Hey me again.

Here is another multichapter story (not as long as consequences of love, I think that was a one off mega multichapter story)

There is a poll on my profile for this story as I have a number of different ways I can end it and I am stuck between them.

So there is an OC in this story. I hope you enjoy the relationship she has between the characters. Also this is more of a before Merlin and the purge story and them all learning from their mistakes (hopefully).

On and for the herbs, I used harry potter. It was the first book I thought of rather than trawling through the internet.

#### means break between the nower day camelot (e.g. Arthur, Gwen, Morgana and Merlin)

[[]] means flashbacks

The first flashback is when my OC is 16.

Any problems or questions don't hesitate to review or PM me

Chapter 1

"Why is it always me?"

The Druids liked doing this to me. Ever since the triple goddess had regained my sight, I have been the one going to the outskirts of Camelot.

They wonder why I don't come back for ages but I love admiring the castle I once was welcomed in, which I once called home.

"Wolfsbane, wormwood and asphodel left to find." I said looking at the list.

I heard a cracking of branches then a thud of a body collapsing.

I ran towards to sound, hoping that it wasn't someone that I knew.

A gasp escaped my lips as I saw Morgana lying on the floor.

"Morgana, Morgana." I said as I rushed up to her and shock her.

I saw the wound that was in her side.

There was very little I could do, but I knew of someone that could help her.

I took the necklace that was around my neck and thought of a baby white dragon.

As soon as the dragon came into view, I hid.

I knew it was now time. Morgana was at her weakest and the truth had been hidden from them for too long.

I watched as Morgana looked in awe at the dragon and it gave me hope, hope that she still could love. That the darkness hadn't fully overtaken her yet.

After Morgana had blacked out again, I picked her up. The Druids could wait for their herbs.

My destiny was upon me, it was time people stopped lying to them.

I vanished with gold in my eyes and Morgana in my arms.

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I couldn't afford to be caught. Because if I was caught then there was a chance that Morgana could be caught and she had to live, she had to fulfill her destiny.

I stepped closer on the balcony, but still remained in the shadows.

Now there was a king that Camelot needed, needed to bring them out of the darkness and into the light.

A smile rose on my face as Arthur placed the crown on Gwen's head. I had taught him well. Well the little I had taught him, he had followed.

I couldn't have been prouder.

Now I knew it was the right time. They needed to know. All of them.

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Emrys would be easier to get first. I mean he is just a servant.

I stood outside the physician's chambers of a while. Gauis would try and talk me out of it, but I have to do it.

I didn't bother knocking and just, like old times, open the door and made myself welcome to the chamber.

I gasp as Gaius and Merlin are seated eating dinner.

"Balinor." I whispered.

Then I shook my head.

I knew Balinor was dead. He had been for years yet Merlin looked so much like him. How he still has he head attached I have no idea.

Gaius looked at me as I knelt in front of Merlin.

"Emrys." I said smiling up at him.

Merlin groaned. "Please don't. Did you call me Balinor?"

I stood up. "Yes, you look very similar to what he did at your age. How Uther never saw it I will never know."

"No, you cannot." Gaius said.

I turned my attention to the old physician. "Yes I can Gaius, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. I will not see the ending I saw many years ago."

"Have you told him you are doing this?"

"Told Kilgharrah? No I haven't. That would go down well wouldn't it? I am going to tell him afterwards. Anyway if I told him before he would likely burn me to a crisp, and I do like living. You know that he never liked me."

"You say." Gaius muttered under his breath.

"What happening? How do you two know each other?" Merlin looked so confused.

"Meet me in the council chamber in half an hour. And how I know Gaius?" I started to walk back towards the door. "He is an old friend, a very old friend who did nothing and has done very little to help."

"If this is about your sight then …"

I exploded. "NO IT ISN'T ABOUT MY SIGHT! YOU LIED TO MORGANA WHEN SHE WAS AT HER MOST VULNERABLE." I calm down slightly. "You should have allowed Emrys to help her. He may not then be her destiny and her doom or better, be in this mess."

I leave after that to go and wake the royals, wiping the tears from my eyes.

Come on you are stronger than this.

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I didn't want to wake them. The newly wed royals looked peaceful as they slept.

"Arthur, Arthur" I said progressively getting louder.

Arthur almost jumped out of bed as he awoke.

He smiled at me.

"You know you are committing treason just standing here. What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in years." I could tell that he wanted to hug me.

I opened my arms and Arthur left the warmth of his bed to greet them. I hugged him tight.

I whispered to him. "I need to tell you something. I need you to wake your queen and meet me in the council chambers in about half an hour. I need you not to bring any weapons please. I just need to speak to you."

Arthur pulled back and nodded and turned to wake his wife.

I turned and walked towards the door.

"It's good to see you again. You look well."

I turned and smiled. "I am well and look at your kingdom. I remember when Camelot was as strong as it is now." I shook my head. That's about the same time everything went downhill.

I walked out of the door as Gwen started to stir.

################################################## ##################################################

I knew Morgana wasn't going to be happy. I could already feel the anger coming off from her and I was only at the bottom of the stairs leading up to her room.

Merlin had to turn the corner as I felt brave enough to go up.

"What are you doing?"

I turned around to see the great warlock.

"I ... I just need something of Morgana's. It helps me remember the better times."

Merlin took the excuse but I could tell he saw straight through it.

"Right, see you in the council chamber."

I hummed in response and watched Merlin carry on.

"Oh wait Merlin."

Merlin turned around to look at me.

"As loyal as you are to your king, our king, I wouldn't sit too close to him. He might not be so loyal to you by the end of the night."

Merlin nodded and carried on.

I dragged my hand through my hair and carried on up towards the angry witch trapped in her own room.

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"I am, Morgana. You must understand..."

"Then why have you brought me here? Unless we are going to take Camelot together." Morgana said getting excited.

"Morgana, there is little point of you taking over Camelot. Arthur will become the king that his father was just …"

"Oh yeah, Uther was a great king wasn't he?" Morgana said sarcastically

I shook my head. "You weren't there Morgana. He was once a fair and just king."

"Yes that was before he unmercifully killed our kind, your friends."

I closed my eyes, trying to block out the images and screams of the memories she had uncovered.

"Morgana, I just need you to listen please." I reopened my eyes. "Please just come with me. I won't allow them to hurt you. I promise."

For a moment, just a moment, I saw all of Morgana's barriers fall. Everything that she had tried so hard to build up came crashing down for just a moment.

"Fine" She said holding up her arms. "but I am still not happy about the block on my magic."

I smiled. "Come then, they will be waiting for us."

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I walked in the council chamber to see the three friends chatting. It reminded me of a better time, one that I would love to go back to.

"Arthur, what did I say about weapons?"

They all looked down to Arthur's side to see Excalibur.

"It's not a weapon."

"Arthur it is a sword, therefore it is a weapon."

"But … But Camelot is used to being attacked."

I glared at him slightly.

Arthur took the sword out of it sheath and placed it on the table in front of him.

Merlin moved his chair so he was now sitting opposite me.

With a glow of my eyes, the sword made its way over to the other side of the room.

"Hey, what if we are attacked? Morgana is still out there."

I opened my mouth.

"But I am already here dear brother."

Both Arthur and Merlin stand up, Arthur standing slightly in front of Gwen.

"Calm down everyone, she …"

"Is a witch and an enemy of the throne."


I could tell that Merlin and Gwen had never seen Arthur back down so quickly or been told off in such a manner before and the knowing smirk on Morgana's told me that she knew.

"And you can get that horrible smirk off your face, Morgana le Fay. How will anybody love you with that on your face?"

Morgana face dropped. "I haven't been called le Fay for years and why would anyone love me? I am a big bad witch."

"And if you think that way then that is all what you will be."

Merlin spoke up. "How do you know each other?"

I turn to Merlin and smile. "That's what we are going to get to." I look at everyone. "It time you know the truth of how the purge came about and how Camelot went from being a fair and just kingdom to one covered in chaos."

Everyone calmed down and sat in their seats.

"Merlin come closer up this end."

Merlin turned to his master. "No, I am fine here."

I knew that he knew that he was an equal distance from both of the Pendragons that if and when they found out about his magic, he would be able to stop them from attacking him.

I lean on the table. "Let's start from the beginning. From when I first meet the le Fay's. I was running …"

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I ran and ran. I couldn't stop, I wouldn't stop. I wouldn't give them that pleasure.

I looked behind me to see 5 bandits running after me.

I had managed to out run quite a few of them but now from running about a mile I was exhausted.

I turned back around. I wasn't going to let my father's life go to waste just because I couldn't out run a couple of bandits.

My village had been ransacked by bandits, killing all of the men on sight and keeping the women for other activities. They obviously didn't want to let me go.

I was too busy looking to my sides for bandits that I tripped over a log.

After falling flat on my face, it didn't the long for the bandits to catch up with me, even before I could get up.

They started to tear at my dress.

"'Ought ya 'ould out run us, did ya?"

One of the bandits had my back slammed against his chest, his knife by my throat.

"Yes I did, the only problem is that I didn't succeed."

I could feel the blade get closer and closer, gently cutting at the skin. A trickle of blood started to fall down my neck and onto my chest.

"Don't be cheeky love, it won't get ya far."

I thought that was it, this is how I will die, by a bandit's hand.

An arrow struck one of the bandits next to me.

A roar of knights was sounded into the clearing.

The bandit dropped me.

I should have got out the way but I was traumatized by the experience that I couldn't move.

The next thing I knew was one of the knights kneeling in front of me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up and started to panic.

"Hey, calm down. We aren't going to hurt you."

His voice was soft which was maybe why I did calm down. His dark blond hair was longer than normal, almost falling into his eyes. His face was hard from war but there was a gentleness there that made everything seem better.

He moved his hand from my shoulder to hand it to me. I took it and he pulled me up.

He unclasped his cloak and threw it over my shoulders. I looked at the red material to see the golden dragon it. This was the first time I had ever seen this coat of arm, well any coat of arms really.

"My name is Gorlois le Fay, I am a knight of Camelot."

Gorlois put a hand gently on my back to push me towards the group.


"Where are you from?"

"Addington but it had been ransacked by them bandits." Tears formed in my eyes as I thought of all the people that didn't escape. My father and brothers had been slaughtered in front of me and my mother and sister would now be captured to do as they please with. My love would also have been killed.

"Hey hey, it will be okay. You can live with me."

"Oh no that's too much to ask."

Gorlois smiled at me. "It would be my pleasure."

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It didn't take long to get to Cornwall. Four days it took from where they found me.

We could have been quicker but Gorlois insisted that I got a new dress and a horse.

I had never ridden before but they were all patient with me as I slowly got the hang of it.

The castle at Cornwall wasn't massive yet I was highly impressed. I had never seen a castle before and I just looked at it on awe. It was made of ragstone, a greyish rock which made it stand out of the trees surrounding it.

The reception for Gorlois and his knights became a little awkward with me being there.

Gorlois introduced me to his wife, Vivienne.

She took an instant dislike to me. Maybe if I had my other dress on she may have hated me for longer but as soon as I started coming into my magic, Vivienne took an interest in me.

Vivienne was a high priestess, although she had completed her training and didn't go to the isle of the blessed often.

She was 3 months pregnant when we arrived.

I started to dream more often when I was with them. Of two sisters, one with blond hair and one with raven hair, covered in darkness and full of hate looking on a marble white castle.