TOBETSA peoples! this is my second Ben Ten fanfic. I just have to say that this story about gangsterism, so I'll try to keep it as 'clean' as possible. Anyway here's chapter 1. Please read and review.

Chapter 1: A blast from the past

"Hey Ben, watch out! and get off of there, I can't see!"

The blast from a stolen laser gun was heading for Ben but luckily for the early warning swampfire jumped in the air and flipped backwards from the hood of Kevin's car to the roof. The blast melted the windscreen of the car to which Kevin exclaimed out loud in anger.

"Thanks Kevin" he said in his alien transformation. "Don't thank me; just catch him so you can get off of my ride". Yelled Kevin out of the open space left by the now non existing windscreen.

The streets of Prosperity City, far away from Bellwood were fortunately empty on late Sunday afternoons which affirmed Kevin's belief that he had carte blanche to drive around on the highway like a mad dog. Gwen was sitting next to him on the passenger's seat typing away furiously at her plumber issued laptop, trying to find out where the guns came from that Argit had stolen. Argit was riding on a hovering steel mechanical horse in front of Kevin's car who was in pursuit of him, with a black sports bag strapped around his body stashed with the illegal guns and, realising that he couldn't evade them any longer, he started throwing the guns out of the bag and onto the street of which they exploded. Kevin, who was driving at full speed behind him had to dodge the guns exploding.

Suddenly Argit turned into a narrow alleyway and Kevin turned his car to follow him. The velocity of the car turning sharp 90 degrees threw Ben off the roof and he went flying…

"Dammit! What are we supposed to do now", I can't catch that traitor when I'm in this car!" Kevin yelled.

"You won't have to, there's a fence coming up ahead of us, in front of the parking lot of a warehouse and Argit will have to stop, I checked the components of his mechanical horse which, by the way was stolen from the Forever Knights, and it can't go intangible" Gwen said typing on her laptop.

And soon enough Argit on his steel horse, made a sharp halt and Kevin immediately slammed his foot hard on the brakes. Argit at this time had already abandoned the horse and was climbing easily over the fence to a closed off warehouse, aided by his big rodent fingers.

"Get back here you scum" said Kevin jumping out of the car with Gwen behind him as he absorbed the green metal of his car and continued running.

"C'mon Kevin, what have you got against me, were pals right? I have to get this deal done or I'm done" he said spewing his quills at Kevin as he made it over the fence for which Gwen blocked with her manna.

"I'm sorry, how many times have you scammed me again?" Asked Kevin sarcastically as he smashed the fence with his metal hands.

Argit started running full speed for the fence on the other side of the parking lot to get him to the street but Kevin morphed his hands into a giant hammer and nailed Argit on the left of his body and he fell to the ground...

The door to the closed off warehouse stored with old arcade game machines remained closed as it had been for years, but the prying and greedy eyes behind them were as present as ever, their eyes all over the walls watching their prey outside hungrily, waiting, observing, and understanding their target.

"Yes, this is very interesting…"

A tired Gwen and an even more tired Ben as himself finally caught up to Kevin who was busy handcuffing Argit's hands and binding his feet with his hologrammed yet unbreakable cuffs.

"What happened there Ben, where did you go when you went flying off of my car?" asked Kevin.

I… (breathe) almost, hit (breathe) a street lamp so I (breathe) transformed into Big Chill and went intangible to avoid hitting it, then I had to run here as my ultimatrix timed out" he said out of breath.

"We'll at least we got him" said Kevin confidently with a satisfied look on his chiselled face. As Kevin started looking around to get his bearings straight, he couldn't help but notice that the place seemed quite familiar. Everything from the fence to the closed off white warehouses, and the face brick houses that lined the other side of the street opposite the fence.

"I'm impressed at how fast you run, Kevin" said Ben interrupting Kevin's thoughts.

"Please! If he weren't a freak Osmosian, he would have never caught me" said Argit.

"Freak, you're a talking space rodent, and I'm the freak? Confiscate the gun he fired at us, and then we need to find out where he stole those level 4 guns". Ben shot him a disapproving look; he wasn't used to taking orders from Kevin as he usually called the shots.

"Kevin please, you need to let me go, just this once, I have very important dealings with people who don't play around, I mean, have you looked around any?, doesn't this place seem familiar to you?" asked Argit with fear now evident in his voice.

"Not my problem, bro," he said lifting Argit up and backing him up against the fence blocking them from the empty street, although he felt a little uneasy about Argit also realising the place was familiar to him, which was never a good sign.

"We'll need to go back for the guns he threw in the street for evidence and take the mechanical horse as well" said Gwen. "I'll go call the plumbers on my ultimatrix for suspect and evidence pick up" Ben said walking away.

Kevin looked down at Gwen who had a confused look on her pretty face, "Something wrong?" he asked Gwen.

"I just don't get it, how many times has Argit been arrested and yet he somehow always gets out, I mean, is it the interstellar justice system to blame or corruption…"

"No way, the interstellar justice system is completely solid; we may have to check out the prisons and their wardens though, they're not entirely reliable as we've seen in the past with Morgg in the Null Void". "Don't worry Gwen we'll get him this time" he said reassuringly.

She looked up at him and smiled warmly and he returned her smile and placed his arm around her shoulders as they both looked into each other's eyes for some time, momentarily forgetting where they were. Both had agreed to keep their professionalism around each other while on plumber business but it was proving to be quite difficult. fortunately Ben's voice brought them back to reality.

"Hey guys my ultimatrix isn't working, I can't call the plumbers for pickup" He said confused. Gwen and Kevin both took out their plumbers badges and tried to call the plumbers.

"Not only that but, there's no signal on these badges and no wonder, there offline, no they're switched off! Said Kevin also confused.

"How's that possible, neither the badges nor the ultimatrix can be switched off, not from an outside source anyway" said Gwen.

They all stared at each other perplexed and they felt a little uneasy. "I told you, it's them they're coming for us, YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL!" yelled Argit in full panic mode trying to hop away from Kevin.

"Well, well, well… you've finally caught on haven't you" came a sinister voice behind them. They all slowly turned around. Kevin felt his stomach tighten and he froze completely. "Oh my God, It can't be..." he said in his mind.

Sheer horror befell them at their sight of eight of the biggest, most terrifying men they had ever seen. Men who didn't look like they were human or alive anymore, they were emotionless creatures; their hearts hardened by a lifetime of exposure to hardships and violence. Their eyes had had their souls removed a long time ago; there was no sympathy evident in their eyes, there was nothing but darkness in them that no light could ever reach. Their faces were covered in scars, scratches and their 6 foot bulging bicep frames added to their tough exterior. They wore black from head to toe with bandages in some areas of their bodies that looked like it was covering their burned looking skin. They were all bald and disturbingly, some of them did not even have fingernails, as their hands were also covered in bloodstained bandages. But this wasn't the most disturbing thing about their appearance but the charred and chipped charms they wore around their necks on silver chains.

Ben, Gwen and Kevin took in their terrifying appearances and froze in horror as Argit started cursing under his breath.

"What the fuck are you all staring at? You look like you've just seen the devil, especially you… Kevin" said the one evil-looking man with red skin and a mean looking snarl in a deep monotone standing in front of the pack. "Both Ben and Gwen looked at Kevin when his name was mentioned, their faces still frozen in shock.

"Kevin…", Gwen whispered, "How do these people know you?" she whispered to him, her voice quivering...

* Well dats chapter 1... I'll try updating as soon as I can although It might be a little difficult since I'll be writing exams soon because it's nearly the end of the school year here in the ZA. Please review. Thanks.