The Hunter's Inn was only a short way away from the dock. The pair wandered back towards the town centre, strategically avoiding the park as the sunset began to recede into a black night sky laced with pale stars. As they chatted idly they were unaware of the fact that, from only a couple of streets behind them, they were being watched. A sign for The Hunter's Inn could be seen up ahead, sporting the business's logo; a crimson bow and arrow. As they turned away from the houses and into the more open path through a small public garden, they could see the lights shining through the windows. The warm smell of food filled the cold night air and Jean cursed at his stomach for growling so loudly while Bertholdt quietly chuckled. Jean made an effort to at least be a little gentlemanly, holding the door open for his partner before stepping into the warm establishment himself.
"Woah... I've not been here in ages.", Jean said, eyes scanning the room. It was warm and cosy; oak beams ran along the walls and roof, red wallpaper only adding to the appeal. It was fairly busy, but there were still many tables and booths left unoccupied. Jean, who had been glancing around, taking note of the other couples, looked up as they passed a member of staff.
"Wh- Armin? You work here?".
The blond waiter smiled politely. "It's good to see you, Jean. It's actually my grandfather's business. I just help out.", he explained, glancing over his shoulder and offering a smile at Bertholdt, who shyly returned it. "Are you here to eat? Or will you be at the bar?"
"We're here for food.", Jean said, relieved at the fact Armin didn't so much as bat an eyelid at the pair having dinner together.
Outside, Marco and Reiner lurked beside the park across from the restaurant. The smaller man nervously glanced at Reiner. "Are you sure they won't notice?"
Reiner firmly patted his shoulder, causing Marco to jump. "I'm certain. We just have to time it right. Wait for now, though."
"Oh man, I don't know what to have. I'm starving.", Jean groaned, flipping over the menu.
"You can think about it while I go get us drinks, if you'd like?", Bertholdt suggested. Jean, who was shrugging off his jumper, nodded eagerly. "That'd be great, Bert. I'll have a coke."
"Alright.", he replied, smiling, "I'll be back in two."
With Bertholdt at the bar and Jean with his back to the entrance, Reiner and Marco executed their plan. Grabbing Marco's hand and leading him quickly and quietly inside, he looked around. Jean was still occupied with the menu and his date was nowhere to be seen. Thinking on his feet, Reiner lead the other boy around the corner before sliding into a booth diagonally across the room from where the other pair were sitting. Here, Marco couldn't be seen because of the back of the booth and Reiner could see the pair's seats from the reflection in the window.
Marco fidgeted nervously. "Is this really-"
"Don't worry about it. We're just keeping an eye out for them."
"Y-yeah!", the freckled boy froze. "Bert's coming!", he whispered urgently.
"Look out the window, quick-".