Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroko no Basuke.

AU-ish. GoMxKuro. Eventual AkaKuro

Warning: Unbeta-ed. Very, very, VERY oblivious Kuroko. I love portraying him that way.

Kuroko no Affairs

The case of Aomine Daiki

Relationships were never Kuroko Tetsuya's forte. That was an established fact among the Generations of Miracles. His expertise in basketball did not extend to his life outside of it.

The first to know this was Aomine Daiki. He liked boobs, really. But, ever since he had seen the phantom player in the abandoned gymnasium, he could not take his mind off his angelic face. His skin was milky white. His eyes were like pieces of heaven, matching his hair.

Kuroko looked so soft and fragile. And Aomine had proven this true when, one day, he conveniently… er… accidentally fell on top of him while they were playing, one on one.

Skin to skin.

Chest to chest.

Aomine's heart was racing as he realized their position. The sight of Kuroko under him, sweating and panting heavily was too much. His usually pale face was red with all the exertions. Aomine's eyes focused on the smaller man's lips. They look so soft and pink, like a girl's. So, before logic can stop him, he claimed the phantom player's lips. It tasted of vanilla milkshake.

It was just a brief, innocent kiss. Aomine's first kiss. When he pulled away from Kuroko, he expected the smaller boy to be blushing madly. Instead, it was still his usual deadpan expression. And in the flates voice he said, "Aomine-kun, you're drenching me with your sweat."

After apologizing profusely, he ran to the shower room, stripped naked and… well… showered (because that's what you do in a shower room, and no, he did not plan on jacking off despite his very large flag raising and protesting).

He half-expected Kuroko to stay away from him, however, the phantom player just casually entered the shower room like nothing had happened.

"Is something wrong, Aomine-kun?"

Aomine raised his brows. Has what happened really nothing to Kuroko?

"Aren't you gonna get mad at me? You know, I kissed you."

"It's okay." Kuroko was still as straight-faced as ever.

"So, can we do it again?"

Kuroko stared hard at him as if contemplating on something. "Are we still going to bump fists?"

Aomine was confused. What does bumping fists have to do with kissing? Sometimes he could not understand his shadow. And, he knew that even if asks him, he will not get an answer.

"I guess?" he replied skeptically.


"Does that mean we're…" Aomine hesitated for a moment thinking that it might be too early in the game. But, they already kissed, haven't they? So, with all the courage he could muster he asked, "Does this mean we're boyfriends?"

Once again, Kuroko stared at him and Aomine could only watch as the water from the shower head dropped deliciously on Kuroko's skin, sliding smoothly down to the tiled floor. Kuroko, on the other hand, pondered on what Aomine could be asking. They're both boys, weren't they? And they're already friends, right? So why was Aomine asking something like that? He tilted his head in contemplation, which, unknown to him, had caused a massive nosebleed from Aomine.

"Aren't we already?" Kuroko asked after a few seconds. Aomine felt his face heat up. A blush would have been apparent if not for his deliciously tanned skin.

"I… I… Of course we are!" he finally exclaimed and hugged Kuroko tightly (conveniently forgetting the fact that they were both naked as the day they were born). It was in the middle of their second year that Aomine had put his claim over Kuroko.

For a year, everything was going smoothly. Despite all of the Generation of Miracles taking advantage of his shadow, he was able to fend them all off. All, except for Murasakibara. He had talked to Kuroko to avoid their giant teammate but he was only met with a blank stare.

"I don't see a logical reason why I should avoid Murasakibara-kun."

Aomine could not argue with that so he went to their captain Akashi to ask for an advice. Akashi told him to test Kuroko by faking a breakup. Maybe then the phantom player would be more expressive of his feelings for Aomine.

Aomine was skeptical of the advice. But, it came from Akashi and Akashi is always right. So, one day, he told Kuroko that they were breaking up. He felt guilty when Kuroko started crying. However, what left him confused was when Kuroko asked, "Does this mean no more bumping fists?"


However, Kuroko did not answer. Instead, he ran away from Aomine and never showed himself again.

From then on, Aomine never saw Kuroko until a few months after their graduation from middle school. It was then that he found out that Kuroko had a new light.

The Case of Murasakibara Atsushi

Unknown to Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi was Kuroko's first kiss.

It was their first year at Teiko. One afternoon, while they were walking home, Kuroko had asked if they could stay out a bit because he wanted some milkshakes. After buying their food, they sat on a bench at the park near Teiko. They were sitting in silence when Murasakibara asked, "Why does Kuro-chin love milkshakes so much?"

Kuroko stared at him, head tilted. "It tastes good…" was the blunt answer.

"I want to taste it, too." He announced. Kuroko took a sip first before offering him his cup of vanilla milkshake. Murasakibara's heart beat so fast at the prospect of having an indirect kiss with his Kuro-chin. But, he did not want an indirect kiss. He wanted a real one.

So, without warning, he wrapped one of his hands around Kuroko's while the other one was placed on Kuroko's nape. He pulled the phantom a little harshly. This made Kuroko gasp and Murasakibara took the chance. He slid his tongue inside Kuroko's mouth, exploring, feeling, savoring the flavor of vanilla. He only pulled out when they both needed air.

"Murasakibara-kun, why did you do that?"

He scratched the side of his head with his finger, as if thinking. After a few seconds he answered, "I wanted to taste Kuro-chin."

Kuroko knitted his brow. "Murasakibara-kun, you took my first kiss."

"I did."

"Is it okay for a friend to take his friend's first kiss?"

"It is. Kissing is a way of showing affection, right?" Kuroko nodded so Murasakibara continued. "I like Kuro-chin that's why I kissed him."

"Oh…" there was a small hint of understanding on Kuroko's face. "I like Murasakibara-kun, too."

From then on, Murasakibara would kiss Kuroko every chance he had. And nothing could stop him. Not even Aomine Daiki's death glares sent towards him every practice. Not even the annoying Kise Ryouta who would always find a way to hog Kuroko to himself. Murasakibara has his ways of having an alone time with his Kuro-chin. Despite the popular belief that his a snack idiot, he was actually a very devious man. Vanilla milkshake bribery was his key to the phantom player's heart.

Murasakibara was a very happy man. Until one day Kuroko stopped meeting him at the park. It was nearing the championship games of their second year when Kuroko started avoiding him. It was hard to locate the teen. But, Murasakibara had his ways. So, when he cornered Kuroko, he asked why he was avoiding him. The phantom player's answer shook his world.

"Akashi-kun said that vanilla milkshake is bad for Murasakibara-kun's diet so he asked me to help you with your addiction by avoiding you."

It was Murasakibara's cue to stop seeing Kuroko. After all, Akashi's orders are absolute.

The Case of Kise Ryouta

Kise Ryouta did not fall in love overnight with Kuroko. Unlike the rest of the Miracles who fell in love with the phantom player at first sight, Kise's affection grew gradual. It all started when Kuroko had proven himself a valuable player to the team. Since then, Kise would watch him and, every time, he would fall deeper for the teen.

He would always look for the chance to have Kuroko by himself. However, Aomine and Murasakibara were always on his way. And, it was really, really hard to have your chance when the ace player and the center were on guard. But, this did not deter Kise from wanting Kuroko.

His chance came one day, on his third year in high school, while he was walking by the park near Seirin High. He found Kuroko crying hard, all by himself. When he approached the phantom player and asked him what was wrong, the teen hugged him tight instead then cried his heart out.

Later, Kise found out that the phantom player's dog died. It was heartbreaking to see Kuroko so broken and lost so Kise stayed with him and did all his best to comfort him. From there, their relationship escalated. They would often go on a date and no member of the Generation of Miracles ever interrupted them.

Staying in his apartment was his favorite time with Kuroko. In the privacy of his unit, he was permitted to worship the boy by kissing and licking and nipping every inch of his body… that was not covered with clothes. Kuroko would often ruffle his hair and say something like, "You're such a bad boy, Kise-kun." And Kuroko would say this with a straight face that Kise does not really know what it meant.

Due to all the petting and necking they do, Kise had had wet dreams almost every night. He would have taken his beloved Kurokocchi then and there, but, he knew that he had to control himself. His Kurokocchi was still innocent of the ways of the world and he will have to take his sweet, sweet time to teach him.

Everything was going smoothly until one day, his manager called him up about a photoshoot in England. It was a big step in his career but it would mean that he would be away from his phantom player for about a year.

It was an easy choice really. Ever since he fell in love, his priority had been Kuroko. But, his beloved Kurokocchi was such a good and kind-hearted person that he convinced him to go.

"You have to go, Kise-kun." He could still remember Kuroko saying. "An opportunity like this comes once in a lifetime. You don't have to be tied down to me forever. I'm setting you free."

Kise cried as he hugged Kuroko tightly. When they parted, Kuroko pulled something out of his pocket then put it on Kise's palm. "This is my parting gift for you so you will never forget me." It was a thin leather necklace with a pendant engraved with Kise's name.

"Err… Kurokocchi, it…" looks like a dog collar, he wanted to add, but dared not to when he noticed the sad look on Kuroko's face.

"You don't like it?"

"I do! I do!" He made an effort to put it around his neck for… for emphasis. "See. I'm wearing it."

Kuroko smiled sweetly, a rare show of emotion. It almost gave Kise a heart attack.

"Promise me we'll chat frequently."

"I promise."

And so, Kise flew to England with the hope that he and Kuroko will stay in touch. He was not disappointed as every week they chatted online and talked in Skype. Kise did not know, however, that one question would shatter his life.

"Do you miss me, Kurokocchi? You must be really lonely without me there," he said as he stared at the video feed in Skype. His Kurokocchi looked adorable in his teddy pajamas.

"Don't worry, Kise-kun. Akashi-kun bought me a new dog so I don't miss you that much."


"Akashi-kun said it was a replacement for Kise-kun."


That night, Kise cried with all his heart.

I hope you enjoyed. The case of Midorima Shintarou and Akashi Seijuro will be out next Saturday - just had to fix something.

Chapter 2 for True Love's First Kiss will be out once my beta's done editing it.