Before we begin, I'd like to say, HA bet you didn't expect for this to be updated ever again huh? Well to be honest, I didn't expect to add any more chapters either. Tonight, I feel that burning drive to write again. not to say I haven't felt it in a while but it's been dim as of late. This one like the rest of the stories here goes out to my Dad, though he'll never read this, He fucking rocks. If you love your dad or have a father figure in your life that you love, make sure to tell them you love them, k? Now feel the burning awesomeness that is Damian's Father! FYI this is a cross over with Oath sooooo Enjoy

Damian Meets Oath:

Damian sat deep within the batcave impatiently tapping his fingers against the computer. Tonight, he was meeting with some of his father's friends and former teammates. Back before he and Damian's biological father had reconciled, Richard had run with an entirely different team and though that team had eventually become integrated with Young Justice the founders felt a need to once a year go out just the three of them. This year though the three of them had decided to bring their own protégés and children into the tradition. It may have had something to do with the fact three protégés were actually rather close despite whatever scathing remarks Damian might make.

"Yo, Nightwing where's Bats and the Speedsters at?" A feminine voice called out. Turning Damian met the female Red Arrow with his Batsmirk. "Don't know Lian, I was instructed to wait here for the five of you while they prepare the initiation." He told her to which she sighed. "You'd think that at least Batman would be on time for this, I mean after the big deal they made." Lian Harper mentioned whipping her red hair into the non-existent wind. "Well, I don't know about you two slowpokes but I've been here for a good thirteen seconds." Another voice remarked. The two teenaged heroes turned to see Bart Clark-West leaning against a wall chowing down on a plate full of cookies. "Really, Bart? You act like your Dads don't feed you enough at home." Lian told the speedster eying the plate of cookies.

"I'll have you know that I've got a perfectly normal appetite for a Quarter Kryptonian/Quarter Human/Half Speedster." Bart shot down waving his black hair out of his eyes. "Bart, nothing about you is normal. I mean for Pete's sake, your a quarter Kryptonian, a quarter human, and half speedster." Damian told him with a raised eyebrow. "Well you're both half assassin." Bart told the two, sticking his tongue out. "Actually, if your going that route, I'm half Civilian and she's half Thief. Cheshire unfortunately decided to try assassinating people when Oath was formed and well Roy stopped her every chance." Damian replied rolling his eyes at the Speedster's antics.

The computer chose that moment to alert Damian to a message. After reading it he shook his head. "You have got to be kidding me." He said turning and seeing three bottles of hair dye on the table which hadn't been there before. "Huh, dad brought hair dye?" Bart asked picking up a bottle of the yellow hair dye. "The hell are these for?" Lian asked raising the bottle of yellow in the air. Taking the blue one from the table, he cursed under his breath. "Father has told me that three of us are to dye our hair Red, Yellow, and Blue..." Damian explained stepping towards the showers.


"The hell is wrong with them?! This is blood fucking Red!"

"Hey at least yours isn't the color of the sun!"

"But it's fucking Blood red! Bloood Redddd!"

"Enough you two. Father told me this is vital if we truly wish to participate every year." Damian snapped causing the two to sigh.

An hour later the three of them were in costume with their hair the ridiculous hair color. They then mounted three motorcycles just as the instructions told them. They arrived at a warehouse full of other motorcycles. There they found another note that said...

'Each of you pick another motorcycle. Bart you are then to press the button exactly 100 meters out. Then head to the following address. And before you ask, yes, yes this is necessary for you to get the full Oath Experience.'

"The hell do they mean 'yes, yes this is necessary for you to get the full Oath Experience' and why the hell is experience capitalized." Lian asked in disbelief over the note. Bart shrugged but grabbed the detonater and hopped on a motorcycle while the other two switched motorcycles and soon they were flying out of the warehouse. Once they were exactly a hundred meters away Bart pressed a button and the warehouse promptly exploded to the shock of the three. "The hell?!" Bart asked in disbelief. "I guess that's what they meant by it being necessary." Damian guessed curious as to what his father meant by that.

An hour later they were deep within Bloodhaven where they found the address the note had told them to. It was a large two story house and once they entered they found it completely furnished and explored. Damian soon found the hidden stairs into the Team's HeadQuarters which was underneath the house and they found yet another note. Only this one was painted on the wall.

'Welcome to Oath's Evil Lair.(Wally

For the last time it's not an evil lair! It's Oath's Headquarters(Roy)

But Oath's Evil Lair sounds better.(Wally)

Who cares?!(Richard)

The note went on arguing about the name until finally they picked up on the relevant information.

'So yeah, hope you didn't have anything planned for the next year, because you'll be living year and attending Oath Highschool for the next year(Richard)

You wanted the full Oath Experience so you can't complain(Roy)

Yepp, have funn Kiddos and don't worry if were in body casts when you get back(Wally)

Yeah the spouses weren't exactly keen on the idea of you three living together and told us no(Richard)

But as you can probably guess(Roy)

We decided that being in body casts for the next year or so would be well worth the memories!(Wally)

Love, your Fathers

Richard(Batman, First Nightwing, Strategist of Oath), Wally(Flash, First Warp, Engineer of Oath), and Roy(Green Arrow, First Red Arrow, Leader of Oath)

The three could barely believe their eyes. Their father's really wanted them to get the full Oath experience, huh. Well then they'd make sure to get the most out of it...

-Three days later-

The trio arrived at Oath Highschool and met with the principal a kind older woman by the name of Mrs. Harkreader. Oddly enough she didn't bat an eye at their hair color nor the contacts they were forced to put in this morning. She directed them to their classrooms where one of the teachers started going fanatic the moment Damian stepped through the door. Something about Evil, Evil Leprechauns returning and how none of them were safe. Needless to say Damian didn't appreciate being called a Leprechaun and proceeded to tangle him by his foot three stories up which only increased the whispering of the Evil Leprechaun.

-First Villain Escape-

"Seriously?! Bane is in our town?!" Warp exclaimed voicing the other two's disbelief. "Father has a plan to deal with him, I recommend we us it to deal with him." Nightwing supplied earning a nod from Red Arrow. "Alright boys, LET'S KICK SOME ASS!" She declared as they proceeded to track down bane who was in a warehouse near the docks the same as last time.

"Not again, children!" Bane declared upon seeing them. "The hell are you talking about Baney boy? Sure, Nightwing's fought you but we've never even met!" Warp replied dodging a mean punch from Bane. "Oath Initiate plan Take down the Big Bad Bane!" Red Arrow declared as they began the plan their father's had originally used on Bane. "I would recogonize those hair colors and outfits from anywhere! Oath will perish!" Bane roared

"Not today Bane. Not today." Nightwing told the huge hulking villain.

-First Nightwing on Coffee experience-

"I still don't see why this is necessary." Damian huffed as Bart set down a twentieth cup of coffee on the table as Lian dumped a shit load of sugar into said cup. "Because it's in our instructions. Though, my dad said Roy was heavily against adding this to the list." Bart told his friend. "Yup now Drink up. Leader's orders!" Lian said as Damian sighed but began drinking all twenty cups of coffee...

"Now what?" He asked waiting for the caffine and sugar to kick in. "Well apparently were supposed to run because your an evil, evil Leprechaun." Bart said as Damian's eyes widened then narrowed.

Thirteen hours later Lian and Bart were tied to the ceiling swaying back and forth as Damian sat in HIS chair drinking some calm relaxing tea, still believing for some odd reason it was coffee. Apparently calling Damian an Evil Leprechaun set off something in the caffeine induced hero. Sure they managed to fend him off for the first two hours trying to hold on for the caffeine to wear off until they forgot that the note said not to let him make anymore. After two hours Damian had remembered how to make coffee and had been making cups of coffee in between terrorizing them. They had finally swapped a cup full of coffee with relaxing tea in a dangerous endeavor that had landed them swinging from the ceiling.

Damian merely hid his smirk behind his tea. His father had also written him telling him to act batshit crazy and pretend to make gallons of coffee so that he could let loose and have fun. It also warned him that following these instructions would see his teammates very wary of giving him coffee from now. At first Damian had doubted he could have fun pretending to be in a caffeine induced haze but had quickly changed his mind. Terrorizing his teammates with no thought of payback was very satisfying to the young hero. Then again his father was never wrong.

-One year after the trio left-

Batman, Flash and Green Arrow all stepped into the HeadQuarters of Young Justice only to see absolute destruction and Mayhem. Instead of being tense at the sight of wrench holding monkeys the trio merely smiled. "Ahhh, I'm so glad that they decided to follow that instruction." Flash said wiping a tear from his eye. "I'm just glad that they decided to paint our symbols all over the mountain." Batman said nodding at various Nightwing, Warp, and Red Arrow symbols all over the place. "If they really followed instructions they should be at the watchtower right?" Green Arrow asked to which his compatriots nodded. Turning around and ignoring the pleads for help the stepped into the Zeta beam and wound up on the Watch Tower which was thrashed.

Making their way to the briefing room they found various villains tied up against the walls, making a path for them. "I wonder if they did all our instructions..." Wally wondered looking all the villains which were placed exactly as instructed. "Knowing Damian, that's a yes." That caused all of them to nod only for Roy to stop. "Oh hell no! We put get laid on there! What the hell were we thinking?!" Roy exclaimed charged towards were the new members of Oath would be waiting for them. Sure enough they found them in the common room, each making out with a respective partner.

Luckily for Roy's heart, Lian was making out with a red-haired female in a batsuit, while Bart was trying to suck a blonde haired man stomach out through his mouth or that was what it appeared like. Damian was merely cuddling with his girlfriend of two years on the couch. "Thank god!" Roy exclaimed alerting the teens to their parents. Wally watched Bart separate from what appeared to be Booster Gold... wait that was Booster Gold! Richard and Roy both grabbed Wally restraining him from killing the older hero as the three young heroes stepped before their mentors.

"Second Generation Oath. Reporting for Duty!" Lian sounded off as the six embraced after a year of absence. Wally though muttered something along the lines of killing Booster Gold and feeding him to Fluffy while holding his son. The older speedster even muttered about getting his husband's help which made Booster Gold shiver in fear when he did in fact over hear it.

Soon the trio returned home with their mentors, leaving their dates to go back to missions.

Once they were back in the batcave, Richard turned to his son who had grown so much since they had last seen each other. "It's good to have you back, Little D." Richard said with a smile. Damian returned the smile and embraced his father. "It is good to be back father. I missed you." Damian replied easily. Damian's smile grew as he thought of all the adventures he had been on this past year but how none of it could compare to being home once again...

I know 2k isn't enough to apologize for not updating but it's a start right? My hours are hectic(32-80 hours a week) but I'm going to try and update once a month. Sorry about the shitty ending, it's past midnight as I'm finishing this. Hope you enjoyed this. Till next time, Ja Ne!