Now, as I'm sure all of you know I aint much for prologues, so I'll sum this up nice and quick, also, I don't really know how to jam all this info into prologue format sooo….
Natsumi is an Oc from "Fresh Start" a fanfiction written by yours truly. For those of you who hasn't read it, it's one of those normal person gets sent to the OP world stories. Though I'm telling you now, Natsumi doesn't end up with Luffy in that story, this is just an idea that I got that I really wanted to roll with.
Other important info I need you to know before I give you the actual Prologue:
-Luffy did become King of the Pirates, however after his 'death' the new era of pirates began, the rest of his crew is alive and well, all living on a man-made island constructed by Franky. It's custom made so it won't show up on radar or a log pose. The crew does not know where Luffy hid the One Piece, he only ever told Natsumi and Zoro - the crew don't know where Natsumi is and Zoro refuses to tell them.
Now for the prologue:
It was a frigid December night, the temperature was easily below zero - which was quite rare for the small autumn island Smoker called home. Smoker had decided to take a leave of absence from the marines to return home for a short while to visit his family which he hadn't seen in easily five years.
He sat on a large leather armchair in his living room in front of the fire, his feet propped up on a matching leather footstool, two thick cigars poking out of the right side of his mouth as a strong blizzard raging just on the other side of his home's thin walls, leaving him and everything else quite chilled.
A knock on his door soon caught his attention. Smoker grumbled something under his breath as he stood and pulled on a coat before hastily opening the door, wanting to get it over with and return to the warmth of the fire as soon as possible. He looked around to no avail before an object in his peripheral vision caught his eye: A tall slim silhouette just limping out of sight, bloodstained footprints in the snow leading away from his door to where the figure now stood.
Smoker was about to step outside to investigate, when his foot brushed up against something on his doorstep.
He looked down, his eyes widening, it was a small basket overflowing with blood speckled blankets that were coated in a thin dusting of snow. Just peeking out of a small hole in the mass of blankets and cloth was a small sleeping face - a baby. Tucked into the side of the basket was a thick white envelope, on it a few bloody fingerprints along with the words 'Smoker' scrawled sloppily on the front.
Not knowing what else to do Smoker gingerly picked up the basket and brought it back inside, setting it down in front of the fire. Smoker then bundled on a few more layers and ran back out into the snow, following the trail of red footprints and blood speckled snow as far as he could until he found that it just ended, as if whoever they belonged to had just disappeared into thin air.
Smoker returned to his home, pulling the envelope out of the basket and ripping it open. Inside were two other envelopes and a letter, one envelope addressed to 'My darling child' the other addressed to 'Robin.' Smoker unfolded the letter and read it slowly, taking in every word, though most of it was illegible due to droplets of blood that had fallen onto the paper.
Dear Smoker,
My name is Nagato K. Natsumi, you may remember me as the informant of the Straw Hat Crew. I am also the mother of this child. Though I wished that this day would never come, it seems as though it is also time for you to fulfill the promise you made to Luffy. I wish I could stay with my darling child, but I can't, even though I'll probably survive these wounds - *Splotch of blood* - need to take care of her, she has no name, though I trust you'll pick a lovely one for her. I found it kind of hard to think of one when I'm bleeding out - *Smeared Splotch of Blood* - 17th birthday, you must give her the other letters and tell her who she is, until then I want you to raise her as your daughter and let her lead a peaceful life.
Please, I want my child to have a choice, Smoker. I don't want her to be branded a demon child and hunted down all her life. I want her to grow up normally as a child should. I want her to know family and love and all that's in between. I don't want her to be persecuted for her heritage before she even knows what it means to be the daughter of the pirate king. I simply want her to be.
You also must understand that I'm not asking you to make her a pirate, though I'm not asking you to make her a marine either… I just -I want my daughter to have a choice, Smoker, I don't want her thrust blindly into this world with complete disregard for the fact that despite her roots she's just a child. I want her to forge her own path, whatever she should decide she wants that path to be. Even if that path should be following after you instead.
I know it's a lot to ask, but please -please Smoker, take care of my baby for me. If not for me, then for Luffy, and if not for him, then for the promise you made so long ago. Even if you never meant to live up to it, please… - *tear stain* - burn this letter, no one can find it.
Give my child the future that she deserves.
That was it, Smoker re-read it several times to make sure he had read correctly, Luffy…dead…this child…his…it was all too much for him to take in, but after a moment he felt his hand curl into a fist, crumpling the paper before angrily tossing it into the fire, he blew out a long trail of smoke as he ran his fingers through his hair, not knowing what to do, he would without a doubt live up to his promise, but how he would do it was a completely different matter in and of itself…
- A few months later -
Smoker had gotten a surprisingly restful sleep that night. The baby wasn't like others, it was…well, quiet. He was seriously starting to wonder if really was the child of Monkey D. Luffy, though he could defiantly see the resemblance. The same round face and cute features, not to mention the appetite, she ate like she had never eaten before in her life.
It wasn't long, however, before he realized he was defiantly going to need some help. As much as he tried to keep his island from finding out about his "Daughter" he would need take her out of the house eventually. Though he had managed to keep her a secret until the winter season was over he would need to return to work soon. As such, he decided to take her to a friend for some help.
It was an average day on the fall island. The leaves still stuck to the trees though they were all shades of red, orange, yellow, and brown. Smoker tucked the sleeping child into a large roomy woven bag, so that anyone on the outside wouldn't see the child, though she was still comfortable.
He sighed as he walked down the drab streets then approached a small white house with sky blue shutters that was surrounded by a white picket fence. On it were many signs, "Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again." also, "Is there life after death? Trespass and you will find out" Smoker sweatdropped, he would clearly have to ask her to take that down if the child was going to be living here.
He pushed the gate open and walked across the lawn and up the front steps, Standing on the doorstep, Smoker rang the doorbell: nothing. He rang it again, then, just to piss her off, he rang it once more before an angry voice from inside snapped, "I'M COMING DAMN YOU!"
And with that the door swung open to reveal one of Smoker's childhood friends, and one of the strongest women he knows: Morgan V. Bex. Her long silky black hair was pulled up in a messy bun and she wore a white tank top and grey sweatpants. "Oh, it's only you…" she yawned, turning and walking back inside, leaving the door ajar so that Smoker could follow.
Smoker trailed after Bex and they soon found themselves in her rather old fashion living room, sky blue couches with white silk curtains and light grey rugs with creamy yellow flower print wallpaper. Bex's house always reminded him of an old persons home, but Smoker knew that if he ever told her that bad things would happen.
Bex plopped herself down on the couch and grabbed a slice of cinnamon toast off of the plate that sat on the coffee table to her right. After devouring the slice and polishing off half a glass of orange juice she cleared her throat and slung one arm over the back of the sofa. "So, Smokey, old pall o' mine. What brings you here on this fine day?" she asked while Smoker felt his eyebrow twitch at his old nickname.
"I need some…help…" He said meticulously. Smoker knew that if he made so much as one slip up, he would be kicked right outta there.
Bex cocked an eyebrow while giving him a wave of her hand as if to say, "Go on." Smoker cleared his throat and reached down into the bag, gently picking up the four month old and coddling the now giggling baby, "I need you to help me raise my daughter!" he blurted quickly. God, this was the most embarrassing thing he had ever done.
Bex practically chocked on her own spit, then after composing herself she smirked, "When did you become a daddy?" She said slyly, obviously amused by the situation after overcoming her initial shock.
Smoker scowled at her, "About four months ago…I would like to avoid the topic of how I got myself into this predicament, all you need to know is that her mother is long gone and I have no clue what I'm doing." he grumbled, feeling the heat rise to his face.
Bex just rolled her eyes at him and motioned for him to hand her the child, which he did. Bex gently took the child into her arms and rocked it back and forth, if anyone was suited to raise the child it was Bex. She used to be an orphan, and after being put in the foster system, as the oldest, she basically adopted all of the younger children, including the babies.
Besides, behind Bex's rough exterior she was a major mother hen. Smoker knew from personal experience, when they would romp around as kids and bust themselves up, Bex would near mummify him in bandages.
Bex took a while to study the child. The baby was pudgy and pale with short dark brown hair, she had electric green eyes that actually appeared to glow. Bex seemed to be both enchanted by the adorable baby as well as curious. Bex smiled softy and tickled the infant's nose gently with her finger before looking up at Smoker, "Fine, I won't ask any questions." Bex sighed before poking playfully at the child again, "May I assume that you brought her here because you need to return to the base soon?" Bex asked, not looking away from the child.
"Yeah." Smoker replied.
Bex patted the infant on the head, "So, what's her name?"
Smoker froze, right, he was supposed to name her. He had been thinking about a multitude of names, but none of them felt right. However almost as soon as Bex asked the perfect name came to mind.
"Her name is Nagato D. Cana." Smoker replied, he had simply chosen a suiting first name then took her mother's last name and father's middle initial, but as he promised to Luffy, on her seventeenth birthday her name would be rightfully changed back to Monkey D. Cana…