I Need A Hero

A light flickered on in the dead of night in one of the war-ravished buildings that remained of the town after the bombings nearby. "All right, gentlemen. Let's see the plans." A rough voice with a feminine edge to it came out of the dim corner of the room.

"Yesssir." An army Jeep rolled forwards and laid out several papers on a table.

The figure in the shadows stepped forwards, revealing a human, her face marred by grime and soot, her long dark red hair tied back, then a black bandanna tied at the front of it, the tails long and flowing down the side of her head. Her expression fierce, she looked over the plans.

A second vehicle, a red stockcar, rolled to her side. He too was marred with grime and soot, and was missing chunks of metal from his fenders and tailfin. His ice-blue eyes watched the Jeep steadily, as though he were a guard dog for the human.

"What do you think, sir?"

The human girl's eyes looked up at the Jeep's companion, a tall VW Bus with brown eyes, and scrapes in his paint. He had smeared charcoal under both of his eyes in horizontal strips, like she had. She nodded once. "It's adequate." She looked over at the red stockcar, hoop earrings glinting in both the fox ears she wore on her hat, and two in one of her real ears. "What do you think? Can we pull it off?"

The stockcar nodded once, his expression never changing.

"All right, then let's go get back what's ours." The human growled, and grabbed a hunting rifle, already wearing a belt with the required ammunition. As they went to grab their weapons, the human held up a hand. "Wait." At once, the others turned to her. "Get back in the other room. I heard something."

They scurried at once to the other room, and she flung the door open once the room was empty.

Parked there were three zombie-cars that she recognized. One, a dark blue, another a black and white, and the last, a dingy purple with dull-colored flames. The last one was at the back, raised up on its hydraulics to see her. She growled, and took three shots, never missing her aim.

As the bullet holes in the cars' hoods faded, she noticed their paint brightening.

"Who are you?" The black and white one asked.

"Your savior. Now, inside. Quickly. Before more arrive."

The three scurried inside, and she reloaded her gun. She looked around, her eyes darting back and forth before she backed into the room, quickly shutting the door.

She turned and strode into the room, her racer bodyguard at her heels. She placed the gun in a holster on her back, and looked at the three newcomers. "The war has scattered us, and the government let loose its resident zombies. Now, it's just us, against them. We need to eradicate them all."

"But what about the others?" The purple one asked, and the human cast a long stare over his way.

"We can only hope to find them quickly. If we can't, then I'm afraid they will be lost for good. Sarge!"

"Yessir!" The Jeep saluted, standing at strict attention.

"Get these three suited up and let them know a little better what they're up against. They don't seem to get the picture."

"Affirmative." With that, the Jeep beckoned to the three, and turned and went down a hallway that led underground.

"Now." She looked from the Bus to her bodyguard. "We need to get this done fast, and soon. Otherwise, this will go on for years. We need something that can shoot a high multitude of bullets at a high rate of speed, and is mobile. Either one of you know anything about where I can get one?"

The stockcar at her side nodded once. "The army base in California."

"And how do you expect to get there? There's a war raging outside, and you think you're invincible?! You think they won't attack you, just because you're out for a Sunday drive?!"

The stockcar dropped his eyes down to his hood. "No sir. Sorry sir."

"You got anything good?" The human replied with a growl, looking at the bus.

He shook his front, and the human sighed.

"Of course. The two of you buffoons are hopeless without Sarge." She snarled, rolling her eyes.

At that point, the Jeep came rolling in, the other three vehicles following after, already equipped with weapons.

"Sarge, you know how we can get weapons that are fast and mobile, and powerful?"

"What did you have in mind?" The Jeep replied with a malicious grin and an evil glint in his eye.

She raised an eyelid with an equally evil grin, and the two began to plan out their attack.

Near dawn, the sound of a helicopter's blades broke the still silence. It landed at the large hole in the ground, and the corrugated steel door rolled up. "Thank you for coming. It's in your best interest to get inside. Now."

The copter nodded, and entered. The door was rolled down behind him, and he looked around in wonder. It was like an entire underground military bunker, only larger. Much larger.

"The reason we called you is because we needed a weapon that was fast, powerful, and easily mobile. You have met every criteria." The human gestured to the gun barrel poking out from the underside of the copter's cab.

"Glad to be of service, sir."

"Our weapons won't cut it against the zombies, so we needed something better."

The helicopter gulped, then replied, "Z-Zombies?"

"Yes. Zombies. The government had released them onto us, and they've attacked some of the cars I used to call friends." The human gave him a level stare, and the helicopter nodded.

"I understand, sir."


The group became acquainted with the flying machine gun, while the human planned the next attack.

The next morning, she got into the helicopter, her gun in its holster. "Where to, sir?"

"North of here. You'll know it when you see it."


With that, the copter's blades came to life, beating the still air around him. He flew out of the underground hangar with her aboard, and she watched from the air as the others spread out beneath her. The helicopter stopped at a point just north of the scorched town, the others quickly meeting up beneath the machine.

She jumped from the cockpit, and landed on one knee. She got to her feet, feeling the light breeze that was blowing the tails of her bandanna away from her head.

The Jeep pulled up next to her on her right, the two glaring at the oncoming horde of zombies. Her bodyguard pulled up on her left side, and on the Jeep's right side, the Bus pulled up. On her bodyguard's left side, the blue Hornet pulled up. On the Bus' right side, the black and white member of the police force. Finally, directly behind the human was the purple lowrider.

They were ready to kill or be killed. The human pulled her gun out of its holster, and loaded it. "When I give the command, you two go out first. Kill as many as you can, as quickly as you can. They won't wait for theatrics. Got that?"

"Yessir." The two nodded once, and the human narrowed her eyes.


They spotted the zombies coming closer, and she uttered one word. "Kill."

The Bus and the bodyguard shot out of the formation, quickly taking down all the zombies they saw.

"Destroy." This was the signal for the second two to go.

The Hornet and the lawman surged forwards, each growling slightly.

"Hey, sir! There's another few coming from the south!"

"Go finish them off." She turned to the lowrider, who nodded.

He took off, settled low on his hydraulics, leaving only the Jeep and the human.


"Always ready, sir."

The two charged into the mass of cars, shouting.

At the end of the day, as the sun was setting, a small group remained in a maze of dead cars.

"Did we win, sir?"

"No. We conquered."

"Now that this is all over and done with, who are you?"

"Who am I? I'm your Captain, your comrade, your savior. I'm someone that you knew before." She turned and walked away, but paused after going a few feet. She turned her head to the right, her bandanna tails falling over her shoulder and over the gun holster.

"I'm Foxy. Just Foxy."

What did you guys think? How's that for the start to my Song fanfics? It was 'Hero', by Skillet if you need to listen to it. I don't own any of the songs I'm going to be posting, and I don't own any of the characters except the ones I created. :)