Hello! I am WolfetteKurenai! I am a friend Of Kiku's who was given the log in so I could post a note to everyone concerning her stories. Ah Kiku has given me control of her stories and permission to even changes some.
To be honest KikuKarasu was originally mine but I let her take it to publish it. I've read over it and well, I noticed a lot of it matched up to another fanfiction out there just replacing some things. I have taken back control and am remaking the story ENTIRELY. Any and all Are welcome to find me and read the re-write. Like I said, most of this story was copied from another persons and I'm pretty annoyed that she had done so much out of what was originally for it. The re-written version is not up yet, I am currently writing it plus one of my own fanfics Called Ava and Naruto. (Pairings for that are unknown but are leaning towards Shikamaru or Gaara with my oc)
Legend of the Red Fang was originally Kikus but she lost interest in basically every story so I have had the OK to rewrite and post this story as well. It is up but I paused in it for the moment but I shall continue updating as much as I can when Im not busy with work.
KikuKarasu has decided to drop all her stories and lost interest in writing fanfiction. I lost contact with her a while ago after being asked to leave a message for her.
I plan on trying to revive her stories but the ones Im concentraiting on are KikuKarasu the Crysanthimum crow *renaming btw* and Legend of the Red fang. So hop on over to my account anytime and enjoy the two I have up or, add me to your alerts so you may be notified when the re-make of KikuKarasu Crysanthimum crow is back up! Thank you all!
Much love