A/N Hello everyone! This is my first attempt at writing a fan fiction and I don't know how it's going to end up. I hope everyone likes it and if there are any mistakes, please let me know.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Les Mis



Eponine's POV

I got up early to get ready for school today. I quickly change my clothes, stuff my lunch and breakfast in my backpack and head off to the bus stop. I saw my best friend, Musichetta, standing there. I ran up to her as the bus stopped and we climbed on the bus to school. My name is Eponine Thenardier. I am 18 years old and yes, I am a senior. I go to school in Victor Hugo High School or VHHS. My life there started off rocky but I'm actually having fun. I have a few friends, mostly boys who prefer to be called by their last names, (weird, right?) and 3 girls, including my sister, Azelma. I also have a brother, Gavroche. Azelma's only a year younger than me and Gavroche is only in Middle School. I have a best friend, Enjolras and he's been my friend since 1st grade.

In first grade, Eponine didn't have many friends. One day, at lunch break, she saw a boy her age sitting on the swings all by himself. She ran to him and said, "Hello. Are you in first grade?" He nodded and held out a hand for her to shake. "Enjolras." She shook it and smiled. "Eponine. Nice to meet you." Then she asked, "Are you new here?" He nodded. "Well, then. Why didn't you tell me? Come on, let's play." she said. For the whole day, Eponine stuck with Enjolras and they played together, went everywhere together, and became best friends since then.

Enjolras' POV

My name is Enjolras… Well, it's not my name. It's actually my last name. I prefer to be called by my last name because my name is too dreadful to be even said. I won't even bother telling anyone my real name but only my best friends know. Anyway, I'm 18 and I'm currently in Victor Hugo High School. I have a group of friends and they call themselves "Les Amis de l'ABC". They are Combeferre, Courfeyrac, Jehan or Jean Prouvaire, Joly, Bossuet, Bahorel, Marius (the only one who actually uses his first name) and Grantaire. We all prefer to be called by our last names because, as I said about myself, we have dreadful names and I dare not mention them. However, I have one female friend. I never thought I would but it happened already in 1st grade. Her name's Eponine. We met in the playground and have been friends ever since.