I rarely go out shopping except for when I need to purchase new potion supplies for work, but today was different. Despite all the yelling children running around the streets, it is a beautiful day and since i don't need to be back at the school for a few hours, I decide to take a walk. The dark slytherin side of me flares when I walk down Knockturn alley and see all the skulls in the windows. I am about to turn into a shop when I hear loud cheers from down the street. I walk towards the noise and when I find the source I'm am surprised at what I see. There is a whole crowd of people surrounding a stage. Men and women of all ages are sitting in chairs around the stage, watching the half naked children above them.

Right now there is a large man pushing a young boy to the front of the stage. The spectators stop observing and begin to bid for the boy. Within a few minutes the boy is sold to a man on the right side of the audience. I continue to watch as four more children are sold off to the eager looking people in the crowd. All of the children have been bare backed and blindfolded . Looking at them almost makes me pity them as I cannot imagine what it would be like to stand on that stage, blind, not knowing whose home I'd be sleeping in tonight. After the fifth child is taken off the stage I see one that catches my eye.

He is about six years old, smaller than the rest, a tad too thin in my opinion but his desperation gains my attention. His black hair sticks up everywhere almost in the way James Potter's did. He is flailing around, trying to kick the large man as he is brought front and center. Even when his legs are tied to the ground he still fights. He can't see what he is doing but he is struggling against his bonds.

"Alright folks, I'm not expecting much out of this one, but whoever wants him can have him. He's afraid of everyone but I'm sure a sharp whip can break him. How about we start with one galleon?"

The crowd looks at the boy fighting on stage and decides to sit this one out.

"No one is willing to break this young lad? He's small, it won't be that difficult."

The response from the crowd is very small, the bid only gets up to one hundred galleons. I don't know what is going on but my hand raises into the air and it sounds like a call out 'one hundred and one galleons.'

"One hundred and two? Going once, twice, sold to the man in the back."

For the rest of the auction it sit with my head lowered in my hands, cursing under my breath at what I had just done

/ please review so I know what you think. Should I continue? Thanks for reading