Ok~...ugh sorry that I skipped the Cliff scene. Credit for the whole grounding idea to Riley Sky because I'm hella lazy and I like the idea.

Sue me TT_TT

Let's get on to reading!


Chapter 19


Oh shit is was not good was the first came to Kate's mind, hell it would be to any ones.

''Luana.. have you been drinking again?'' Elaine asked very carefully as she grabbed her near by power tools. Luana giggled as she rolled her eyes, ''No dumb bells, I just need help and I see that Katie needs some too.''

''What is this about?'' Kate asked letting her suspicion grow.

Luana let out a sigh as she puffed up her cheek with air, ''Listen.. I got picked to talk to the Ranger kids this time for the Outdoor class but same as every year I got something else planned.''

''So? What's that got to do with me?" Kate asked bluntly knowing that she would not get answers without the firm response. ''Barlow's out and Crawford is our 'Temporary Leader' for the time he's gone and I need you to take over my job for today.'' Luana answered.

''But I'm stuck here and I'm pretty sure I won't get out with the perv of a the leader in charge.'' Kate reminded.

''Yeah, that's where Elaine here comes in! I need to go to Pueltown and you get to some freedom for a while it's a win, win Katie!''

''I guess so...''

''Great then! It's a deal!''

Oh Arceus what had she done.



Coughs and hacks filled the base's air and Crawford sitting trying to read, it was getting very irritating.

''Crawford.'' It was weak, or so it seemed he picked up the voice as sat up but continued to read trying to ignore her.

After getting no response or action it grew angry and started to act, it yelled and with a rasp voice,''...GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND BRING MEDICINE, I'M SICK!'' Crawford fell out of his chair, getting to his breaking point by the voice. He got himself up and started to walk where the voice was emerging from. He open the door and saw Elaine in the bed, her face bright red with a pile of tissue over flooding the trash can.

''Crawford can you get the.. the..'' She stop to let out a loud and horrible sounding cough, ''The medicine? Nature got me sick, she sure damn lucky that she's been sleeping for the past hour and probably the whole day.''

Crawford gave a long groan, ''Damn it, Elaine. You had to get sick when I'm in charge for the base for once.''

''Hey!'' She started, ''I didn't complain that time when you..'' She then died off letting him get the point to sink in. He turned bright red after a few seconds of realizing what she was hinting and all he wanted was to block it out.

''Ok! Ok!'' He yelled, his face still an unnatural color. ''God I thought we agree not to talk about that incident.'' He reminded as he passed her a water bottle with some pills.

''Hehehe,'' Elaine giggled as she takes the medication.

''So..'' Crawford started, Elaine looked up as she took some sips of the water. ''How's Ollie doing?'' Elaine's eyes widen as she started to slightly choke on her water.

''A-Alright,'' She began as she let out a few coughs but then smirked, ''But the real question is how's Luana been doing on her work? I hear you two are always having a great time. If I didn't know any better I say that you both have a thing for each other.''

Crawford was more redder than he was before, ''So what if I do? That's no excuse to stop talking about your boyfriend.'' He fired back.

''Why don't you shuddup and make out with your girlfriend?'' She countered as she crossed her arms.

''How about you with yours?''

''Nah, you would rather do it.''

''Nah- ah!''

''Yah- ha!''

''Nah- ah!''

''Yah- ha!''

''Nah- can we just pretend this conversation never happened?''



Sneaking out of the base was like having to go through her first training session as a rookie at the academy, it was easy. Kate looked over at the pathway to the school and made sure no one was watching as she sprinted to the bridge without any attention.

But as soon as she had set foot of the bridge a familiar headache seem to come back, taking a moment to realize what is was she gave a growl. She looked ahead; trying to refocus her vision as she saw some grunts of Dim Sun. She released another low growl to see a Croagunk dancing around with twirls as the grunts start to snicker typing away at the laptop.

''Thank, Arcues that this replaced the old model! This one is more lighter and not to mention it gives more than 100 more commands!'' One of the grunts said as he typed more commands that made the Croagunk twirl even faster making his smirk grew even wider.

'That's it'

She ran up with a dangerously effective glare as she cleared her throat, ''So.. I got a question.''

They turned around then turned pale, ''Sh- shit. It's a Ranger.''

''How long do you think I could have stand seeing such a disgraceful, disappointing and plain idiotic performance for that new machine of yours?'' She started to walk while Pachirisu followed letting little sparks flying from her cheeks.

''I was surprise myself to see to this point I thought, 'Hey why haven't I burned these two imbeciles yet?'' She shrugged now standing in front of the laptop.''Maybe it was because I wanted to see that scared look in your eyes when I'm able to destroy you.''

She gave a big inhale as she commanded, ''Use Thunder Bolt!'' She finished. Pachirisu nodded as she released all the electricity that she was building up.

The grunts went wide eyes as they started to shake very violently, think this was the end. But Kate gave a slight smirk as she watched the laptop on the stand being blown into pieces. The Croagunk snapped out of it's day nightmare and thanked her before it left happily away from the place.

''Get out of my sight. You make me sick to the bloody core.'' They turned around and realized that they were trapped between a place that trains the next generation of Rangers and in front of them a real life fledged Ranger they gave Kate a dark scowl as they jumped into the river.

Kate gave a relieved sigh as she ran up to the entrance of the school, remember all the days she spent here.. it gave her comfort and still deep down she wanted to see Keith and Rhythmi. In about a few weeks it was going to be a years time and that day she made advance day off as she would probably sulk the whole day and may be if she wasn't that depressed she would visit her family and check of Mary Jane's resent nightmares.

''HOW MANY TIMES HOW I TOLD YOU TO NOT LEAVE THE GROUNDS WITHOUT PERMISSION!'' A raging voice yelled from the stairs above. It must have been really effective since it made Kate jump with surprise and slightly fear for her life.

''You are going to clean the kitchen for the rest of the month till graduation, serve detention for the week with the Principle so you won't have the motivation to run away as usual, Arcues you are worst than Kei- Kellyn?''

''Hello, Ms. April?'' Kate seem to squeak cautious of her temper, now remembering very clear the daily blow ups in the classroom.

Ms. April seem to blink as she realized that it wasn't any of her current student in a sudden bipolar transition she gave a sweet smile and greet Kate back to the school, ''Kellyn? Oh I hardly even recognize you, I thought you were a student of mines!''

She grabbed her shoulder and pulled her in with her, Kate gave a nervous chuckle as she gave a sweat drop while Pachirisu covered her face into her shoulder.


''This is one of my former student's, Kellyn from a year ago. And now for the main course the questions!'' Ms. April gave a short introduction then lightly? Pushed to the center of the wide eyed children- not really since they were just a year younger but besides the point they looked at Kate like she was a famous person or something... they actually admire her something Kate never thought she would get.

The hands flew up and Kate pointed to the girl in front of her that barley hand her hand up, she looked surprised that she called on her but regardless asked her question, ''Why did you want to become a Ranger in the first place?''

Kate was secretly hopeing that she wasn't going to get asked this question but looking into the little girls eyes which were some reason so big and innocent she had to give something, she wanted to be as truthful but unaware as she could be.

''I never thought that I would be a Ranger to be completely honest,'' She mange to start getting curious eyes for everyone in the circle including the staff. ''Maybe it all started when I met one at first hand, he was a base leader but a run up at the time. He told me that I had what it took to become one and he told me he better see me as one next time I saw him. I left my region for a while and years I come back something happened then I end up going to the school partly cause of my older cousin that works at the Union.''

''Wow.. I never expected that.'' She said as she kept awning.

She made her smile as she picked on the next person who was a boy at the end, ''Can Rangers visit home a lot?'' Judging his expression he seemed to be homesick something Kate would relate to.

''It could be yes or no. My family was still in Fiore when I went to school her but later moved here so they could be close to me.'' His face dropped not liking the answer she gave.

''But if your family can't do that then call, write, letters, video chat, text message anything to keep in contact.'' She walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, ''Trust me it's better than cutting it all together.''

He gave a timid smile as he nodded, Kate flashed a smile as she went back to the middle as she picked a red head girl at the other end, ''Got good grades at school?''

She simply answered, ''I came in the middle of the year so I did had some bad ones but on averaged I got good grades.''

She point to another boy with dark brown hair, he asked, ''Have you seen a real Gigaremo?''

Kate nodded and added, ''Of course since I was the first to ever seen one and destroy one.'' The group lit up with murmurers and whispers of excitement hearing the news. Ms. April told- more like barked at the class to calm down then was one to the next person that was in a wheel chair.

''C-Can I touch your Stlyer?'' Usually she would politely decline but seeing the poor girl in a wheel chair and her being so shy and younger it just mange to kick Kate's rule to the side, ''Sure.'' Kate rushed up to her so she didn't need to move a muscle she touched the Stlyer as she examined it.

''Wow.. this is gonna be trickier to fix than a school one.'' She mummer giving Kate the impression of her studying to be a Mechanic.

Kate heard some girls start to giggle then a voice spoke out, ''Ranger are you in love with someone?'' Kate paused as she turned bright red, it's been a while since she feel embarrassment it seemed worse since I the first person to pop in her head was someone that was not suppose to be there.

''N-N-no.. wh-wha-what ma-makes you s-say th-that?'' She shuttered as she felt very warm. The girls smiled as they laughed but the didn't stop with the question another girl add on, ''Maybe a friend, another ranger, a former classmate?''

Keith. Keith was the first person to pop to her head he fit everything for what the girl described.

''N-No!'' She answered still keeping her red face. Ms. April took a note of this and asked, ''Is that all the questions?''

''Oh, Oh we got a question for him.'' Kate and everyone else turned around to see the two grunts from earlier which were soaking wet from when they jumped off the bridge.

''Why did you make us jump off the bridge?'' Kate couldn't answer as they pulled out another laptop and typed away making a Carnivine charging for her she got her Stlyer out knowing that she wouldn't have enough time to take to it. She got the Carnivine corner so it would escape her sight and looped the Capture Stlyer around it in fast motion barely breaking the line it was put. After a few nerve racking seconds the capture was completed as it thanked her with a roar then ran off.

Kate glared back to the grunts but it fell when she notice what was in one of their hands: a gun.

''Shit.'' Kate said as she looked over to the children that were shaking in fear she turned back wait what their move was going to be.

''Don't say that in front of the kids Ranger.'' They smirked and whispered to each other then pointed the gun into the crowd they started to run away but the girl in the wheel chair was moving at a slow pace.

''Oh, lookie here.. perfect target.'' Kate's eyes widen as they shot the bullet, she knew that she couldn't handle more wounds but this girl is in a wheelchair! She jumped in the way taking the hit on her shoulder that didn't have a scar.

The students screamed in fear as they started to laugh.

They stopped laughing when she walked towards them even though she seemed weak and had to cover the bloody wound with her weak hand she gave an effective death stare and started to mumble something. Their blood froze when they mange to translate what she was saying with the mumbles.

''You are going to pay for trying to hurt her.''

That seemed enough to make them drop the loaded gun and make a run for it.

Kate gave a weak smirk as she lost her balance for a second, Ms. April rushed over and helped her regain her lost balance. The students pitched in to help her out. Principle Lamont asked if she was ok.

She nodded and he asked her one final question while Ms. Janice tended her wounds.

''How's Chairperson Erma? She is in good health right?'' He seemed eager to get the answer.

Kate took it in surprise by the sudden question but answered it with, ''Yeah, yeah she is.'' She finished with a knowing smile.


Luana panicked and rushed from Pueltown when she heard the news about Kate being shoot. She went over as fast as she could to the school to help Kate walk back to the base. Even though she told Luana that she was fine and it wasn't her fault she insisted helping Kate by lending her a shoulder.

After a half an hour of walking a slow pace they mange to get back without any problems regarding Kate's health. Being hit and cut by so many things having about already four new scars from her taking this mission, it just didn't faze or surprised her.

''Finally!'' Luana breathed out as she and Kate sat on the sofa. She smiled at Kate with her dazzling smile then looked down at a box making it grow wider. The put it simple they were both hungry, relived and tired.

''So.. everything alright?''

Luana smiled, ''Everything now.'' Kate however froze in place knowing who that voice belonged to.

''Shit!'' Kate yelled, groaning in to her hands. Luana blinked as she turned around to see Crawford standing right behind him, she gave him a smile, so happy to see him but it later dropped as Crawford crossed his arms and gave a dark expression.

He began with Kate, ''Leader told you that you couldn't leave the base.'' He lend in as he was no where near his usual self then he spatted sounding so pissed off, ''But you ignored his orders.''

''Crawford, stop this isn't her fault!'' Luana cried as she got up from her seat now in front Kate.

''Luana! Wh-'' He was cut off by Luana.

''This is all my fault! I told Katie about the idea and she had no other choice but to accept because I forced her!'' She lied tears going down her face, ''I needed to go to town and get something and it had to be today...''

Crawford's eyes soften, ''What was so important that you had to go to town?''

She bit her lip as she reached down to the box she was smiling at earlier and gave it to him avoiding eye contact with his stare rubbing the tears away from her eyes. Crawford looked at her questioning the gift as he opened it.

It was a dark black ring and a photo. Crawford looked up at Luana in surprise.

''Wait.. this- this isn't it.. is it?''

''Yeah, I know. I remember you lost it- the momentum from your father and it was up for sale at a store in Pueltown and you said it was too expense to get back but here it is.'' She weakly laughed as she started to blink back her tears away. He was shocked then looked at the photo that was in the box. It showed a Ranger posing for a picture for a student- the Ranger being Crawford and the student being Luana.

''Yeah.. it was tricky for me to get it print out of my phone but I manage huh?''

Crawford was at a lose for words but manage to say one thing, he looked at her and asked, ''Why?''

She looked down and gave a deep sigh ready to explain it all with Kate sitting back grabbing a snack she was ready for the explanation for this whole mess, Elaine joining her from behind.

''I guess you won't remember since everything has been so crazy.'' She started, Crawford blinked wonder what she was getting at. ''It's been two years since we met in that picture.''

''I guess you didn't figure this out since you were out last year doing a mission but I just.. I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being my friend for being there for me when I need it. Thank you Crawford!'' She rushed and gave him a hug as she started to cry into his uniform.

Elaine and Kate sighed with a smile as they left them to have their selfs.


Done and Done

Kill me if must I don't care anymore! I've made it long so I won't have get that punished as much.

Good day, till the next one!