Charlene's POV:

Oh, God. Where'd Amanda go? Where is she? Where am I? I wish Finn and Terry were here, at least I wouldn't be alone, in the odd quiet of this room. It's too empty, where is everyone?

As if answering my question, Maleficent's pig goon things came in, holding two people. They were holding boys, no wait. They weren't just any boys, they were holding Finn! And Terry! I tried standing, only to be pulled back down to the cold concrete floor by chains.

"Finn! Terry!" I yelled muffledly. I looked down and was gagged, as well as my hands and feet being tied together.

Finn and Terry were thrown to the floor and the guards left the room, leaving only a click of the door. Finn and Terry just lay on the floor unconscious and definitely unaware of what's happening; they knew just about as much as I did... Which wasn't a lot.

I need to get out of these chains... and maybe I can get us all out of here. I pulled my hands back and forth, hoping to wriggle free from the ropes. I looked around the room to see if there was anything that could possibly help me get my hands untied, and the only thing that could possibly work was the door handle. No, that won't work, I can't get all the way across the room with these chains holding me back. I sighed and kept pulling my hands back and forth, hoping to free one hand at a time. My right hand came free, and I pulled my left hand out of the rope. I turned around and untied my feet, then took off the rag covering my mouth. I looked at Terry and Finn, who were across the room. There's no way I can get over there with the chains!

"Finn!" I whispered softly. "Terry!"

Finn stirred a little bit. "Finn!"

Finn sat up slowly, like he was in pain, then looked around the room before looking at me. His eyes went from me to Terry, then he slowly and gently shook Terry to wake him up. Terry didn't wake up, he just lay there unconscious. I looked to Finn, eyes wide with desperation. Finn looked around, then noticed the ropes around his ankles and wrists. He shuffled over to me on his side so I could untie the ropes and take off the makeshift gag. After the gag was off, he started panting and breathing heavily. After his breathing was normal again, he examined the chains at my right ankle and left wrist, for extra security, I guess. Maleficent must be expecting us to break out, otherwise she wouldn't have put all of us in the same room, or put an extra level of "security" on me.

"What happened?" Finn asked groggily as he pulled Terry over to us and away from the door.

"I don't know. Amanda is gone," I said as my voice cracked, "and I blacked out, only to wake up here." I whispered. I watched as Finn untied Terry's wrists and ankles, then wondered how I'm going to get out of these chains. Tears started welling up in my eyes, and I was trying to hold them back. Finn sat down against the wall next to me and sighed, leaning his head back, then turned to look at me.

"Charlie.. what's wrong? We'll get out of here, don't cry. It'll be okay." He whispered. Tears were flowing in a steady stream now.

"It's all my fault!" I cried, my voice cracking, half yelling, half crying.

"What's your fault? None of this is-" Finn started.

"It's my fault Amanda's gone! It's my fault!" I whispered.

"Charlie... I'm sure it isn't." Finn sighed.

"You weren't there! You don't know what happened." I looked away, unable to look at him.

"So tell me, what happened?" Finn said gently.

I sat there and remembered every detail as I told Finn.

'The door opened, and in walked a few goons. Like those thugs you see that are kidnappers on TV. They were definitely terrifying.

"Having fun?" One of them asked sarcastically.

"Too much." Maybeck spat at him. That earned Maybeck a slap to the face.

"You'd better be more respectful, otherwise you're going to be in a Hell of a lot of pain." The other goon said.

"Why should we? Regardless of what we do, you're still going to torture us." I hissed.

"Oh look at this one. Looks like the pirates like you. Maybe you'll visit them!" A goon said evilly. "I'm sure they'd be ecstatic for a visit from you."

I looked at him in such shock and shook my head.

"Don't you threaten her like that!" Maybeck yelled. The goon slapped him.

"She's too innocent for those perverted, no good pirates!" Amanda pleaded.

"Maybe you'd like to join her." The goon said. He pulled me and Amanda up and brought us to the room with the pirates. Amanda held onto me, refusing to let go.

That's when we got brought out to the cafeteria with the pirates, and we were dropped on the floor. Amanda and I begged them to bring us back, and we won't be any more trouble for them. They, obviously, refused. They left for a moment and Amanda and I climbed up to a light on the ceiling to just get away from them, and the two goons came back. They yelled at us to get down, and after a minute of fighting, we did.

"We have special orders to bring one of you directly to Maleficent, so which of ya will it be?" They cackled.

I told them to take me and keep Amanda here with you and Terry, but Amanda told them to take her and keep me here. We both knew that each place was dangerous, but staying here was much safer and more predictable than going to Maleficent, but after a minute of us trying to save the other, they said they'll let the pirates decide.

"Which of the two girls do ya like better?" The first goon yelled.

They ultimately decided on me and I wished they had picked Amanda, because she would most likely be safer here than she would ever be with Maleficent. And they pulled us apart, pushing me to the ground away from Amanda, and knocked me out. Next thing I know, I wake up here, chained to the wall.'

"Oh, Finn, I'm so sorry! If I had just forced them to take me, Amanda would be here, safe." I whimpered.

"Charlie. Stop it." Finn's tone was harsh and it scared me. "It's not your fault. It wasn't up to you, okay?" His tone was softer now.

I just nodded my head in agreement with him, and leaned on his shoulder. Terry woke up and looked around, then asked what happened. We explained and after a few hugs, we decided we needed to figure out a plan.

"So what's the plan?" Terry asked.

I am SOOOOOO sorry ! I've been so busy and I've been having some huge problems and I didn't realize I hadn't updated in a couple months. I'm posting two chapters today, hoping to make up for the lack of updates. I promise, I will update at the very least, once every week. School is making me so busy, and so are a ton of other things, but I will find a way to fit it all into my schedule.