Eren POV

"I love you Eren." Levi had me on the ground of the forest kissing me senseless when he whispered those words against my lips. I froze I couldn't believe it.

"W-what?" maybe I had heard him wrong, though I doubt that I did.

Levi looked me in the eyes and the words that left his mouth were said with conviction, "I said I love you Eren." ok so I hadn't heard him wrong.

"Levi" there was no turning back, I had to tell him. "I-"

"Eren, are you ok?" Mikasa. My god I loved her to death but she had the worst damn timing. Levi shifted above me to look at Mikasa. She looked a little startled, that must have been one hell of a glare Levi was giving her. Though I couldn't really blame him, she really couldn't have had worse timing. I shifted under Levi to look at Mikasa a little better.

"look, Mikasa this really isn't-"

"Are you hurt Eren, did Levi do something to you?" she was glaring at Levi now, and he looked like he would rip her apart.

"Mikasa I'm fine." she looked at me again. "I really am fine, but this is really not a good time Mikasa. I need to talk to the corporal alone." I tried to tell with my eyes how important this was. But apparently my telepathic abilities were a bit nonexistent because Mikasa came over and grabbed me by the hand and pulled me from under Levi. She picked me up, even though I was more than capable of walking. Before we got too far I looked back at a speechless Levi. I mouthed 'later' to him and saw him nod once, before getting up and shooting off into the trees, the cables from his gear making a whooshing noise as he left.

"Now that he's gone, you can tell me the truth Eren, did Levi do anything to you? Did he hurt you?" she looked down at me with concerned eyes. This was getting out of hand. I struggled out of Mikasa's arms and turned to face her.

Looking in to her eyes I said, "Mikasa I love you, you're the best sister someone could ask for, but I'm a big boy. The corporal and I are together and," I sighed looking up at her, I said in the strongest voice I could muster, "and I love him." Mikasa looked startled.

"Eren you can't be serious, he's just out to use you he…" she trailed off at the glare I was giving her.

"using me?!" I was mad. "Mikasa he is not using me, damnit it's none of your business what I do with Levi anyway!" Mikasa looked startled at my outburst. After the shock wore off she looked down at her feet.

"Eren I just want to protect you." she sounded broken and that shattered my heart. I pulled her into my arms and she hugged me fiercely.

"I love you Mikasa, but I don't need protecting." I hugged her tighter.

"I'm sorry" she whispered into my chest. I held her a little longer until we heard the sound of our comrades coming. I pulled away and watched Mikasa dry her eyes on her jacket sleeve. I lightly punched her arm and smiled slightly at her. She gave me a watery grin in return..

Levi was one of the last people to return to the place where we left our horses to fight the titans. I looked at him with a smile, and saw that that he looked… nervous?

As he walked by me to get to his horse I grabbed his sleeve.
"Can we talk when we get back?" I asked. He nodded and gave me a small smile and continued on to his ride.


After three long hours we finally made it back to the castle. After putting the horses back into the stables we all headed to the places we needed to go to relax after a mission. I ran up to Levi and grabbed his arm

"Can we talk?" I asked.

He nodded and said "Of course, we can talk in my room." he looked hesitant and looked around.

I smiled, "I had a talk with Mikasa, she won't be interrupting us anymore." Levi looked so relieved. I couldn't help but smile a little. As we were walking down a hallway in the castle I grabbed Levi's hand and twined our fingers together. He looked at me and smiled. He's been acting differently since Mikasa interrupted us that last time. I wonder what was going through that head of his.

As we came to Levi's room I tightened my hold on his hand as he opened the door. I walked past him and stood at the foot of his familiar bed. We'd been in here together a few times, but each time we tried to be together we'd get interrupted by something or other. I went back and grabbed Levi's hand and brought him to the bed with me.

"Look Eren," Levi began before I could say what was on the tip of my tongue. "I'm sorry if what I said made you upset or nervous,"


" I honestly didn't mean to just blurt it out."


"And in the middle of a forest no less! I'm such an idi-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"Shut up corporal." he looked startled and was about to say something else before I kissed him again. "I love you too." I said and stared at his face. Levi looked at me wide eyed and then a huge smile graced his face. I had never seen such a look of happiness on his face. I smiled at him again "I love you so much Levi." I whispered. He kissed me hard. Both of us smiling into the kiss. He deepened the kiss and I tilted my head to keep it going. He licked my lip and sighed into my mouth as I granted his tongue entrance. I moaned and twisted my fingers into his hair as he sucked on my tongue.

We kept at it until I broke the kiss first my lungs needing the oxygen. Levi gave me a heated look, his eyes half closed and his lips shining with both of our saliva. I've never seen anything so beautiful. I tightened my hands in his hair and brought him closer to me, our bodies flushed against each other. I felt his hard length against my thigh, mine rubbing against his hip. Levi wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up. I was a little surprised and wrapped my legs around his waist keep my balance. Levi's small lanky body hid his great strength,

He carried me to the bed and laid me down, staying between my legs. He brought his lips near mine. "I love you." he whispered against my lips, much like the first time he uttered those words. He pecked my lips, my cheeks, my nose, my forehead, and even my eye lids muttering 'I love you' after every kiss. Finally he bent down and sucked a particularly sensitive spot on my neck.

"Levi." I gasped. He knew all the sensitive areas on my neck. He licked and nipped his way down my neck and sucked at my collarbone. His hand wandered down and up my shirt. I sat up and he took my shirt off. As he licked and sucked my chest I started to work on the buttons of his shirt. After all the buttons were undone, some being across the room because I didn't have the patience to unbutton each one. I ran my hands down up his stomach and chest. I tweaked one of his nipples and heard him gasp.

"Eren, so good." he whispered and licked a line down my sternum and back up again. Oh god it felt so good! He swiped his tongue across my left nipple and ground his hips down against mine. The double assault was too much and I moaned, an embarrassingly loud moan, and raised my hips so I could rub our lengths together through the fabric of our pants. I moaned again when Levi rubbed his hand against my cock through my pants.

"Levi, please," I gasped again, "touch me." he chuckled.

"I am touching you Eren." to prove it he squeezed me through my pants again.

I groaned, "you know that's not what I mean." I panted out. Levi just chuckled again before undoing the button and zipper of my pants and pulling both pants and underwear down my legs. I laid there open and exposed to Levi's gaze. He was between my legs again and whispering in my ear, "you're so beautiful Eren, I love you so much."

"I love you too." I said breathlessly and moaned as he ground against me again. I reached for the button on his pants and got them undone. I pushed them down as far as I could and Levi finished taking them off. Oh god he was perfect. His cock standing proud just like Levi. I reached down and gave his length a tentative stroke. This is farther than we've ever gone before and I was excited and terribly nervous.

Levi groaned and panted out, "Eren, I, I want to be inside you."
"yes," I whispered "yes, yes." he whimpered as I stroked him again.

"We're gonna need something to make it easier." he whispered against my shoulder, "I'll be right back." Levi got up from the bed to fetch something from the bathroom. As soon as his body left mine I felt cold so I curled up slightly, forgetting that it was still fall outside.

Levi came back shortly with a bottle of shampoo. I looked at him quizzically. "it's all I had." he said defensively. I smiled and nodded. He climbed back onto the bed and opened my knees shifting so he was between them again. "ok Eren, you're going to have to relax, this might hurt. I nodded shakily and watched as he opened the bottle and poured a generous amount of shampoo onto his fingers. At the first touch to my entrance I flinched and whimpered.

"Shhh," he soothed "it's ok Eren just relax, I'll stop if you want me too." at that I shook my head and tried my best to relax. Levi slid the first finger in and started thrusting it slowly in and out. It was a little uncomfortable at first but not painful. After a little while he added another finger. I hissed. It hurt! Levi tried distracting me by whispering in my hear how much he loved me. When that didn't work, Levi continued to whisper sweet nothings into my ear and then he reached between my legs and grabbed a hold of my cock. He stroked it softly then picked up the pace a bit. I didn't notice the pain as pain as much with the overwhelming pleasure and soon Levi had three fingers in me, he crooked his fingers as if searching for something, and then he stroked something inside me that made me see stars.

"what," I gasped. "was that?"

Levi chuckled, "Your sweet spot." he murmured and then stroked it again. I arched up off the bed and Levi pulled his fingers out. He grabbed the shampoo bottle again and squirted more onto his palm. He lathered himself up and positioned himself at my entrance. "you ready?" he asked.

I nodded and grit my teeth as he started to slowly enter me. He was a lot bigger than three fingers and it felt like I was being split in two. Levi stopped halfway in and asked if I was ok.

"yeah I'm fine, keep going." he nodded and moved until he was seated fully inside me.

"Oh god Eren," he groaned, "you're so tight." watching his face contort into something akin to ecstasy I moved my hips as a signal for him to continue. He pulled out slowly and pushed back in at the same pace, he kept the pace slow until he hit that spot deep inside me and something in me snapped I thrust my hips upwards urging him to go faster. He picked up the pace and continued to pound into me. I groaned and wrapped my legs around his waist. He reached between me and began stroking my cock to the rhythm of his thrusting and I soon came onto his hand and my chest. Levi grunted and came right after filling me with his warmth.

We were both breathless as he pulled out and collapsed next to me. He pulled me into his arms and I laid my head on his chest. It was silent for a while until Levi chuckled.

"what is it?" I asked tiredly, snuggling deeper into his chest, not caring about the mess we could clean it later.

"I'm just so glad Mikasa left us alone because I don't think I would've stopped if she walked in on us." I chuckled with him and we both fell asleep with contented smiles on our faces.

The End