The Days of Christmas

Ketti:On the Second day of pre-Christmas, ny author gave to meeeee~ a chapter with some comedy. (And fluff, sorta)

Seras rolled over in her nice comfortable bed, still drowsy from the lingering sunset, when her cheek hit something hard and smooth. Cracking an eye open, she blinked blearily until she realized she was looking at a pair of books, a messily done bow flattened, and sticking to her arm. Peering closely at the covers, her eyes widened in shock and glee. How did, what… Scooping the first book up she cradled it to her chest, a shudder going through her as she remembered the nights her father would spend reading these fairy tales to her. The second book was an even older collection of myths and fairy tales, and she sighed happily as she raised her bed to use the ever changing lights to read by.

This is how her Master found her an hour later, curled up in bed with her new books. He took one look at her and chuckled as he decided to sprawl himself across her bed, "Police Girl, intent on lounging the night away in bed?"

The girl barely spared him a glance, and the smushed ribbon, balanced precariously in her hair, fell into her lap as she hummed her agreement and flipped the page.

"Walter is threatening to pull you out by the heels and relocate you on the living room couch if you don't come yourself," Alucard remarked off handedly as he propped his head up on his arms.

"That's nice," Seras murmured, flipping the next page and smiling at the familiar illustration. She loved this story.

Feeling bored, not to mention ignored, her Sire gave her a positively wicked smirk as he drawled his next words casually, "Sir Integra intends to do the Macarena on your coffin while the Wild Geese play the bag pipes."


"Have I told you lately, that your blood is delicious, Police Girl?" He purred, eyebrows arching suggestively.

"Ye-…wait, what?" She looked up at him finally as his previous words registered in her brain. "Oh, ha ha Master, very funny."

"I wasn't joking, Childe." His hand wrapped around her ankle and yanked her down the bed. She squeaked, book flying into the air as she found herself face to face (or chest, rather) with her Master. "M-master?" She murmured, squirming uncomfortably.

"Who says you get to have all the fun, hm?" His gloved fingertips crawled up her arm and she shivered, eyelids fluttering as she instinctively arched her head back to bare her throat. Without giving the fledgling time to think, the elder vampire struck, fangs sinking into her vulnerable flesh, right over his original bite.

She stiffened in shock at the sudden overload of pleasure wracking her slight frame. Trembling fingers fisted the red material of his coat as she whimpered. It felt… It felt… Amazing.

'Because I want it to.' He informed her smugly, the sound of him swallowing her blood sending shivers down her spine.


He drank for less than a minute, though it seemed an eternity, and his inhumanly long tongue lapped at her flesh as she lay limp atop her mattress. Before she could gather her wits to say anything, let alone think it, he tilted his head as though he were listening to something, before vanishing into shadows atop her. She squeaked at the strange feeling crawling across her skin, and batted weakly at the last remaining tendrils as she rolled onto her side anddecided she was due for a nap.

On the Second day of Christmas, my Master gave to me…
Two new books,

And a bloodbag in the decorated tree.

When she woke from her nap on the cusp of midnight, she found her gingerbread house beneath a clear glass dome sat atop her table; her room was slowly gaining more and more Christmas cheer, and she smiled drowsily at the play of lights across the cheerful cookie cabin. On closer inspection, as she got up to stretch out the kinks in her back, she saw different colors of icing and a varied pattern from what she remembered doing. She scowled as she realized Walter must have rescued it from the Wild Geese, repairing it as best he could before placing it under protection in her room. Men! Hmph. She'd show them to mess with her hard work!

And she'd do something nice for Walter, too.

"Oh boys," Seras cooed in a sing song tone, standing atop one of the snowed in transport vehicles as the mercenaries gathered behind the wind break for a cigarette break. A few of them jumped, but Pip whistled at her, and others laughed. "Oui, ma cher?"

"I challenge you to a snow ball fight," she continued in that same lyrical chime, "loser has to scrub the kitchens."

The men shifted and grumbled, looking to Pip with curious eyes, "But, Mignonette, twelve against one is so unfair!"

"You think?" Seras tapped her lip in thought, the chill breeze ruffling her fur lined coat, "Well, if I win, you guys can do all of Walter's chores for a week." The air of innocence was ruined with the positively wicked smirk she gave the gathered men.

They growled and muttered louder, one of them nudging Pip in the ribs. He nodded solemnly, before laughing, "You're on, Mignonette!"

"Excellent!" Seras chirped, clapping her gloved hands, "One, two, three, I win." A tree, laden down with the powdery white frost, suddenly loosed its load on top of the mercenaries heads, coating them with snow. They shouted, and started gathering up palmfuls of the loose powder, but Seras was no longer there. Her laughter taunted them as she danced in and out of sight, circling them mockingly as more and more snow attempted to avalanche the group.

This went on for a good half hour until Pip waved a bandanna on a stick, "We give, we give!" He sneezed afterwards, and Seras laughed as she jumped out of the next tree to land in front of the soggy and cold mercenaries. "See, wasn't that fun?"

"This is all because I was eating your gingerbread house isn't it?" Pip grumbled, sneezing again as he shivered and brushed some of the slush off of his jacket.


None of them bought her act, and she laughed as she danced back to the manor, "Come on boys, dry up and help out! We haven't had a mission all month, so think of this as a new form of exercise."

They all groaned, muttering and growling as they trudged after the little she-devil – who strangely left no prints in the snow – to fulfillt heir end of the rigged deal.

Walter, of course, was quite happy to accept the gang pressed help, and served them all some hot cinnamon tea, warming up a blood pack in the microwave, and handing Seras a mug as well.

Ketti:See, JuJu? I'm not losing for long! *coughs, looking around shifty eyed*