I am mum." Rose gushed as she sat down. "The Doctor is such an amazing person; he makes everyone around him happy."

"So when am I going to meet this mysterious Doctor?" She sipped at her hot tea. "Tony acts like he's Batman or something."

Rose looked up at the clock on the wall. "He'll be home from his meeting at three thirty-ish depending on traffic. Wanna take Tony to the park for a half hour?"

"Yeah why not." She finished her tea and got up. "Tony love we're gonna go to the park, get your shoes on."


"Higher Rosie, higher!" Tony's voice was caught between screaming and laughter.

Rose giggled a little to herself as she pushed her little brother higher on the swings. While she was looking over to where her mum was chatting with someone she used to know, she didn't notice the person coming up from behind her. His hand circled her waist and pulled her close from behind.

Needless to say she screamed.

Jackie's head shot over to Rose. Tony was roaring with laughter as his sister beat on a man who was laughing equally as hard. She apologised to her friend and walked over them.

Rose had stopped beating on her boyfriend long enough to give him a hug. "Hey, how was your meeting?"

"Long and boring." He said, pulling on his hair with one hand while the other found Tony's head. "Hey Tony, I got a present for you back at my flat."

"Oh what is it?!" Tony said, his tone reaching excited very quickly.

The Doctor knelt down in front of the boy. "Let's just say that our Saturday tradition just got a lot better."

He spotted Jackie, having never met her and immediately knew who she was. "You must be Jackie, Rose's mum. Nice to finally meet you."

Jackie gave him a quick once over and smiled. Yeah she could see why Rose was so happy with him. "Lovely to meet you too Doctor; Rose and Tony talk about you all the time. "

Rose let out a sigh of relief. "Alright, you wanna come back up mum or are you going?"

"Should be going love, your dad's gonna wanna get going as quickly as possible." Jackie replied, giving her kids a quick hug. "Love you both, Tony be good for Rosie and The Doctor okay? Mummy will come get you on Sunday."

"Would you and your husband care to have dinner with us on Sunday?" The Doctor piped up. He and his beloved Rose had been dating for almost two month and he had yet to meet her dad. "We got a nice rack of lamb planned and Donna makes a wicked banana cream pie."

"I'll talk to Pete but I don't think it will be a problem." Jackie replied smiling. "See you all Sunday then."


After he had a shower and changed into a comfortable pair of lounge pants and one of his old beat-up Inspector Spacetime shirts; The Doctor walked barefoot over to Rose's flat and just walked in carrying a small box covered in cartoon printed wrap. "Tony, I got a present for you."

The small boy came skidding into the hallway and thudded into the wall with a giggle. "What did you bring me?"

The Doctor quirked an eyebrow and laughed a little to himself. Tony was such a high spirited child! He handed him the package and watched him tear into it. His face displayed a look of pure glee as he screamed joyfully and began simultaneously ripping into the plastic and shedding his current clothes. "Doctor you're the best ever! Rosie he got me Finn pj's!"

Rose came out of the kitchen where she was tidying up before they she went out to pick up dinner. "That's awesome did you say thank you?"

"Thank you Doctor!" He beamed up and began pulling the new pyjama's on.

The Doctor kissed Rose softly and walked into her living room. He sat down and Rose put on her coat. It never ceased to amaze her how easily they had slipped into each other's lives; it was as though they had been together for years, not months. They ate breakfast together every morning even if it was a quick bowl of cereal at his place before her shift started or sometimes he'd make her breakfast while she slept as he was an early riser. Every evening they had dinner and watched the telly for a bit or play a game of cards with Donna before they went home. They'd only spent the night together a few times since they had started dating and although the feeling was there; sex was something that they were quite shy approaching, preferring to cuddle and other not quite completely naked things.

"Alright, I'm going to McDonalds, Doctor I know what you want but what kind of Grumpy Meal you want Tony?" She asked, pulling her keys from the basket by the front door.

"Nuggets!" Tony yelled back, pushing the floppy white hat out of his eyes and sending his sister a beaming smile. "And if they have the Ice King toy I want that one please."

"I'll be back soon alright, try not to burn the place down." She shot a smile at the pair of the couch watching Cartoon Network. "Love you both."

She quickly headed down the stairs and unlocked her Beetle. Jumping in, she turned on the radio, buckled up and began the quick drive to the nearest McDonalds. Pulling up at a red light; she checked her phone and put on her new Daft Punk CD – having enough time left to find her favourite track before the light changed and off she went.

The drive-thru was packed so she decided to go in where it was fairly empty. After placing her order she stood to one side and sipped on her banana milkshake; checking her Facebook.

She squeaked.

Doctor Noble is in a relationship with Rose Tyler

Her finger flew up to her notifications so that she could accept immediately; grinning the entire time. She sighed contentedly and looked back to the counter as a notification popped up.

Jack Harkness About damn time you made it FB official!

Rose rolled her eyes and turned to grab her order; slipping her phone back in her pocket. She turned toward the door and almost collided with Jenny; coming in with some friends after school.

"Hey Jenny how was school this week?" Rose smiled, giving her a small hug.

"Boring." Jenny replied. "We ain't got no tests for a bit so it's been dull. Is my dad home tonight?"

Rose nodded. "Yeah he's watching Tony while I grabbed dinner. Did you want a ride over?"

"No that's alright; I'm having dinner here too with the girls then we're gonna go see a film." Jenny waved as she walked away. "See you later Rose and give my dad my love."


By the time Tony had demolished his food, had a plastic sword fight with the Doctor and had a bath it was almost nine. By the time Rose picked up the last of his toys and put the boy to bed; she was almost ready herself so she decided to have a quick shower. She entered her small bathroom; drawing fresh towel from the cupboard and placing it on the metal bar above the toilet while she began the shower. She removed her eye makeup before she stepped out of her clothes and hopped in to the hot water. While she showered she pondered on their plans for the next day. The Doctor had taken the weekend off to spend it with her and Tony. They were planning on driving down to Southend-on-Sea for the day so that Tony could play at the amusement park there. She still needed to make sandwiches for their picnic on the beach. Turning off the shower, she hopped out and wrapped a towel around herself. She gathered her dirty clothes; depositing them in the hamper next to the door as she opened it and collided with something firm.

The Doctors hand came around her waist and he pulled her in planting a kiss on her soft lips. He murmured in her ear. "Hello precious girl."

"Hello to you too." She stood there dripping water on the hardwood floor. "You should let me go and throw some clothes on."

"I think you should come and meet me on the balcony when you're done." He kissed the top of her head and let her go.

"But I need to make sandwiches for the trip tomorrow." She protested as he walked away.

With the shake of a hand he walked into the living room. "Already taken care of."

Rose smiled to herself. What a wonderful man he was. She walked into her own room and pulled open the top drawer – selecting a purple tank top and a pair of Tinkerbell sleep shorts. She dressed quickly and made her way back to the living room, gasping at what she saw.

The Doctor had moved a couple of her kitchen chairs out onto the deck, one of which he was currently sitting on and had brought down his telescope. On the small folding table sat a large candle and a bottle of chilled wine. He smiled brightly at her as she approached; in his hand a glass of wine. "Come and sit with me darling; you could use a glass of wine."

"Every time I think you can't surprise me further you do." Rose took the wine and sat beside him. "You are an amazing man Danny Noble, and I love you so much."

He pulled her into his side, his hand gripping her face as he spoke. "You are magnificent Rose and I can truly say I've not been this happy in years. Now come here."

Rose laughed as he pulled her into his lap; his lips peppering kisses across her face.

The universe could wait just a couple hours longer.


This will be a three part, one for each day of the weekend.

Roxy x