Me: Hey everyone, I live! I'm sorry for the long wait it just writer's block . It killing me...slowly. Anyway some news. One- Graduated High School yay. Two- Got a job, part time and Three- I went to my first con. I went to Anime Iowa. So much fun. So that's all for now on to the story.
Miki: FallenArcAngel16 does not own Blue Exorcist
Me: Oh yeah there's that. Thank You Miki.
Miki: Yeah...whatever
Chapter 6
Miki's POV
I was sitting on my bed in my room, listening to my music. Thinking about the exam, I was worried about not passing but why the exam was made like that. Well Mephisto thought of it, so that really does not surprise me. Then my phone started to ring and vibrate next to me. I pulled off my headphones and answered my phone.
"Hey it's Yuiko. I need your help."
"Okay sure, whatcha need?"
"I have a feeling that Neuhaus-sensei is going to hurt Rin."
"Wait what?"
"I'm coming up the stairs. Meet me in our room." After he said that he had hung up.
Why? That was my question. What could Neuhaus-sensei gain from hurting Rin. I got up from my bed and grabbed my black pullover hoodie. I pulled my hair up in a high ponytail, grabbed my gloves and summon papers. I slipped on my glasses as I headed over to Rin and Yukio's room.
When I got there, I surprised to see Shiemi there with Yukio. I walked in and saw that they were trying to wake up Rin. They weren't succeeding in that.
"Doesn't seem like he going to wake up." I said
Yukio and Shiemi turned to face me, Shiemi had look of surprise on her face.
"Miki-san, What are you doing here?" she asked
"Yukio gave me a called. What about you?"
"Oh, Yuki-chan and I were talking at the shop."
"Mmm, alright so whats the plan?" I asked Yukio
Yukio sighed, then turn to Rin, who was snoring away. I think I could see him drool on his pillow. Eww.
"Well, it looks like he isn't waking up soon. So I'll have to carry him."
"Maybe not" I said. Yukio and Shiemi turned to me with confused looks on their faces.
"I have a plan." I turned so my back was facing them. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my summon papers.
" I call forth the four elements
Lend thy power to serve and protect thee."
In a puff of smoke stood four wolves in front of me. They bowed their head to me.
"Yes, my lady."
"Ignis, I need you to carry Rin. We need to move him out and into another room." Ignis stepped forward
"Yes, my lady." he answered
I turned back to Yukio and Shiemi and motion to move so Ignis could stand next to the bed. Shimei had a worried look on her face.
"Um...Miki-san don't you think that Rin is a little big to be carried on your wolf?" she asked with concern. I was going to answer but before I could Ignis turned and yelled at Shiemi.
"Of course not! I'll just use my other form, you dumb bimb-"
Oh hell no. No one talks to Shiemi like that. I quickly interfered
"Ignis! Enough, you will not speak to her that way!" I yelled with order in my voice. Ignis lowed his head with his ears down.
"Now, apologize to Shiemi."
Ignis kept his head down and turned to Shiemi.
"My apologies, Shiemi-san."
I looked back Shimei with a sorry look on my face. Shimei had a look of shock on her face.
"I'm sorry about him. He's a bit hot headed."
Shiemi looked at me with wide eyes and started to wave her hands in front of her, while shaking her head.
"No, it's okay."
I looked at her funny. Really?
"Really? Are you sure?" I asked with a questionable look on my face.
She nodded. Well okay then. I turned back to Yukio and together we pulled Rin onto Ignis's back. Rin was too big for Ignis. Rin's arms and legs were touching the floor. We moved out the room, Rin's arms and legs were dragging along the floor. I quickly muttered the incantation for Ignis and soon he started to grow. His body started to grow taller, legs longer. His hair that was already red and orange grew brighter, lighting the area where he stood. His eyes were brighter and full of color. Rin who was laying on Ignis's back was no longer had his arms and legs being dragged. Instead they were hanging and weren't touching the floor anymore.
The order that were walking in was A'ris in the front with Ignis following behind. Yukio and I were behind him with Lympha the right side of me and Yukio on the left. Shiemi followed behind us, carrying blankets and pillows for Rin. Humus was beside her, they were the end line. When we finally reached the room, Shiemi put the pillows and blankets down for Rin. Yukio and I moved Rin off of Ignis and onto the blankets and pillow. I was surprised that Rin was still asleep from all that moving.
"Damn, that boy sure can sleep." I said with a sigh
Yukio chuckled and nodded his head
"Yeah, he can. Now" Yukio turned back to Shiemi and I
"You two, stay here. There is something I have to do." Shemi and I nodded our heads.
"Yeah, okay but I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen. So if there's trouble I'm coming to help. No matter what you say, Yuiko." Yeah, I know I'm being stubborn but hey, I care about my friends. Yukio didn't look happy and about what I said. He gave me a stiff nod and left. A few minutes in Ignis went back to his normal size. About half-an hour later Rin woke up. There was still drool on his face.
"Shiemi, Miki!? What are you doing here!?" he asked
Shiemi was by where he was laying and I was behind her standing with my wolves next to me.
"Shh! You didn't wake up, so Miki had one of her wolves carry you here. Yuki-chan said to stay here." Shiemi said to Rin. I walked up to them and looked at Rin.
"Yeah, that's what happened. But I wonder what is happening." I said with a concerned look. Then we all heard gun fire and thumping. It was coming from above us. I looked back to Rin and Shiemi
"Stay here." I said with a stern voice and then I ran out of the room with my wolves at my heel. I ran through the halls following the gunshots. It lead me to the stair that lead to the roof. I charged up the stair and out the door to see Yukio getting over run by hands.
Yukio pulled out a holy water bomb and the hand that were covering him evaporated. After the hands were gone, Yukio was on his knees gasping for breath.
"Yukio!" I yelled as I ran to his side. I kneeled by him and put my hand on his shoulder, my wolves surrounded themselves around us.
"Are you okay?" I asked while helping him stand. He turned and gave me a nod. Then a voice said
"You're slow."
Yukio and I turned and saw Neuhaus-sensei had finished drawing a summoning circle. My wolves moved towards the front of Yukio and I. This isn't going to be good.
"Look it exists here. A place where even vultures don't dare to gather around a corpse." he said as he was making a large gash on his arm. The blood ran down his arm and made large drops on the circle.
"This is my most powerful pawn, an upper class naberius!"
There was a poof of smoke that came from the circle and when it cleared, a monster stood in its place. The thing was huge. It out stood all my wolves, Yukio and I. Then all of a sudden, it shot its arm forward towards Yukio and I. But before it could reach us a sword came flying and hit the familiar. Both Yukio and I looked up and saw Rin heading towards sensei.
"I knew you were the enemy!" yelled Rin as he was throwing a punch.
"Filthy demon!" Sensei growled. Then snapping open his side pouch and then there was a big flash and Rin was spread with something. Rin screamed and was thrown to ground from the flash.
"Heh, heh. You may be human, but holy water works on you. You can't hide your true nature!"
While sensei was distracted with Rin, I turned and grabbed Yukio, pulling him close.
"I have a plan." I said with a smirk, Yukio looked at me with an approving look and nodded his head. I looked back at Rin and sensei. Seeing that they were still occupied, but the familiar was kicking. It was only stunned. We have to take out the thing first.
"Alright, here's the plan. The wolves and I are going to help Rin with sensei. By doing so Rin and I will draw the attention of sensei's familiar. Long enough for you to disrupt the summoning circle and getting rid of the familiar. Got it?" When Yukio nodded, sensei yelled
"You monster!" Then sensei's familiar shoot forward towards Rin.
"Rin!" I yelled and I ran forward towards Rin. While I was running, I stuck my hand out towards Ignis
I release the fires of hell to
Burn and rage to destroy
My enemies!
Ignis then burst in flames, covering his whole body. When the flames disappeared, Ignis stood in his larger form. Ignis shoot forward to take the familiar head on. The familiar's arm was getting close to Rin, but before the familiar could. Ignis bit down on the arm, stopping from hurting Rin. While the familiar was distracted with Ignis and the wolves. I kneeled next to Rin and out my hand on his shoulder.
"Are you okay?" I asked
Rin looked at me with fear in his eyes. But, before I could asked what was wrong we were both grabbed by the stupid freaking familiar. The stupid thing must have saw us distracted. I heard the wolves call me. While Rin and I were in the hand of the thing, it started to squeeze the crap out of us. It's getting a little harder to breath here. I saw the wolves attacking, trying to make the thing let go of us. Before we were squeeze us to death, the familiar disappeared in a puff of smoke.
I closed my eyes as Rin and I started falling. I expected to hit the grow but instead I fell on something soft, warm and furry. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Ignis that had jumped up and caught me. But what about Rin. I looked behind me to see Rin there. Looking surprised, we got off of Ignis and turned to see Yukio had smeared the circle that had summon the familiar. Neuhaus saw this and went to attack him, but he knew it Rin had his sword at his throat.
"What are you?" Rin growled at Neuhaus-sensei.
"Urk." I could see more blood from his wound and dripping down his arm.
"Neuhaus! Stop if you keep going like this you're going to die of blood loss!" Yukio yelled
"Please, sensei stop!" I yelled from next to Ignis and my wolves. I could Ignis growling from the left side of me. I put my hand on him to calm him down. Neuhaus was staring straight at Rin, his stare was filled with hate and anger.
"I am a survivor of the blue night."
When Neuhaus-sensei said this, Rin's eyes widened with shock. Neuhaus kept on talking, ignoring Rin's expression.
"Just for a moment, my body was taken over by Satan. I lost my left eye." he said as he removed his eyepatch showing us a nasty scar where his was suppose to be.
"I lost my wife, who tried to help me. Satan used my own hands to murdered my family."
Rin's face was emotionless but you could tell that he was listening to Neuhaus story.
"I'll never forgive satan and all those who go by the name demon! Not to mention someone like the son of satan! I'll kill you..EVEN IF I HAVE TO EXCHANGE IT FOR MY LIFE!" Neuhaus yelled. Then he summoned and hand from his arm, stabbing Rin in the stomach. Rin didn't even move, he took the hit. Neuhaus was shocked. Rin coughed, blood coming from his mouth. Rin looked straight into sensei's eye and said
"Happy now."
Yuiko and I yelled Rin's name, we were shocked that Rin didn't fight back.
" Is this enough for you. I'll fight you as many times as it takes! As many times as you want!" Rin said as he was sheathing his sword.
"But please don't get innocent people involved."
Neuhaus's eyes widened, he say anything or do anything. Then he spoke
"You think this is over, just like that. There's another guy...who's just like me...You should prepare yourselves." with that said Neuhaus left. Yuiko and I ran to Rin.
"Rin, are you-" before I could ask if he was okay, I was cut off by Yuiko.
"Nii-san! What were you thinking!?"
Rin was looking ask us, so we couldn't see his eyes.
"I'm fine, I'm fine...Since I'm already like this." said Rin. He pulled up his shirt and I could see that the wound that Neuhaus caused was already closing itself.
"It's already closed up." said Yukio as he looked at the wound. Rin pulled his shirt back down and kept his head down while he talked to Yukio and I.
"Since my wound healed so quickly. I guess there's no doubt I really am a monster...haha"
I looked at Rin with a sad look and put my hand on his shoulder. Rin pulled his head up and looked at me.
"You are only a monster if you think are one." I said with a small smile trying to give him confidence
"You're not the true monster." I mumbled so they couldn't hear me. But Yukio caught what I said and looked at me. As Rin was to going to respond, when a person shout.
All of us turned and saw Shiemi come running out the door and towards us.
" Yuki-chan! Miki-san!"
I didn't say anything but waved instead. Shiemi looked at the three of us.
"What happen!?" she asked but before anyone could answer her, she saw the state that Rin was in.
"Is that a ghoul's magoul!? If I don't treat that soon it will get infected."
Rin had a smile on his face and I could see he had a hand behind him. My guess was that he was trying to hide his tail from Shiemi.
"It's okay. I'm good. No sweat." Rin said grinning like an idiot
"No you are not!" Shiemi yelled. Oh my gosh. I didn't think Shiemi was the kind of girl that would yell. I was surprised and completely shock and I wasn't the only one. Rin and Yukio were as well. Then Shiemi was on her knees with Nee beside her. Shiemi was pointing to the area in front of her.
"Alright! Lie down here! You mustn't over do it! Nee, can you bring out sancho-san again."
Rin did the smart thing and laid down like he was told. I walked to stand next to Yukio, my wolves following me. I leaned down to Lympha's ear.
"Lympha give a message to Rin for me. Tell him I would like to talk to him later alone."
"Yes, milady." She answered and walked over to Rin and Shiemi, to relay the message. I looked at Yukio and nudged his with mine, getting his attention.
"Well, tonight was eventful." I said with a yawn, then I noticed that Lympha was back. Yuiko looked at me and nodded in agreement.
"As much as I like standing in the cold night I would rather be in my bed." I said as I turned from everyone and was heading towards the door.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow." but before I could get through the door, Shiemi spoke up.
"Wait! Miki-san, I have to check to see if you're injured." I turned around with a smile on my face and my hands behind my back.
"I'm fine Shiemi. You don't have to worry about me." I quickly turn and walked down the stairs to my room, my wolves at my heel. We finally reach the room, I took off my glasses and hoodie which left me in my white tank top and sweats. I threw off my shoes and sat on my bed. I put head in my hands, when I felt something cold nudge my leg. I looked up and saw Humus and the other wolves waiting. I dismissed them. When I was done I heard a knock on my door, I got up and open the door to see Rin standing there. He looked at me and then back down at the ground.
"You wanted to talk to me?"
"Yeah, come on in." I told him and moved to let him in. I closed the door and went over to my desk and pulled out the chair so he could sit down.
"You can sit there." Rin nodded and sat on the chair. I sat on my bed, I notice that Rin wouldn't look at me.
"Why won't you look at me Rin?" I asked in a soft voice. Rin flinched at what I said. After a few minutes of silence, Rin finally looked up.
" I was afraid of you thought of me after you saw me." he said
I looked at him with surprise on my face and then I started laughing outloud. I looked back Rin and saw there was confusion on his face. When I was finished laughing, I looked at Rin with a smile.
"Really? The way I think of you hasn't changed. I already knew who you were, when I first met you." I said and then I stood up and walked over to where he was sitting and leaned close to his face.
"You're still Rin, my friend and classmate. Nothing is going to change that." Rin looked shocked, his eyes wide. Then they started to water and next thing I know the boy is crying. I smiled and hugged him and let him cry. After the water works had stopped, Rin looked up at me and blushed red. He looked away and mumbled a thank you. I laughed and shook my head. Boys will never change.
"Well, now that's done. I would like to go to bed and you should too." I said with a another yawn
"Yeah, sleep sounds good." said Rin. I walked Rin to the door.
"Night Rin." Rin looked and with a smile said
"Night Miki." I closed the door and walked back to my bed. I laid down and let sleep consume me.
(Time Skip)
Confetti and streamer popped out everywhere like a birthday, and guess who was in the center of it. Not me if that's what you're wondering, it was Mephisto.
"Congratulation. Everyone is promoted to Exwire!" said Mephisto with a big grin on his face
"Yesss!" Everyone cheered, I smiled happy that we passed.
"Fufufu...Well then, to celebrate everyone's promotion. I, the rich chairman, will treat you all too..."
Everyone was "oohing" to what Mephisto was going to treat us to, my guess that it was going to be something cheap.
"Monja." I deadpanned, I totally called it.
"Monja! At least treat us to yakiniku!" yelled the guys.
(Later that day)
Soon all of us were sitting together waiting the food to be done cooking. We were sitting in a booth, I sat next to Shiemi who was on my left. She sat next to Rin which who was on her left. The others sat across from us. Rin and Shiemi were talking as I was listening in on their conversation.
"So you're an exorcist huh?" said Rin
"Yeah." Shiemi said with a nod and smile
"I'm going to help everyone I can!"
"That's a good plan Shiemi." I said with a smile
Rin turned his head with a tisk
"Can you even fight?"
Nice Rin, way to bring down the mood. I thought in my head. I looked back to Shiemi and was she was pouting at Rin.
"I'll..I'll try." She said. I laughed and stood from where I was sitting. I walked behind Shiemi and Rin. I patted Shiemi on the head.
"Yeah, but don't forget that we'll be right beside you." I said with a smile. I looked around for Mephisto and Yukio. I saw them outside, they seem to be talking. Then Yukio walked back and Mephisto was taking forever but I knew the perfect trick to get him moving.
Mephisto POV
After Yukio had left I pulled out my phone and called Amaimon. After rings he picked up.
"It's me. Neuhaus acted as I ordered, but it appears it wasn't satisfactory. Come to True Cross Academy, right now."
"I cannot enter the school because of your protection ward's, older brother."
"I'll make Neuhaus guide you. I'll give you the details later. Got it?"
Then I overheard Miki say
"It should be about done now. Ohh, it looks good let's eat!"
"Huh~ WAIT! Guys! The cheese and bacon monchi here is one of my top 3 favorites!" I yelled as I hung up the phone and rushed over.
Miki's POV
Hehe, works every time. Still I get the feeling that Mephisto is up to something. I'll have to ask about it later but for now it's nice to have some peace.
Me: So this is not one of my best chapters so far but they will get longer. I hope anyway tell me what you think.
Miki: Sheesh, that was a lot of work you put me through. What the hell!
Me: Oh, come on. You know you liked it. (-)/
Miki: Screw you...