I'm SO, SO very sorry for updating this so late. ;_; I've had many distractions lately. Between School, work, my boyfriend, and shitty internet connection I haven't had as much time to work on my story as I wish I could. It's been tough trying to squeeze out any of those creative juices.
Though I promise to keep this one on a relatively frequent update schedule, now that I have fully functioning internet! I'll have to figure the schedule out later though... Any ways, The story is getting off to a slow start so bare with me. I'm working on the big juicy parts that'll be coming soon enough. :3

*Thank you so much for the favorite's/Follows and review, I really appreciate it. Every time I hear a little ding come from my e-mail and see it's from you guys I do a little happy-dance! It really means a lot, even though it's just a few of you, I really, really appreciate it!*

Bonds Forged From Dust and Blood

"They say heroes are born with greatness. Birthed into this world already holding the power, knowledge, and magick for their future. Though tis not so. More often than not they are just a mere mortals like you or I, only they have something we don't; a push in the right direction."

Chapter Two:

Glancing around the room she was met with a scarce view, the only living company being Ralof and another escaped prisoner. The room was circular, across and diagonally from her stood three iron gates with stag heads mounted along the wall. It was obviously a waiting tower for guards. A frozen figure lay crumpled on the floor next to a chair.

With a heavy sigh Ralof kneeled next to the bloody form garbed in the same rebel clothing as he, "We'll meet in Sovngard, brother." Giving Ralof his peace Esma inspected the iron gates blocking her escape.

Wrapping her hands around them she gave a great tug, the cold metal biting into her flesh with each pull. To her dismay they were locked. A voice caught her attention. "What was that?" looking over her shoulder she noticed it was the prisoner who spoke. "A dragon." Her voice was soft, barely a whisper. His gaze snapped to hers, "A dragon? Didn't your mother teach you they were merely legend?"

Turning her full form to him she met his hard gaze with one of her own. A mess of copper and brown hair framed a pleasant masculine face that no doubt caught the attention of women both young and old, though Esma could tell he was just a hatchling, the fear and ignorance of life bouncing behind two dark orbs betrayed his true age.

Someone as young as he, talking to her as if she were the child had her simmering. "Do not test me, boy. I speak the truth." She noticed the way his jaw tensed, onyx eyes narrowing with evident dislike at her chosen name.

Before he could respond Ralof interjected. "What she says is true. That was a dragon, no doubt. The harbingers of End Times." His words were full of shock, his mind in turmoil over the appearance of a creature thought long gone. The young man noticed the way Ralofs' hand was still gingerly placed on the deceased's shoulder. He moved over to Ralof, his tone solemn yet strong, every bit of previous anger gone from his words, "I'm sorry for your loss."

Shifting his gaze from his fallen brother in arms Ralof stood, "Casualties in war are expected yet unwelcome, he died with honor." Giving the room a quick sweep he motioned for the man to come forward. "We better get moving, don't want to be trapped in this place once it calms down. Come here, let me see if I can get those bindings off."

Once the prisoner was free he motioned for the man to take his fallen brother's sword. He hesitated, glancing from the dead body to Ralof. "Go ahead and take it, he wont need it where he's going." Esma glanced at the young man before pinning Ralof with her fiery gaze, "I hope you do not expect me to go unarmed." Before he could answer a familiar female voice echoed from one of the halls.

"… I don't care if the entire force of oblivion falls onto this village, I want all the prisoners either killed or captured!"

"Guards," Ralof hissed, unsheathing his sword. "quick, hide!" Watching the gate Esma pushed herself against the wall, followed by Ralof and the man. The harsh sound of metal sliding down echoed across the room followed by a furious war cry. Ralof launched himself towards the unsuspecting head guard, unleashing his wrath upon her with precise swings of his blade. Acting as a silent shadow Esma crept up behind another, plucking the guards dagger from it's sheath and with a deadly grace slid it across his throat. Crimson liquid poured freely down his neck to create a pool at his feet. An unintelligible sound was heard as his body slumped to the ground in a lifeless pile.

Looking ahead she saw the young man was not fairing as well as she. His left arm hung uselessly by his side, staggering back and barely able to parry the guards advances. Noticing that his foe was not as talented of the blade as he, the guard gave a crude smirk before ramming his shield into the man. He hit the ground hard, the force of the impact causing his sword to slide away from reach. He stared upon the guard as he tiled his sword in a fatal arc. Tightening her grip on the dagger, Esma threw it. A loud cry rang out and the guards sword hit the ground. Esma's aim was true. A small smirk breaking across her face as she watched the man clutch his now bleeding hand. Before he could lift his gaze to find his attacker Esma appeared before him and in a blink of an eye her hands gripped his face in a fatal hold. With a quick flick of her wrist she twisted his neck in an unnatural angle, and he too was dead.

A short cry of pain sounded behind her as Ralof cut off the woman's life with a slice through the chest, the tip of his sword protruding from her back. Taking his foot, Ralof slid her kneeling form from his sword, her body joining the rest of fallen soldiers.

The torches bright glow caused reflections to flicker across his blood soaked weapon like flames. Wiping a spot of blood from his cheek, Ralof turned to them, his voice hoarse from yelling. "Check the guards, one of them may have a key to get out of this place." Esma held out her hand to the young man, a blank expression settling on his face at her gesture.

"Are you alright?" At her words a grimace broke his mask of indifference and he smacked her hand away. "I'm fine." He growled, getting to his feet.

Her eyes narrowed at his insolent manner. "I found it," Ralof yelled. It did not slip Esma's gaze how the man clung to his hanging arm nor how he favored his right leg while joining Ralofs side. "lets find out which gate this opens and get out of here. Grab what you can and go." Esma inspected one of the imperial swords, giving it an experimental swing. The blade was acceptable, not nearly as skilled as her own, though it would the three were sufficiently prepped they made their way down into the bowels of Helgen.

With every step towards her freedom, every life taken by her hand, Esma constantly felt a lingering shadow nipping at her heels. A sense of foreboding whispered its cold promise across her skin, warning her of something, something that she could not escape.

She was not as foolish as mortals, who would merely dismiss this inexplicable feeling as something folly, she has survived enough Winters to know when to listen to such things. A bright light greeted them from a natural opening, the afternoon sun reflecting off the surface of fresh snow, blinding the three as they made their way from the caves mouth.

The brisk wind of Skyrim welcomed the trio, kissing their cheeks with it's icy lips. Esma took a deep breath, savoring the lands sweet, earthy smell. Just beyond the breeze she could hear the constant gurgle of a near by river. Even Skyrims' creatures acknowledged her return, it seemed. Their distinct moans and whines whispered into her ears, like a long lost friend saying hello. If Esma listened close enough she could swear the mountains and trees welcomed her back with their deep groans.

The pleasant concoction of mountain flowers, lavender, and fresh water sent vibrations scattering across her body. Home.

Breaking through her brief nirvana was the thunderous tones of powerful wings. Looking towards the mountains Esma spotted a dark mass flying to the heavens. Even from this far away she could see how massive the creature was, she could still feel the electric pull of the Dovah in the sky.

Beside her, Ralof's breath hitched, as did the young mans. Alduin climbed the sky with each mighty thrust of his wings, a distant roar sounded as he disappeared into the clouds, most likely to take revenge on his confinement. "By the Gods. We must warn others. Who knows where that dragon will attack next." Sheathing his sword, Ralof turned towards the two."Please, I ask that you accompany me to Riverwood, spread the news of a new threat in Skyrim. My sister Gerdur has a house there. Warm beds and fresh mead will do us all well."

The young man nodded, "I thank your kindness."

"And you, lass?" Ralof bravely held her gaze, patiently waiting for an answer. Her eyes swept over Ralof and the young man, resting on the mountains beyond. As she mulled over her answer, she caught sight of dark plumes of smoke reaching towards the sky, only to be swept away by Winter's wind.

Although Ralof's offer was kind indeed, Esma had a rather important mission to pursue. With a vengeful Dovah on the loose though, it seems her original purpose for coming to this land would have to wait. "I will come." At her words a brisk wind whipped across the land, piercing her through the borrowed armor.

"I'm glad you both decided to join me. Let us hurry, we don't know what that dragon will do next."

Everything. Esma thought as they continued on. He will destroy everything.

Huh? A little bit of a cliffhanger there maybe...? I dunno, it's almost two in the morning and I can't believe I'm actually editing this. Four hours of sleep combined with a night of mayhem with my friends doesn't lead to a fully functioning human being. O_O I realize this is a short chapter, very much so, but I wanted to get a least some of the story out. Chapter three will be all about Esma, and what exactly is her purpose for coming to Skyrim, also how she intends to deal with this new threat on the loose.
Anyways, as always I hoped you enjoyed, and I
promise updates will be regular and/or in a timely manner.
Thanks for all the views and support! :D
