This is, I guess, an FFN exclusive, because I haven't published my Beyond afterthoughts anywhere else than here. This is also the first time I've used HTML for my work, and the last time I am planning on editing in the chapter system.
-After reading through Beyond, it became more apparent to me that I could imply a Rei/Shinji relationship, which I further played on. It didn't happen, of course, unlike Mynds, but I like this a bit better.
-I believe Rei and Asuka are pure equal and opposite, in both character and their uses in fanfiction, and in turn this and Mynds are peers of a similar nature. You could consider them symbols themselves, of my believes on Shinji/x romance.
-Sowing, Reaping and Flooding came from the ancient Egyptian cycle of the Nile River, and the title of this chapter, Exhuming, came from the term used for opening up tombs. They have nothing to do with Evangelion whatsoever.
-There are a total of seven references in Beyond to the number seven. Tell you what, if you find them all, e-mail me.
-Mynds may have been my longest piece in writing, but Beyond is my longest in development. It was originally only set four years in the future, and was initially planned as Shinji/Rei rubbish. It was scrapped very swiftly.
-There are a few classic Eva phrases woven into several of the characters interior monologues. Once again, if you spot one, drop me a line.
-In case anyone else was wondering why the Evangelions were under jurisdiction of first the UN and then the Japanese Army, its not a plothole. I did do it deliberately...however, like the infamous Mr Anno, I shall let you make your own minds up as to why.
-When Shigeru is in the countryside, he sees the leaves as a burnt auburn-red. Notice something else that it could describe the colour of?
-The image of the mirror is particularly strong in Beyond, because of how I see Asuka and Rei, and Beyond and Mynds.
-I often suffer from extreme hits of déjà vu. Because of the odd nature of my favourite character's memory in the latter part of the story, so to does Rei.
-Who is it that Rei thinks of when she looks in the mirror? That's for me to know, and you, my readers, to debate over.
-Rei's kiss...many people are of the nature that, under all her coldness and unfamiliarity with life in general, Rei still is a teenage girl. In this instance, I would have to agree with them. It's just that her social development comes in leaps and bounds, and not in a nice and even teenage moody sulk.
-I had a pre-reader tell me that Asuka having therapy was a first for them. I would have to agree, because in many (actually, almost all) continuation fictions, Asuka does not change very much, and gains the strength to face life on her own terms. I believe that she would have been able to do that...but only with Shinji there for her. As it happened, I'm quite please with how Beyond worked. There characters in Eva are all so well-fleshed that it's a criminal shame to write their futures and leave them static. In my humble opinion only, of course.
-However, Toji and his prosthetic limbs are nothing new. But I think that Hikari nursing him is a very cute image.
-Hints of a Maya/Ritsuko relationship? You decide.
-I particularly wanted to put a bit of underlying Eva references in the scenes where Shinji rejects writing his letter and Toji almost falls while in his muscle training. Not that it's absent everywhere else, it's just that the Thirteenth Angel is something I feel very strongly about.
-Have Rei liking classical music was my excuse for getting Asuka to listen to Handel's Messiah, but I genuinely think that she'd take to it if she was the music-listening type. Shinji, I'm not too sure about, he might have a little R.E.M., some Live, perhaps a little Travis or Moby lying around. Asuka, on the other hand, is clearly a huge fan of Rammstein.
-I have this funny little tendency to under-use Pen Pen (apart from Tears, but that's besides the point). I can never seem to think of anything that he can do that translates well from the visual to the verbal.
-There are several sketches and pictures of Shinji as an adult available online, both official and by fans, and it was through looking at all of these that I saw how much people interpreted Shinji as growing to look like his father. This was the inspiration for Shinji's shaving scene, before Rei and Asuka find him.
-Asuka no longer refers to herself with her middle name. I won't pull an Anno on this one...if you thought I did that because it gave her a bit of humility, you're wrong. I did it because Asuka using her full name to introduce herself really, really pissed me off.
-I considered having Shinji need glasses, but in the interest of Rei's sanity, I decided that he inherited Yui's good eyes.
-I believe that the one thing all of the Eva characters need was best expressed by Freddy Mercury: Can't anybody find me somebody to love?
-Just for the record, I prefer a rum-and-Coke to a beer any day, and believe Shinji had every right to go and get his cup of water.
-I was personally quite surprised at the number of people I knew that did not know what déjà vu was, and so, Shinji was added to the list.
-Misato's balcony...perhaps the most famous Evangelion earmark for WAFF (apart from Unit 02's entry plug...*cough* Evanjellydonut *cough cough*), especially between Shinji and Rei. However, in my version, things did not end in a paragraph-long kiss...
-Eva applies a lot of minimalism in it (see when Misato and Ritsuko attend the wedding in Lie And Silence for a good example), and ever since Mynds I have tried to incorporate this technique into my work.
-A small note: in Shinji's flashback dream, there honestly were no wavering lines symbolising each character.
-I worked a rather long time to try and get Shinji and Asuka's kiss...what's the word...perfect. I had the picture perfectly in my head; however, at times, the best way for conveying something like it is with a visual. Nevertheless, I think I didn't do too shabbily.
-After reading over the last paragraphs, I not only noticed that almost all of my repetitions come in threes, but that I also might be a little too obsessed with repetitions...
-If you're really enthusiastic about avoiding spoilers, and you really like my work, you might want to just stop reading right now. If a final word on Beyond gets written, I will state in it that Shinji and Asuka went their separate ways, but Rei still writes Kensuke a letter to his base every week. And, of course, Hikari and Toji will still be happily married with a little boy.
Until we read again...
Derek Zischke
Zischke In The Jar Productions (c), 2000-10-17 (2001-02-06)
"Do you suffer from long-term memory loss? I can't remember..."