So while I was curled up on the couch, trying to stay hydrated and shit to get over my viral throat infection, StrawberryBunny4341 and I ended up talking about how Kai always seemed to be the first to chase after Lloyd, call out his name, and pretty much protect him no matter what. She said that maybe Kai felt like he had to, considering that Kai saw himself as the Green Ninja's sole protector. And thus this was born.
Do I look like I own anything?
Lloyd's POV
As he unwrapped the bandage and wrapped it around my finger, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. " Kai? Really? It just a nick. I'm going to live." Staring down at the place that covered the tiniest cut, blood started to seep through. Putting my hand next to my side, I knew he'd freak out if it was still bleeding that much.
"Hey, cuts can get infected. Trust me, when they do, they aren't pretty. Besides, we can't spar if you're bleeding." I rolled my eyes, and walked back over to pick up sword that Kai had so rudely knocked out of my hands when he accidentally cut me. "Sorry for hurting you."
I let out a soft sound. 'He thought that hurt me? For real? He saw me get flung across a beach and break my leg, nearly get burned by lava, fall down rocks, trip a billion times, and let me roll into the mast of the ship, and he thought a little cut hurt?' I picked up the sword. "I can always pay back the favor. Now come on. Stop being a sissy and fight me!"
Kai closed the first aid kit, turning around, he shot me a smirk. "Oh, look who's feeling cocky." He picked up his sword again. "Alright. Let's go."
"Lloyd I'm sorry."
Tipping my head back, I pinched my nose with the cool cloth, trying to stop the bleeding. "I'm fine Kai. Really." My voice sounded weird. Mainly because I was pinching my nose, but still.
Sitting down, I punched Kai with my free hand. "If you don't stop apologizing, I will hit you again."
"But I hurt you."
Pinching my nose harder, I looked at him. "What is it with you and being super guilty about me getting hurt? I'm a ninja. Injuries are normal. It's not like fighting'll stop because someone gets cut."
He shrugged, tracing patterns on the floor. "I just don't want you to get hurt."
Letting out a loud laugh, I tipped my head back again. "Too late."
"It's not funny." He sounded mad. "You have no idea how much I freak out when I think there's even a chance you're hurt."
Sitting in silence, I had an idea. Scooting over towards him, I leaned against Kai. His slightly smoky smell was comforting. "And you have no idea how much I freaked out when you almost chose the Fang Blade over me." He tensed up, before suddenly relaxing. "But I knew I'd be safe."
"Before or after I came towards you?"
"The entire time."
Ta-da~ My short semi-greenflame.